Fans slammedWill Smithafter the actor’srecent postfeaturing his blended family, with many calling it “fake.”

The photo was shared just two weeks after Smith’s intimate performance with singerIndia Martinez,which sparked a wave of reactions on social media amid his vague relationship status with wife,Jada.


Will Smith shared a photo of himself with his blended family on Instagram

A group of people in formal attire at the “Emancipation” premiere event.

Image credits:Amy Sussman/Getty Images

HighlightsWill Smith’s new photo features his blended family with his current and ex-wives.Fans called Smith’s photo “fake” as it was posted soon after his steamy performance with India Martinez.Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have been separated since 2016.

Group having fun outdoors with someone napping on a couch, amid “Napping Day” controversy.

Image credits:willsmith

On Monday, March 10, Smith took to social media to share a snap of him napping while his blended family stood behind him. The Academy Award winner captionedthe photo, “Someone say it was National Napping Day?”

The photo featured Smith, his current wife,Jada Pinkett Smith, the couple’s two children,Willow, 24, and Jaden, 26, his ex-wife, Sheree Zampino, and their son, Trey, 32. Each member of the extended family did a fun pose while gathered behind Will Smith in the photo.

Fans called Smith’s new photo “fake” and said all family members were acting

Man and woman on stage in an embrace, with spotlight and a smoke-filled ambiance, causing online controversy.

Image credits:india_martinez_oficial

Two performers embrace on stage in dramatic lighting during a show.

The photo comes shortly after the actor was slammed for his“inappropriate” danceperformance with India Martinez. The intimate dance led to raised eyebrows, given the long-discussed, unclear relationship status with his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.

Although Will and Jada have been separated since 2016, they’re still working on their relationship

Man hugging a woman in a colorful shirt, with another man clapping, related to Will Smith controversy.

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Will Smith and his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, had long been hailed as one of Hollywood’s iconic couples. Having been together since 1995, the couple’sdecades-longmarriage has had its fair share of ups and downs.

However, according to Pinkett Smith’sannouncementin 2023, the couple has been separated forseven years, beginning in 2016.

In a 2020episodeof her online show Red Table Talk, Pinkett Smith also revealed that she had a multi-year romantic relationship with singer August Alsina, their son Jaden’s friend, adding that it happened while she and Smith were separated in 2016.Pinkett Smith also shared that while they’re still married on paper, they are currently leading their own lives in separate homes. Adding that they have a strong bond, she explained that they are working on their marriage in their own way.

Most recently,Peoplereported that the couple “are living their own lives but haven’t completely severed ties.”

Pinkett Smith shared that they had to figure out “trying to have a blended family”

Man in a black suit and woman in a sheer dress posing together on a red carpet.

Image credits:Steve Granitz/Getty Images

Online users thought Smith’s new snap to be a publicity stunt as a result of his complicated relationship with his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, and his ex-wife, Sheree Zampino, whom the actor was still married to when he met Jada back in the ’90s.

In a 2022 Red Table Talkepisodefeaturing Zampino, Jada admitted that her nuptials were “too soon” after Will’s divorce from his first wife.

“Trying to have a blended family and not really having a blueprint of that. We really had to figure it out along the way,” she shared.

“For me, it was really about maturity. Just not understanding the marital dynamic, like, ‘OK, the divorce papers are sent, and people are over it, and this is done.’”

She then clarified that it is “never done,” as the families would always be intertwined. “So that was my biggest misconception, in that this woman is a part of this family. It’s like not only taking on Trey, but Sheree was coming along too as part of the package,” she said.

Pinkett Smith was heartbroken over Smith’s relationship status when they first met

Group selfie with friends smiling indoors.

Image credits:shereezampino

In 2023, Pinkett Smith shared she was heartbroken over Smith’s relationship status when they first started seeing each other. In her memoir,Worthy,she shared, “A few months after I’d really fallen for Will, he had called to announce that Sheree wanted to put the divorce aside and try to reconcile.”

Despite their complicated relationship dynamics, the blended family frequently shares their support of one another on social media.

Online users commented on Smith’s recent photo on social media

Facebook comment on Will Smith’s napping day photo controversy, expressing critical opinion.

Comment on “Napping Day” photo criticized for lacking genuine emotion.

Comment questioning “the other mom” with reactions displayed below.

User’s comment about Will Smith’s photo and female singer generates strong reactions.

Text on a white background with “Third Trinity” and “This family is not happy” relating to Will Smith’s “Napping Day” controversy.

Social media comment on Will Smith’s photo controversy, expressing sympathy for ongoing embarrassment.

Social media comment questioning image strategy, expressing skepticism with the phrase “So they’re trying to fix their image…with this?

Text from Vincent Cristiano says, “This is weird,” referencing Will Smith’s photo controversy.

Comment by Daniel Bunny Moreno: “call it a broken home trying to be normal” related to Will Smith’s photo discussion.

Comment expressing lack of sympathy towards someone in a controversial situation.

Comment criticizing parenting, referencing a controversial show involving a female singer.

Comment about Will Smith related to “Napping Day” controversy with singer.

Comment by Antonia Loizou reads, “This family scares me,” related to Will Smith controversy.

Social media comment reacting to a controversial photo involving Will Smith.

Comment criticizing Will Smith’s “Napping Day” photo as career-damaging.

Comment by Ryan Tedrow on napping photo controversy, stating it’s a family figuring things out.

Comment praising a blended family, expressing admiration.

Comment on Will Smith’s “Napping Day” photo discussing family strength and unity.

Comment on Will Smith’s “Napping Day” photo regarding co-parenting harmony.

Comment reaction to Will Smith’s photo with female singer.

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