After two decades of constructing bridges and roads, civil engineer Aaron Stines decided that doodling superheroes in the margins of his blueprints wasn’t enough. With a nudge from his wife, Lisa, he swapped his hard hat for a sketchpad in 2016, birthing Air Bear Entertainment.Now, instead of calculating load-bearing beams, he’s busy crafting webcomics that aim to make people smile—because who needs infrastructure when you can have punchlines?More info:Instagram|airbearentertainment.comThis post may includeaffiliate links.RELATED:See Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaModal closeAdd New ImageModal closeAdd Your Photo To This ListPlease use high-res photos without watermarksOoops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.Not your original work?Add sourcePublish

After two decades of constructing bridges and roads, civil engineer Aaron Stines decided that doodling superheroes in the margins of his blueprints wasn’t enough. With a nudge from his wife, Lisa, he swapped his hard hat for a sketchpad in 2016, birthing Air Bear Entertainment.Now, instead of calculating load-bearing beams, he’s busy crafting webcomics that aim to make people smile—because who needs infrastructure when you can have punchlines?More info:Instagram|airbearentertainment.comThis post may includeaffiliate links.

After two decades of constructing bridges and roads, civil engineer Aaron Stines decided that doodling superheroes in the margins of his blueprints wasn’t enough. With a nudge from his wife, Lisa, he swapped his hard hat for a sketchpad in 2016, birthing Air Bear Entertainment.

Now, instead of calculating load-bearing beams, he’s busy crafting webcomics that aim to make people smile—because who needs infrastructure when you can have punchlines?

More info:Instagram|

This post may includeaffiliate links.

RELATED:See Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored Panda

Engineer-turned-cartoonist’s comic of crypts and vampires facing off in front of a city morgue.


Meteor with googly eyes falling to Earth, moon commenting “he’s so down to Earth,” comic by former engineer.

Engineer-turned-cartoonist’s one-panel comic of animals talking about a shopping haul.

Dog and cat cartoon sharing a humorous one-panel joke at a table, expressing shared interests.

Prehistoric-themed comic shows two cavemen talking about clubbing and drag racing near a volcano.

Bulldog in suit pointing to chart, delivering a pun-laden business presentation with other animals.

Ghost telling a joke with “Boo!” to a crowd, showcasing a comic drawn by an engineer-turned-comic artist.

Vampire character counting liters of blood in a humorous one-panel comic by an engineer-turned-cartoonist.

Witch shopping for discounted potion ingredients after Halloween, a one-panel comic by an engineer-turned-artist.

Comic of a person relaxing on a small island, with “Aloha” spelled out using objects, under a palm tree.

Two ghosts laughing at a ghost hitting on a chair, illustrating a humorous one-panel comic by a former engineer.

Two dolphins with a pufferfish, one saying “Hey, Humphrey Bogart! Puff, puff, pass!” in a comic by an engineer-turned-cartoonist.

Two cartoon raccoons joking about a dumpster fire; one asks about marshmallows. Comic by former engineer.

Comic with a turkey in disguise wearing a trench coat, talking to a cashier at a shoe store.

Two frogs by a fence joke about a bug zapper barbecue.

Engineer turned comic artist illustrates a one-panel joke with angel and devil figures debating a donut choice.

Two witches talk about shopping and spoiled kids in a humorous one-panel comic by a former engineer.

Engineer turned comic artist features man with pot of gold in a humorous one-panel joke cartoon with a leprechaun.

Cartoon of a T-Rex in a classroom, wearing glasses and a tie, inspiring students with a joke.

Bear doing yoga pose on a tree, saying “I call this one ‘downward bear’” next to a picnic basket on a table.

Cartoon of a person at a podium honoring “Super Horse” with a memorial poster, highlighting comic humor by an engineer.

Gingerbread men comic, one asks another leaning on a gingerbread car about all the dough.

Comic with talking mountains. One larger mountain reassures a smaller one, saying it will grow big someday.

Two cartoon rabbits with a paycheck joke. One says, “Walter gets paid celery,” holding carrots. Comic by an engineer-turned-artist.

See Also on Bored Panda

Birds in flight; a young bird needs to go potty. Engineer-turned-comic-artist’s humor in a one-panel joke.

Engineer draws comic of man ignoring woman while watching TV, holding remote with “click” sounds.

A comic illustration with people hoarding toilet paper and a mummy observing humorously from the side.

Comic of two men in a sauna, with a turkey sweating beside them, showcasing clever one-panel humor.

Two frightened tacos spot menacing tacos across the street in a comic by an engineer who draws humorous one-panel jokes.

Elderly couple in swimwear at the beach, with a humorous comic panel featuring a joke by an engineer turned comic artist.

A cartoon horse on a therapist’s couch with an engineer drawing a comic of it in a humorous one-panel joke.

Man holding a fish at a table, two women commenting, “I heard they met online,” showcasing engineer’s comic humor.

Comic showing a tree with leaves smiling, carrying luggage, illustrating a humorous take on departure.

Comic featuring a zombie character at a coffee shop counter, humorously mispronouncing a drink order.

Comic by engineer-turned-artist: a shivering Christmas tree with ice and ornaments says, “Let me in, I’m freezing!"

Two characters in robes exchanging dialogue in a humorous one-panel comic.

Two elves stand by a peppermint syrup barrel, sharing a humorous conversation.

Comedic one-panel showing a happy dog in an office, interacting with a camel over a cubicle wall.

Two snowmen debate pants in a humorous one-panel comic by former engineer turned artist.

Two cartoon rabbits by a hot tub with speech bubbles joking about getting in to stew, illustrating a one-panel comic.

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