The human mind is one of the most complicated things on Earth. Just think that basically everything we have and know, whether it’s a product, an explanation for a phenomenon, or something else, once was just an idea in someone’s head that they felt brave enough to express and develop.Yet, that doesn’t mean that every single thought that pops up in your head can reach such success. Someideasmight theoretically have some potential but don’t have enough going for them to be realized. Just like these, let’s say,theoriesin today’s list that various netizens had, but have no proof for. Interested? Make sure to check them out!More info:RedditThis post may includeaffiliate links.
The human mind is one of the most complicated things on Earth. Just think that basically everything we have and know, whether it’s a product, an explanation for a phenomenon, or something else, once was just an idea in someone’s head that they felt brave enough to express and develop.
Yet, that doesn’t mean that every single thought that pops up in your head can reach such success. Someideasmight theoretically have some potential but don’t have enough going for them to be realized. Just like these, let’s say,theoriesin today’s list that various netizens had, but have no proof for. Interested? Make sure to check them out!
More info:Reddit
This post may includeaffiliate links.
That our phones hear everything. I,ll mention something ramdom like “I kinda want a kayak,” and boom—suddenly, I’m getting ads for paddles and life jackets. Coincidence? I think not.
My dog’s actual English vocabulary and literacy level is at least ten times my estimate from two years ago. She’s hiding it from me, that much is certain.
Every single time a product is “New and Improved” the quality goes down and the price goes up.
Throughout ourlives, we’ve all probably had some ideas that could have easily been turned into some kind of theory, maybe even a conspiracy one. Yet, to prove something like that you need evidence.After all, that’s how everything gets proven (or disproven) in life – through thescientific method. Depending on the field, the procedure itself can vary, but the essence of the process is rather similar. Basically, it is coming up with an idea or hypothesis and testing it through experiments and analysis, which later serve to confirm or refute the evidence.
Throughout ourlives, we’ve all probably had some ideas that could have easily been turned into some kind of theory, maybe even a conspiracy one. Yet, to prove something like that you need evidence.
After all, that’s how everything gets proven (or disproven) in life – through thescientific method. Depending on the field, the procedure itself can vary, but the essence of the process is rather similar. Basically, it is coming up with an idea or hypothesis and testing it through experiments and analysis, which later serve to confirm or refute the evidence.
Environmental factors like exhaust, products in our homes, etc. is causing more health problems than we realize or are willing to acknowledge.
There is some thing that follows me from place to place that I’ve lived in. It hides my things. I’ve learned through the years to ask out loud if I can please have them back. Once I leave the room for a little while, when I go back in, I instantly find it usually in a place I already looked before or just sitting in a very obvious place like on my bed. I don’t mention this to anyone irl because it makes me look crazy as f**k lmao.
Women’s clothing having no pockets is a conspiracy to sell more handbags.
Technically,evidenceis proof of something being true or false. Yet, some argue that strictly speaking, science doesn’t provide proof, only evidence. Sound confusing? Bear with us.As thisarticleclaims, proof implies there’s no room for error, and that something is 100% for sure. With the proper amount of evidence, we can make educated guesses, but it can never be 100%. There’s always a risk some new evidence can come in and destroy (or at least damage) everything we knew up to that point.Still, it doesn’t negate the fact that some form of evidence is important when trying to prove something. Yet, in some cases, the hypothesis can seem rather likely (at least in someone’smind) and doesn’t have that much confirmation behind it.
Technically,evidenceis proof of something being true or false. Yet, some argue that strictly speaking, science doesn’t provide proof, only evidence. Sound confusing? Bear with us.
As thisarticleclaims, proof implies there’s no room for error, and that something is 100% for sure. With the proper amount of evidence, we can make educated guesses, but it can never be 100%. There’s always a risk some new evidence can come in and destroy (or at least damage) everything we knew up to that point.
Still, it doesn’t negate the fact that some form of evidence is important when trying to prove something. Yet, in some cases, the hypothesis can seem rather likely (at least in someone’smind) and doesn’t have that much confirmation behind it.
A lot of people are in jail for crimes they did not commit when the actual culprit roams free. My suspect is that the percentage of this is much higher than people think specially in developing countries.
That many humans are suffering from collective zoochosis, especially in urban environments.
Of course, we picked out the most intriguing ones for you to enjoy. For instance, someone believes, but has no way to prove, that ourphoneslisten to everything we say. Probably quite many of us have thought a similar thing after we said something and eerily soon saw an ad about it.
Tom Cruise doesn’t do his own stunts. I don’t believe that he’s an amazing helicopter pilot, climber, can fly a jet, blah blah blah. He belongs to a cult which encourages lying, it’s not that much of a stretch.
Nobody read the end users license agreement.
That most people in general are nuts.
Then, how to explain those ads that seem to be just about what you discussed near your phone? Well, apparently it has more to do with advanced data collection and algorithms instead of eavesdropping. Usually, we don’t even realize how much tech companies collect data and how it tells so much about us that algorithms can be eerily predictive and convincing.
That the audio quality for the Kendrick Lamar halftime show broadcast was intentionally poorer than it should have been so FOX could get audiences at home to whine about the woke black guy.The recorded version I heard on Spotify yesterday completely changed my entire perspective on the show. It was phenomenal.
Apple made their wired headphones longer when they released AirPods so that the wires caught on more things, thus demonstrating the need for wireless headphones.
Well, who knows, maybe in the future someone will prove this explanation wrong and it will turn out that this person was right all along. And even if they don’t, knowing how much our phones know about us even without listening is quite scary, isn’t it? Well, that’s the price we pay for most free stuff online – as thesayinggoes, “If it’s free, you’re theproduct.”
Luigi is innocent. And I don’t mean Luigi did a public service and should be free on that basis, I just don’t believe he did it.
See Also on Bored Panda
That high use of plastics are damaging human eggs/sperm leading to declining birth rates in highly developed countries.
The screen is more sensitive for ads on Reddit than for posts. I’m not a programmer and I don’t even know if this is possible, but it seems like anything I accidentally open on Reddit is always an ad.
That people simply do not want to be argued with.Sure sure, everyone will say “Oh no, I like people who challenge me” but I actuality everyone just wants to be agreed with and nothing more.
The free contact lens cases that come with the contact solution have gotten much larger in the last 30 years, encouraging you to use the solution up faster.
That we are all currently living a simulation. Everything is just so weird. It used to be so normal. No way to prove it… but I’m pretty sure that’s where we are.
The Mattress Firm conspiracy.
Dark matter is merely a mathematical convenience and does not in fact exist in any appreciable amount.
Rocks are soft until we touch them.
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