Everyone knows that kids can be a handful, but more often than not, they get into hilarious shenanigans that brighten our days. To capture family life, Anthony Holden illustrates funny observations in comic form.He explains that his work focuses on finding joy in everyday moments: “I do also like fantastical subjects, but there’s something so special about the everyday occurrences of our lives. I like to try and capture that. I think a lot of times my work isn’t so much laugh-out-loud funny as it is smile-with-your-heart funny. And I’m okay with that.“If you’re looking for lighthearted, feel-good comics, Anthony Holden’s work might be just what you need!More info:Instagram|anthonyholdenart.bigcartel.com|Facebook|x.comThis post may includeaffiliate links.

Everyone knows that kids can be a handful, but more often than not, they get into hilarious shenanigans that brighten our days. To capture family life, Anthony Holden illustrates funny observations in comic form.

He explains that his work focuses on finding joy in everyday moments: “I do also like fantastical subjects, but there’s something so special about the everyday occurrences of our lives. I like to try and capture that. I think a lot of times my work isn’t so much laugh-out-loud funny as it is smile-with-your-heart funny. And I’m okay with that.”

If you’re looking for lighthearted, feel-good comics, Anthony Holden’s work might be just what you need!

More info:Instagram|anthonyholdenart.bigcartel.com|Facebook|x.com

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Humorous parenting comic by Anthony Holden, depicting kids discussing brain changes and adult behavior.

In an interview withBored Panda, Anthony told us more about himself.“Drawing comic strips has been a dream of mine since I was a kid. I used to love reading the comics section in our newspaper: Garfield, Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes. After graduating from college, I found myself in a career in animation as a story artist and designer. I love my work, and I’m so glad that I get to draw cartoons every day–especially since newspapers are not widely in circulation, and most people get their news online.There aren’t very many people out there who can make a living doing serialized comic strips. Because so much of the drawing that I do for work is digital, I like making drawings with pen and ink on paper. There’s just something wonderful about the tactile feel of a metal nib on paper that I love–it’s totally different from the digital work I do for my job.”

In an interview withBored Panda, Anthony told us more about himself.

“Drawing comic strips has been a dream of mine since I was a kid. I used to love reading the comics section in our newspaper: Garfield, Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes. After graduating from college, I found myself in a career in animation as a story artist and designer. I love my work, and I’m so glad that I get to draw cartoons every day–especially since newspapers are not widely in circulation, and most people get their news online.

There aren’t very many people out there who can make a living doing serialized comic strips. Because so much of the drawing that I do for work is digital, I like making drawings with pen and ink on paper. There’s just something wonderful about the tactile feel of a metal nib on paper that I love–it’s totally different from the digital work I do for my job.”


Kids showing off playful ninja moves with funny results, capturing the wild and whimsical life of parenting in a comic strip.

Funny parenting comic by Anthony Holden featuring a child intrigued by an electric toothbrush.

We wanted to know what initially drew Anthony to the world of artistry. He wrote: “I think the thing about comic strips that really grabbed my attention was the way an artist could distill so much story and character into such a small and efficient space.

Comic by Anthony Holden showing kids discussing the alphabet and the concept of last numbers in a whimsical parenting moment.

Funny parenting comics by Anthony Holden, featuring bedtime humor and playful interactions between parents and children.

Every artist approaches the creative process differently, therefore, we asked Anthony to share his.“I don’t know if any artist has a single process. I certainly don’t. I think the joy of discovering new ways to look at things, and then new ways to make things is part of what keeps cartooning exciting for me. I am really drawn to the physiological aspects of drawing–I think that’s why materials matter so much to me.There’s something primeval and instinctual in all humans about making marks on a surface, and I really connect with that. When I make an observation, I try to capture it with as much life as possible. I don’t like to make my work overly tight and exact, because most of life doesn’t feel that way to me. We’re all full of messy edges and lines that wiggle a little bit. Drawing digitally, there are many programs that can automatically correct your lines into perfect curves, but when you draw with physical media it’s full of all these delicious little imperfections that help it feel alive and more like a reflection of what we experience living in an imperfect world” wrote Anthony.

