Dreamworkshas released the highly anticipatedteaser trailerforShrek 5, and while fans were eager to see the beloved character’s return, the initial reactions have beenfar from positive.
At the time of writing,the teaser trailer has garnered over 1.2 million views in just four hours but received some backlash, with 63,000 likes versus 93,000 dislikes on YouTube.
HighlightsDreamworks released Shrek 5’s teaser, receiving 93,000 dislikes amid 1.2M views.Fans criticized the new ‘clean’ animation style as too polished.Teaser features meme-based humor and Shrek using a TikTok-like app.Changes are due to Dreamworks using their latest animation engine.
With the teaser’s comment sectionbeingdisabled, fans took to other social media platforms to vent their frustrations, whichcenteredmainly on the new animation style and thememe-centered humor of the clip.
“Why does Shrek look so… clean? It doesn’t look right,” one user wrote.
“This looks like a McDonalds commercial for Shrek, not another Shrek movie.”
Dreamworks released Shrek 5’s teaser trailer to a lukewarm reception, with fans disliking the movie’s change in art style
Image credits:Universal Pictures
The primary criticism focuses on how the characters havechanged visually, with cutting-edgeanimation technologyprovidingdynamic movement and expressions that didn’t sit well with long-time fans of thefranchise.
Viewers described the art style as “too smooth and cartoony,” stating that the franchise had lost itsgritty yet charminglook in exchange for a more polished, “cleaner” aesthetic that some users compared to Disney productions.
“They are both parents and getting older, yet they have fewer wrinkles than their older designs,” one netizen argued, pointing out how the characters appeared to be younger despite the movie taking place many years afterShrek 4.
Beyond theanimationstyle, the content of the teaser itself hasraised eyebrows.
The changes are due to Dreamworks using their latest animation engine, MoonRay, to create the trailer
“Oh god, the Shrek universe has become aware of itsmemestatus; that’s gonna be insufferable,” one viewer commented, echoing the sentiments of many who felt the teaser was trying too hard to appeal to younger generations.
“It’s clearly trying to appeal to gen z/alpha. Well, at least what they think will appeal to them,” another argued.
According to reports, the changes in animation are due to changes in the technology Dreamworks is currently using.
Ever since 2022’sPuss in Boots: The Last Wish, the studio has been usingitscutting-edge animation enginecalledMoonRay.
MoonRay is open-source, meaning everybody can use and iterate on it, and it comes withseveral improvements in rendering, animation, lighting, and accessibility.
BesidesPuss in Boots, the engine hasbeen usedto animateHow to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World,The Bad Guys, andKung Fu Panda 4.
The production for Shrek 5 is in its early stages, with a release date set for Christmas Day, 2026
Image credits:camerondiaz/TheTonightShow/zendaya
Despite the advanced technology behind the latest iteration ofShrek, many fans are skeptical.
“I don’t think the particular animation style is bad, but personally, it just isn’t the right fit for Shrek; it feels like it lost the edge the franchise had aesthetically,” one fan explained.
More supportive fans, on the other hand, defended the new style as the series’ natural and logicalnext step, considering the 15 years that have passed since the release ofShrek 4.
“Some of you are really overreacting cause the animation looks so much more fluid than before, and theyactuallyhave a likeness to the voice actors now,” one user stated.
With an expected release dateofDecember 23, 2026, the movie still has almost two years to iron out any kinks, address fan concerns,and take into accounttheir feedback to deliver a movie that pleases the franchise’s fanbase as a whole.
“Jump scare.” The teaser’s change in art style proved polarizing for viewers, who took to social media to share their impressions
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