At first glance, you might think Heather Ríos' creations belong in a bakery display. But take a closer look, and you’ll realize they’re not edible at all—they’re embroidered! Heather is an artist who uses thread, paint, and clay to make desserts that look so real, they might make you do a double take.From frosted cakes to glazed donuts, her work is full of rich textures and tiny details that capture the beauty of sweet treats. Whether it’s the shine of chocolate or the fluffiness of whipped cream, she stitches every piece with incredible precision. It’s no wonder people often mistake her art for the real thing!More info:Instagram|EtsyThis post may includeaffiliate links.

At first glance, you might think Heather Ríos' creations belong in a bakery display. But take a closer look, and you’ll realize they’re not edible at all—they’re embroidered! Heather is an artist who uses thread, paint, and clay to make desserts that look so real, they might make you do a double take.

From frosted cakes to glazed donuts, her work is full of rich textures and tiny details that capture the beauty of sweet treats. Whether it’s the shine of chocolate or the fluffiness of whipped cream, she stitches every piece with incredible precision. It’s no wonder people often mistake her art for the real thing!

More info:Instagram|Etsy

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert slice on a decorative plate with floral details.

We reached out to Heather to learn more about her creative process and artistic journey. She shared that a few years ago, she had a pivotal moment when she decided to focus on creating joyful, uplifting art. “So much art has a dark undertone, and that’s completely fine and needed, but it just wasn’t the type of thing I wanted to focus on anymore,” she explained, reflecting on what led her to embrace embroidered art.


Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert depicting a colorful, layered cake slice with sprinkles on top.

Hyper-realistic embroidered cake slice with blue patterns on a decorative plate, next to a gold fork.

When asked if she had always been drawn to fiber arts or if she explored other artistic mediums first, Heather shared that she began her creative journey with painting and drawing at the age of 15. “My Grandmother taught me embroidery long before that, but I didn’t do much with it until I was in Grad school for painting. I was going through a really hard time and just couldn’t paint for some reason. So I started doing some embroidery again, and ended up doing my entire thesis exhibition in cross stitch.Since graduation, I was determined to find ways to combine both painting and fiber art. I’ve always been very experimental when it comes to art media.”

When asked if she had always been drawn to fiber arts or if she explored other artistic mediums first, Heather shared that she began her creative journey with painting and drawing at the age of 15. “My Grandmother taught me embroidery long before that, but I didn’t do much with it until I was in Grad school for painting. I was going through a really hard time and just couldn’t paint for some reason. So I started doing some embroidery again, and ended up doing my entire thesis exhibition in cross stitch.

Since graduation, I was determined to find ways to combine both painting and fiber art. I’ve always been very experimental when it comes to art media.”

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert art on a plate with berries and a gold fork.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert resembling a pink roll cake with berries and flowers, displayed on a floral plate.

The creative process can come with its own set of challenges, and for Heather, sometimes the work feels monotonous and tedious. “But I used to work in assembly line-type factories, so I think that somewhat prepared me for this. It can actually be meditative to do repetitive work. The challenge is to just get yourself into a zone of being very focused.”

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert depicting a colorful sprinkle cake slice on canvas.

A hyper-realistic embroidered dessert depicting a donut with pink icing and sprinkles on a canvas.

If you’re looking to decorate your walls or cupboards with mouthwatering creations, check out Heather’sEtsyshop. For more of her delicious designs, follow her onInstagram, where she shares images and videos of her work.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert art by Heather Ríos, featuring a cupcake with colorful sprinkles on a blue canvas.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert art depicting cookies with pink icing and sprinkles on a decorative plate.

Hyper-realistic embroidered cake slice in a pink ornate frame.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert cupcake with colorful frosting and sprinkles on a textured canvas background.

Hyper-realistic embroidered chocolate cake slice on decorative plate.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert resembling a slice of funfetti cake on a plaid plate with a pink fork.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert resembling a slice of cake with a cherry on top, held on a decorative plate.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert depicting a slice of colorful sprinkle cake on a plate.

Hyper-realistic embroidered cake slice with colorful details on a floral plate.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert resembling sprinkled toast on a decorative plate.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert resembling a lemon cake slice on a decorative plate.

See Also on Bored Panda

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert resembling a cake slice with colorful sprinkles, with a hand for scale.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert depicting a pink cake slice with sprinkles on a pastel green canvas.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert resembling a slice of pink cake with colorful sprinkles, held in hand.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert resembling a cake slice on a pastel checkered plate with a pink fork.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert of a colorful layered cake framed in a decorative, ornate purple frame.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert art depicting a colorful rainbow cake slice with sprinkles on a decorative plate.

Hyper-realistic embroidered cake slice with yellow layers, chocolate icing on a blue patterned plate.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert resembling a chocolate cake slice with colorful sprinkles held in hand.

Hand holding a hyper-realistic embroidered dessert of a slice of chocolate cake on a small plate.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert of a carrot cake slice in an ornate frame on a wall.

Hyper-realistic embroidered cake slice with colorful sprinkles, framed in blue and gold.

Hyper-realistic embroidered dessert art depicting a sprinkled cake slice on a decorative plate.

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