Every artist approaches the creative process differently, therefore, we asked Anthony to share his.

“I don’t know if any artist has a single process. I certainly don’t. I think the joy of discovering new ways to look at things, and then new ways to make things is part of what keeps cartooning exciting for me. I am really drawn to the physiological aspects of drawing–I think that’s why materials matter so much to me.

There’s something primeval and instinctual in all humans about making marks on a surface, and I really connect with that. When I make an observation, I try to capture it with as much life as possible. I don’t like to make my work overly tight and exact, because most of life doesn’t feel that way to me. We’re all full of messy edges and lines that wiggle a little bit. Drawing digitally, there are many programs that can automatically correct your lines into perfect curves, but when you draw with physical media it’s full of all these delicious little imperfections that help it feel alive and more like a reflection of what we experience living in an imperfect world” wrote Anthony.

Parenting comic by Anthony Holden: a child warns a parent not to smell laundry, saying it smells like farts.

Child stuck in multiple shirts, seeking help, humorous parenting comic by Anthony Holden.

Lastly, Anthony shared what he hopes for his audience to take away from his comics.

“As for an audience takeaway, I hope that the comics and drawings make you smile. I hope they make you feel like being a human alive on earth is great. I hope they inspire kindness, and I hope they give people a little spark to do something creative in their own way. I love looking at drawings that make me want to draw, so I would hope I could do the same.

Funny parenting comic by Anthony Holden showing a dad puzzled over conditioner in the bath.

Funny parenting comic by Anthony Holden showing excited kids enjoying rice crispy treats made by their mom.

Child humorously interacts with a parent, typing on a laptop, showcasing whimsical parenting life in a funny comic by Anthony Holden.

Funny parenting comic by Anthony Holden about toothpaste and shampoo mishap with kids.

Parenting comic by Anthony Holden showing a dad enthusiastically praising beans and kids reacting humorously.

Kids in dinosaur pajamas excitedly calling themselves “Dino Twins” in a playful parenting comic by Anthony Holden.

Funny parenting comic by Anthony Holden showing a child explaining a glitter paint mishap to their father.

Child smelling cinnamon rolls, humorously confronting a parent about having friends, in a whimsical parenting comic.

Funny comic by Anthony Holden showing kids at dinner, with pasta and tofu humorously mixed up.

Funny comic about parenting by Anthony Holden, featuring kids arguing over rocks used to smash a fly.

Parenting comic by Anthony Holden humorously discusses internet safety and school assignments.

Funny parenting comic by Anthony Holden, featuring kids making fart jokes and a parent’s reaction.

Funny parenting comic by Anthony Holden about a child frustrated with a shopping trip, ultimately finding a Spider-Man toy.

Parenting comic by Anthony Holden: child farting in bed, humorously discussing it with dad.

Funny comic by Anthony Holden depicting kids humorously reacting to trying brussel sprouts.

Comic strip depicting the whimsical life of parenting with children creating outfits from trash in a garage.

Funny parenting comic by Anthony Holden showing kids complaining about walking and then rushing to play Mario Kart.

Father and daughter walking, daughter humorously has a beard, a whimsical comic by Anthony Holden on parenting.

See Also on Bored Panda

Comic by Anthony Holden depicting a whimsical moment in parenting with kids arguing about frosting.

Parenting comic by Anthony Holden: a dad struggles with an overflowing drawer.

Two children in a whimsical forest setting, with one saying the forest called her name in a funny comic scene by Anthony Holden.

Funny parenting comic by Anthony Holden showing snow preparation antics with kids and pajamas.

Funny parenting comic by Anthony Holden showing a kid losing a tooth and dad reacting humorously to stuffed tissue.

Kids reacting humorously to imaginary volcano eruption, showcasing whimsical parenting moments in a comic by Anthony Holden.

Comic by Anthony Holden showing kids in a forest, one exclaims joyfully, “The forest is calling me!!"

Comic by Anthony Holden depicting humorous parenting moment with a child refusing to eat sweet potatoes.

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