If there’s one thing DeWaye does brilliantly, it’s blending humor and creativity in just the right way. As the mastermind behindDaylieDoodle, he proves every single day that consistency and comedy go hand in hand.
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The creator ofDaylie Doodleshared some insights into their creative process and how the series comes to life: “I have always kept notes on the funny things I observe. For many years before starting Daylie Doodle, I would accrue stacks of notebooks, and hundreds of untitled pages in my notes app with stupid, silly little things that would make me chuckle. I still keep notes but now I have an outlet for them, which is great! A lot of inspiration comes from the interactions I have throughout the day… I worry that my girlfriend will notice that sometimes a hilarious conversation we had will end up in a comic, but she hasn’t said anything. And that’s true love.”
We were also curious about which elements DeWaye finds most effective in creating humor. Here’s what the artist shared with us: “I think exaggeration has been a very important element to my humor. Of course, you first have to notice the funny thing, but I think you really have to exaggerate it to get the point across. At the core of most of my comics, I think, is an understanding of how absurd life can be, as well as a sometimes debilitating self-awareness of how absurd I can be.”
Next, the cartoonist told us about their personal favorite piece they’ve created so far: “First off, I am so bad at categorizing things as I am a lifelong sufferer of recency bias… Every morning I wake up and draw my daily comic, nine times out of ten I am thinking to myself, ‘This is my best comic yet.’ So, boring answer, whatever my last comic was. But If I had to choose a piece that I always think about, it’s this doodle I drew of abird dreaming about having walking legs. It’s so dumb. It’s probably the least effort I have ever put into a post, it has zero words, and I literally drew it on a 30-minute layover… but something about this drawing, every time I see it or think about it, it just makes me so happy.”
See Also on Bored Panda
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