Let’s admit, most of us like to follow celebrities at least in some capacity. After all, it’s their job—being a person or a brand common folks can enjoy (which is completely OK as long as it doesn’t turn toxic). But have you ever witnessed a celeb doing or saying something, even if rather meaningless, that instantly made you dislike them?Well, people in thisonline threadhave. They all shared various (usually petty) reasons why they don’t like a famous person, ranging from silly to somewhat worrisome. So, let’s jump in to check these out and maybe even consider sharing your take, if you have one?More info:RedditThis post may includeaffiliate links.
Let’s admit, most of us like to follow celebrities at least in some capacity. After all, it’s their job—being a person or a brand common folks can enjoy (which is completely OK as long as it doesn’t turn toxic). But have you ever witnessed a celeb doing or saying something, even if rather meaningless, that instantly made you dislike them?
Well, people in thisonline threadhave. They all shared various (usually petty) reasons why they don’t like a famous person, ranging from silly to somewhat worrisome. So, let’s jump in to check these out and maybe even consider sharing your take, if you have one?
More info:Reddit
This post may includeaffiliate links.
Jlo claiming her skin is perfect because of f*****g olive oil… girl, it’s ok if you have undergone a little bit of touch up here and there, but don’t lie to ppl to sell ur olive skin care.
Okay so, I’m about to out my age butI will NEVER forgive Kenneth Braunaugh for cheating on Emma Thompson. I also actively dislike Helena Bonham-Carter bc she was who he cheated with.
There are many reasons to hate ellen degeneres but her telling dakota johnson she wasn’t invited to her party when she WAS made me really hate her.
People liking celebrities of any kind isn’t an uncommon thing. Actually, that’s whycelebritieseven exist—because people like to enjoy them.Likinga celebrity for their talent or brand is completely normal.
Some even develop crushes, which is also anormalpart of human psychology—as long as the healthy balance between fantasy and reality is maintained. That means not falling into the trap of a parasocialrelationship.
Jared Letogestures broadly.
Demi lovato going after a small froyo shop for having sugar-free options, she did this while she had like 100m followers on instagram and that froyo shop had received an influx of negative reviews on google lowering their ranking and mind you, this was right in between the pandemic when a lot of small businesses were struggling.
Granted, while it sounds rather disconcerting, inreality, not all parasocial relationships are that bad. Some people enter them just for entertainment purposes.
That means that they find a celebrity compelling and like to—for instance—follow their work,gossipabout them, and maybe even join some fan clubs to connect with other fans and similar things. But all of this is done while acknowledging that although being a fan is a part of their life, it isn’t a personal relationship.
Blake Shelton tweeting about running over turtles on the side of the road. Trash behavior.
When I was in primary school mum told I could get one thing from the Schoolastic Book Fair as a Christmas present. I said “Mum the only thing I want is Sim City 2000. I want it more than anything.”Christmas morning rolls around and she hands me a wrapped gift that is shaped nothing like a Sim City 2000 CD Rom. I unwrap it to find that instead of getting Sim City 2000, she got me a Robbie Williams sticker book.From that day forth I have maintained an unshakable hatred for Robbie Williams.
DJ Khaled lost a lot of points with me after he said he refused to ever go down on his wife lmao.
Today, we made a list of feelings stemming mainly from this kind of parasocial relationship. To be more specific, it’s full of examples of celebrities doing things that theirfanscan’t forgive them for.Don’t be discouraged, most of them are in good fun, but all of them are rather petty, like someone being salty about an actor wearing a terrible wig. Of course, we also included some more serious examples to weigh out the silly ones—just to show how varied celebrity mishaps can be. And still, this list is mostly about being petty and not taking everything too personally.
Today, we made a list of feelings stemming mainly from this kind of parasocial relationship. To be more specific, it’s full of examples of celebrities doing things that theirfanscan’t forgive them for.
Don’t be discouraged, most of them are in good fun, but all of them are rather petty, like someone being salty about an actor wearing a terrible wig. Of course, we also included some more serious examples to weigh out the silly ones—just to show how varied celebrity mishaps can be. And still, this list is mostly about being petty and not taking everything too personally.
My absolute most unhinged one: One time while sick with Covid, I had a dream that I had sx with Pedro Pascal and he didn’t even TRY to reciprocate. Basically a wham, bam, thank you ma’am. I’m not attracted to him at all, and it was just a dream, but ever since then I’ve had one sided beef. Like, I don’t even get to enjoy my own sx dream?? While I have Covid????? Egregious.
A radio show I used to listen to did a giveaway every day. They always gave the prize to caller #7. I tried to win the prize every day but was never able to. One day the prize was a nintendo game cube (when it was the newest system). The show had tenacious D as guests that day. the host announces “call now, caller number 7 wins a new nintendo game cube!” I start dialing. then jack black says “no, we’re taking over the show and we say caller THIRTEEN wins!” That was the day I was finally caller 7. jack black robbed me of a gamecube.
This can’t be said about some folks, who are in differentlevelsof parasocial relationships than the ones we talked about. Some folks are aware that the relationship isn’t personal, but struggle to control their feelings when it comes to them. For instance, they start believing that the celeb, a person they actually never met, is their soulmate—or someone, who needs to be worshipped.This might make it difficult for them in their actual relationship, as they may tend to put their parasocial relationship above a real one, causing rifts in their personallife. Yet, that’s not even the furthest it can go. There’s also a borderline-pathological parasocial level.
