Hosting family and friends is a wonderful experience because it can help people bond and enjoy new things together. Even though it’s fun, the work of ahostis sometimes tough because they have to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere for their guests.
This is what one woman used to do for her in-laws whenever they visited herhouse. Even though she went through a lot of effort to cook for them, her sister-in-law kept complaining because her kids always wanted specific seasonings that the woman didn’t have on hand.
More info:Reddit
Family members may sometimes not realize the effort a person has put in to host them, which is why they shouldn’t keep trying to find fault in everything
Image credits:August de Richelieu / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster shared that when her in-laws and their kids used to visit once in a while, she’d cook and have to entertain them pretty much the entire day
Image credits:Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels (not the actual photo)
One day, one of the in-law’s kids had a meltdown because there was no ketchup or salad dressing, so the woman tried putting together Greek yogurt dip, but it wasn’t satisfactory
Image credits:Polina Zimmerman / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster suggested her in-laws carry around condiment packets for themselves, but her sister-in-law got angry and said that she was rude and conceited
Image credits:aitafamilyissoweird
The sister-in-law also put the woman down for spending money on hair and makeup instead of buying condiments for guests, but the poster was not perturbed
It seems that right from the start, the woman had gone out of the way to make herin-lawsfeel comfortable in her home. She cooked for them and did her best to provide entertainment. Even when the young kids threw a tantrum about condiments the first time, she tried whipping up a Greek yogurt dip for them. It was only her sister-in-law who seemed to find an issue with her.
To get an insight into this situation,Bored Pandareached out to Christine Schaub. She is a best-sellingauthorand host of the web series, ‘Come On Over,’ a show about reinvigorating the art of hospitality with an emphasis on gardening, home decor, and no-fail recipes. Her #1Amazonbestselling book is called, ‘Queen of the Side Hustle: Unleashing Your Potential for Extra Income.’
“If it’s a broad category (dairy, gluten, seafood, specific veggies), I make a note and search for recipe options to meet that category. But I do not ever spend a single moment thinking about condiments. And any guest who pitches a fit about condiments will probably not be invited back. I’d never dream of pitching an outright fit at anyone’s table about any food item, ever,” she added.
The poster tried her best to find a middle ground for her in-laws. She suggested that they carry around condiment packets that they could easily use on food in case they needed to. Unfortunately the sister-in-law couldn’t get on board with the idea and called the OP out for being “unwelcoming.”
Christine told us: “If I’m hosting regular guests, particularly picky children who have extremely specific dietary likes, I will say to the parents, ‘Please bring with you anything specific your child might require for this meal.’ I will be accommodating to the level of my existing options.”
“Truth bomb here: Any child, parent, or guest who pitches a fit at my beautifully dressed, thoughtfully arranged, and abundant table over a condiment or expected side is welcome to visit a drive-through on their way home,” she stated.
Image credits:Anastasia Shuraeva / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster later received a long and rude message from her sister-in-law. The other woman was complaining about how much the OP spent on hair andmakeupinstead of caring enough to provide condiments for her nephews. The poster was also called out for being “narcissistic and conceited,” even though the in-laws had always enjoyed her hospitality.
Christine Schaubsaid : “I do not tolerate unthankful, disrespectful, picky, demanding company. Why? Because I’ve opened up my home. I’ve shopped, cleaned, prepped, and given serious thought to the menu, presentation, and atmosphere. I’ve only required my guests’ presence and conversation. And that’s never too much to ask.”
She also added that “I learned from experienced hostesses to have a variety of items, almost abuffet, available for guests. When serving pasta, I include generous slices of a hearty bread, creamy butter, a salad, and sometimes a fruit.”
“When serving a meat main, I try to include two vegetable sides, potato and green/orange veg, as well as bread, butter, applesauce or jam. I like to see guests enjoying my hard work. I like to be appreciated for my thoughtfulness,” she added.
After receiving such rude messages from her sister-in-law, the OP decided not to tolerate the other woman’s fussiness anymore. She decided to make the least effort possible and let her husband take over the cooking process in the future. Luckily, she realized that she was working too hard to please someone who didn’t appreciate her actions.
What would you have done if you were hosting someone who turned out to be so entitled?
Folks sided with the woman and felt like her sister-in-law was probably jealous of her, which is why she was kicking up such a fuss
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