While it may sound like a cliché, it’s very much true that trust is the foundation of any long-lastingrelationship. Without it, one can never really know if their significant other will be there for them, even if they promised to have and to hold them in sickness and in health.
Forthis redditorit was her husband who showed her that she could not trust him the way she thought she could. After waking up feeling terrible one morning, she asked him to come home from work as soon as possible, but instead, he took his time and even lied to his wife during the difficult moment.
Scroll down to find the full story in her own words below, where you will also findBored Panda’sinterview with the OP herself, who was kind enough to answer a few of our questions.
When things get rough, it’s important for partners to be able to lean on each other
Image credits:Wavebreakmedia / envato (not the actual photo)
This woman’s husband failed to be there for her when she needed it the most
Image credits:magalie_trowaway
Image credits:LightFieldStudios / envato (not the actual photo)
According to a nearly unanimous opinion, trust is the main component of a successful relationship
Unfortunately, after what the OP went through with her husband—or more like, without him—she realizes that shecan not trusther partner. To make matters worse, honesty seemed to be always lacking in the relationship as he lied to his wife, while she was facing severe health issues.
“What upset me the most was the fact that he lied instead of just admitting that he didn’t come to help me. I could have understood if he had a reason or a constraint, but the lie really shook my trust in him. This could have killed me,” the woman toldBored Pandain a recent interview.
The OP continued to share that in the past, her husband has hidden small things from her, but nothing as significant as this. “He has lied before about what time he would be home or neglected to mention that he was working overtime, but never about something this important. [I] didn’t know he was able to do that.”
The situation with her husband was a turning point for the woman
Image credits:Getty Images / unsplash (not the actual photo)
Despite sometimes being broken in a matter of minutes, trust can take a while to be established; it’s usually a long process, which, according to clinical psychologist Dr. Forrest Talley, requires effort and consistency. Talking about how trust transforms relationships on Psychology Today, Dr. Talley pointed tofive strategiesthat help create trust in a relationship: being reliable and consistent, communicating openly, showing empathy, being honest, and seeking and extending forgiveness.
“This situation was a turning point for me,” she told Bored Panda. “It made me realize that I can’t stay in a relationship where trust is broken like this. I’ve decided that I want a divorce.”
The woman shared that since opening up about her story, she has been focusing on moving forward and prioritizing her well-being. “It’s a difficult process, but I know it’s the right decision for me,” she said.
The woman shared an update on how the story unraveled
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