This can’t be said about some folks, who are in differentlevelsof parasocial relationships than the ones we talked about. Some folks are aware that the relationship isn’t personal, but struggle to control their feelings when it comes to them. For instance, they start believing that the celeb, a person they actually never met, is their soulmate—or someone, who needs to be worshipped.
This might make it difficult for them in their actual relationship, as they may tend to put their parasocial relationship above a real one, causing rifts in their personallife. Yet, that’s not even the furthest it can go. There’s also a borderline-pathological parasocial level.
Ben stiller looked at me weird at Disneyland and I think about it every time I hear about him. He walked past the restrooms I was waiting outside of like twice in 5 minutes both times with their weirdest and strongest eye contact I’ve ever had with a stranger. Mad uncomfy.
Rainn Wilson once bragged on Twitter how he didn’t give an autograph to a huge Office fan because the guy called him Dwight, not Rainn. He was so smug about it.
Kendal Jenner saying she had some big, secret, vulnerable news to tell everyone and it ended up being a Proactiv ad.
So, as you can see, liking celebrities can take many forms. Well, as long as it doesn’t overly interfere with a person’s—or the targeted celebrity’s—life, it’s not that bad. Everything is good in moderation, isn’t it?
Have you ever found yourself in a parasocial relationship? Or maybe you have a petty reason for not liking a certain celeb? Share all your stories in our comment section!
Alec Baldwin’s wife pretending to be Latina when she was born and raised in Boston to WASP parents.
I don’t listen to Adele’s music any more because I had tickets to her concert on the first anniversary of my mum dying (I liked Adele, but my mum LOVED Adele) and she cancelled it the morning of because of being ill. In the cancellation email, she said she’d make sure her fans for that gig got priority tickets the next time she toured. Funnily enough, none of the gigs she’s done since then have been classified as a tour. When I eventually got to the front of the queue for her Hyde Park date, it was standing only tickets at £350 each. Pass!
I still love Neil Young, but I will never as long as I live forgive him for writing so beautifully about his wife in his autobiography, how she was the anchor that kept his mental health functional over decades, what a wonderful mother she was to their children, how devoted she was to creating opportunities for severely disabled children like their son…Meanwhile he was cheating on her with Daryl Hannah, finally leaving her for that vapid mermaid while she was DYING OF CANCER.
See Also on Bored Panda
My mom was the dean of student affairs for a women’s college in the 70’s. She booked Bruce Springsteen for a concert on campus as part of that year’s graduation celebrations. He claimed 2 hours before to be sick and skipped the concert. Ever since then she’s held a deep unrelenting grudge towards him and will not listen to any of his music despite being from New Jersey.
I had to look up the year, but in 2017 Katy Perry made jokes about her new hairstyle at the time, saying that she hadn’t shaved her head yet because she wasn’t crazy, and she was saving shaving her hair for a public meltdown. She was poking fun at Britney Spears' breakdown, just completely out of nowhere. Nasty behavior.
Julia Roberts wearing that “A Low Vera” shirt and then posing for paps.Background: Julia was sleeping with married cameraman Danny Moder. Danny’s wife, Vera, wasn’t making the divorce easy so Julia decided to publicly shame her. F**k Julia Roberts.
Sean Penn tried to [end] me with his eyes when I asked him where the beach chairs were at a shop in the early 90s. I was a kid doing a dare from my aunt and uncle, but still he tried to k**l me ocularly. Shame, Sean 😂.
Doja Cat called me a Ching Chong in one of those Tinychat rooms (yes the “she in racial chat rooms showing feet!” site).
I can’t stand the sight of Saoirse Ronan’s face because she was just too good in Atonement. All these years later and her face sends me into fight or flight mode.
Peter gabriel, i inherited my grandmothers vinyl collection and she had 40 copies of sledgehammer so now his face just makes me angry.
Niche, but a player for the Western Bulldogs AFL Men’s team got the last veggie roll on a day I was craving them and directly behind him in line, meaning I had to get the only other vegetarian option for lunch (hot chips). I’ve refused to support the men’s team since that day. I’m not even sure if he still plays for the team, but I don’t forget and I don’t forgive.
Neil Patrick Harris for the Amy Winehouse cake.I wasn’t even a fan of her music but thought was deeply disturbing. And I was a pretty big HIMYM fan when I found out.Edit: trigger warning ⚠️In 2011, 3 months after her death NPH had a Halloween party featuring an edible [body] of Amy as a centerpiece.
I have a very petty one. I’ve hated Anna Kendrick since I saw Pitch Perfect because I could not stand her character. Like who doesn’t know “since you’ve been gone”?? I know you’re lying.
Jennifer Garner telling Conan “snuck” isn’t a word on his show like 20 years ago, and then saying because he went to Harvard he should know that.She was wrong, but even if she had been right, it was such a douchey thing to say, and there was no humor in the way she said it. I can’t see her in anything and not think about it lol .
My friend hates Kermit the frog because on the socials someone wrote a racist post and then posted the Kermit tea drinking meme. I thought “you know that doesn’t make Kermit a racist right?”.
This is petty because it’s entirely based on my own speculation, but I’ll never forgive Judd Apatow for excluding Linda Cardellini from his 00s heyday. She was one of the only people from the cast who wasn’t in any of those movies. She’s famously Jason Segal’s ex and I think she got pushed out because of that.
I don’t like Miles Teller’s face. He looks like he’s always smelling something bad. I won’t watch anything he’s in. I HEAR Whiplash is great. Good for him. I refuse to subject my eyes to that.
Can’t forgive Jay Z for cheating on Bey….won’t listen to him.
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