“Mid”, “Bussin”, “Ate”, “Low Key” and many other slang words are used every day. What used to dominate the realms of the internet has now moved into the neighborhood. Various conversations with friends, family members and even colleagues will contain at least one such term. Perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep your rizz up? 🕶️That’s why we’ve prepared 25 Urban Dictionary words/slang/terms for you to keep up in this game. Like ourfirst Urban Dictionary trivia, this time will be the same: we give you the word that you have to guess.So, are you ready to be the GOAT of this quiz? Let’s go! 🚀RELATED:Image credits:WikipediaProgress:Ic check outlinedDialog closeIc_smileIc_mehNextNextBackIc check outlinedDialog closeIc_smileIc_mehThanks! Check out the results:View alternative results:0

“Mid”, “Bussin”, “Ate”, “Low Key” and many other slang words are used every day. What used to dominate the realms of the internet has now moved into the neighborhood. Various conversations with friends, family members and even colleagues will contain at least one such term. Perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep your rizz up? 🕶️

That’s why we’ve prepared 25 Urban Dictionary words/slang/terms for you to keep up in this game. Like ourfirst Urban Dictionary trivia, this time will be the same: we give you the word that you have to guess.

So, are you ready to be the GOAT of this quiz? Let’s go! 🚀


Urban Dictionary logo with stylized text on a dark background.

Image credits:Wikipedia

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