In marriage,couplesvow to be there for each other until the end of their lives. This applies to the most difficult challenges and mundane matters like house chores.

This man, however, could not be bothered to heed his wife’s request to put upthe groceries. Hisweaponized incompetenceand foul-mouthed responses led to a huge fight that pushed the woman tostorm outof their home and spend the night somewhere else.

The wife is now voicing her feelings to the AITAH subreddit community, hoping to find answers.


Weaponized incompetence has been a source of tension in many relationships

Man and woman in kitchen, discussing weaponized incompetence during an argument.

Image credits:mstandret / Envato (not the actual photo)

This man engaged in such behavior when he vehemently refused a simple favor from his wife

Woman sitting on a bed in a cozy room, learning about weaponized incompetence after an argument.

Image credits:eakkachaih / Envato (not the actual photo)

Feeling disrespected, the woman vented her feelings online

Image credits:SleepPleaseCome

Weaponized incompetence may have deep-rooted causes

Man in plaid shirt lounging on a couch, representing concept of weaponized incompetence.

It’s easy to attribute weaponized incompetence to something shallow, like laziness. However, experts believe there are deep-rooted causes behind this behavior.

As psychotherapistLayne BakertellsWondermind, gender stereotypes may be a contributing factor. It may explain why the man refused to deal with the groceries, as he may have felt it was his wife’s duty to handle them.

There’s also the issue of upbringing. According to Los Angeles-based psychotherapistDominique Harrison, MPH, LMFT, LPCC, it may have been a prevalent habit while the person was growing up.

“They may have grown up without completing or claiming responsibility for specific tasks, chores, and actions and weren’t disciplined as a child,” she explained.

If weaponized incompetence is gender-rooted, there is a risk of it turning into an intergenerational behavior while also impeding relationship growth.

“You might end up reinforcing stereotypical gender roles to your children,” psychologistDr. Mark Traverswrote in an article forForbes.

Clearly defined household chores may help prevent weaponized incompetence

Woman in a kitchen with cleaning gloves and apron, symbolizing weaponized incompetence in household tasks.

Image / Freepik (not the actual photo)

The lack of a clear division of household chores makes it easy for someone to pass off responsibilities while saying, “You do it because I can’t.” Clinical psychologistDr. Ryan Howessays it’s about finding a middle ground and establishing what is fair for both parties.

Experts also advise calling out a spouse who feigns incompetence to avoid doing a task. However, a softer approach is necessary in such situations. Baker suggests statements like, “This doesn’t make me feel good.” This is a direct statement that does not come off as an attack.

Dr. Travers also advises against throwing blame or accusations, as it can possibly escalate the use of weaponized incompetence.

If all else fails, know when to walk away. As Harrison reminds,“You deserve to be in a relationship where your values are respected and you are not consistently disappointed or dismissed.”

She is already in therapy, but seeking counseling as a couple may help them address deeper issues that may be lingering and provide them a healthier way to deal with the typical problems married couples face.

According to the author, this was the first time her husband acted in such a hostile way

Reddit users discuss weaponized incompetence in relationships about division of labor and frequency of incidents.

Some commenters feel there may be deeper-seated issues between the couple

Comment on weaponized incompetence suggesting deeper issues beyond groceries.

Reddit comment discussing weaponized incompetence in relationships and suggesting counseling.

Text exchange discussing weaponized incompetence in marriage conflict.

Commentary on deeper issues and family dynamics related to weaponized incompetence in marriage conflict.

Reddit comment discussing weaponized incompetence in relationships and advocating mutual cooperation.

However, many of them sided with the wife

Comment criticizing weaponized incompetence after a disagreement.

Comment on weaponized incompetence: “I am so glad I’m single. This is another reason to be.

Comment highlighting weaponized incompetence and perceived gender roles.

Text comment discussing weaponized incompetence in relationships.

Text about weaponized incompetence in marriage and sharing chores.

Those who blamed her had a few choice words

Text screenshot discussing weaponized incompetence in marriage dynamics.

Reddit comment discussing weaponized incompetence in relationships.

Text comment discussing weaponized incompetence in a marital context.

Comment on weaponized incompetence, questioning putting groceries away.

Comment about weaponized incompetence: “YTA, you sound like an entitled lazy child.

Text exchange revealing weaponized incompetence in relationship dynamics.

Text discussing weaponized incompetence in household chores and shared responsibilities after shopping.

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