Fernando Pedro Salgado’s black-and-white street photography captures the raw energy of everyday life. Through his lens, the photographer reveals a side of the world that often goes unnoticed. Salgado’s photographs pull you in with their simplicity and honesty, turning fleeting scenes into something timeless.

More info:Instagram|fernandopedrosalgado.setmore.com|Etsy

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Child with umbrella leaping over puddle in stunning black-and-white street photograph.


A person with an umbrella stands at a ticket booth in a black-and-white street photograph.

A man crossing the street in a black-and-white cityscape.

A person with an umbrella stands on a wet street near a tram in a black-and-white street photograph.

Biker crossing street in a black-and-white photograph, capturing motion and urban life.

Two figures walking down a dimly lit street at night, captured in black-and-white street photography.

A captivating black-and-white street photograph featuring a silhouette of a person walking by a river and historical architecture.

Silhouette of a person in a hat and coat walking through a tunnel in black-and-white street photography.

Black-and-white street photograph of pigeons near a glass pyramid structure.

Person walking on a foggy bridge, a captivating black-and-white street photograph by Fernando Pedro Salgado.

Black-and-white street photograph of a solitary figure walking down a narrow alley between tall buildings.

A couple under an umbrella walks through a cobblestone street at night, capturing black-and-white street photography charm.

Black-and-white street photograph of a person biking under an ornate archway, casting a long shadow.

Black-and-white street photograph of two people walking by a building, casting distinct shadows on the wall.

Black-and-white street photograph of a cyclist near the Eiffel Tower.

Black-and-white street photograph by Fernando Pedro Salgado of people walking near the Eiffel Tower with birds flying overhead.

See Also on Bored Panda

A lone figure crossing a zebra line in a black-and-white street photograph, capturing urban life.

Black-and-white street photograph of a bird perched on an ornate wrought iron fence.

Black-and-white street photograph of a misty bridge scene with branches in the foreground.

Black-and-white street photograph featuring a person standing under an archway beside a lamppost.

A couple shares an umbrella by a river in a captivating black-and-white street photograph.

Black-and-white street photograph of a person pushing a bicycle in an urban setting.

Black-and-white street photograph of a cyclist silhouetted against the Eiffel Tower.

Silhouette of a cyclist in an archway, part of a captivating black-and-white street photograph.

Black-and-white street photograph of a person walking on a foggy bridge, framed by metal beams.

Nun walking on cobblestone street by river; black-and-white street photograph with lamppost and misty bridge in background.

Person with umbrella walking at night, showcasing black-and-white street photography by Fernando Pedro Salgado.

Black-and-white street photograph of a statue with a bird perched on its head, captured by Fernando Pedro Salgado.

Silhouetted figure walking in an urban black-and-white street scene, casting a reflection on a wall.

A person walking a dog near the Eiffel Tower in a black-and-white street photograph.

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