A bombshell revelation has reignited one of the most notorious cases in American history: The trial ofOJ Simpson.
Private investigatorWilliam Dearclaims that OJ Simpson’s eldest son,Jason Simpson, is thereal killerin the murders ofNicole Brown SimpsonandRon Goldman.
“I have Jason’s diaries where he says, ‘I cut away all my problems with a knife.’ I have the murder weapon,” the investigator told a news outlet, claiming to have gathered enough compelling evidence.
Dear also claimed to have submitted the weapon for review to two “leading forensic experts” who support his belief that the knife was the instrument used to carry out the infamous 1994 double homicide.
Investigator claims OJ Simpson took the fall for his son Jason, alleging he was the real culprit in the 1994 murders
Image credits:Bill Nation/Sygma/Getty Images
Jason Simpson, the now 54-year-old son from the athlete’s first marriage to Marguerite Whitley, has been linked to violent incidents in the past.
For instance, in December 1992, Jason was arrested for attacking his employer with a knife, a violent outburst that earned him two years probation. Jason would later be diagnosed with intermittent rage disorder and prescribed medication to manage his temper.
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Dear suggests that Jason’s history of violent conduct points to him being capable of committing the brutal murders, especially considering, as the investigator claims, that Jason had stopped taking his medication in the months leading up to thekillings.
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If Dear’s theory is proven to be true, it would mean that not only wasOJ Simpsoninnocentall along, but he also acted out of parental love and a sense of protection.
“I’m a father of two sons,” Dear said, empathizing with the late NFL star. “I don’t know what I would do.”
Both the knife and incriminating diaries were foundin a storage unit that Jason had abandoned due to unpaid fees. The items, including a knit cap similar to the onefoundat the crime scene, fueled Dear’stheoryfor years.
Dear accuses the Los Angeles Police of “framing” the NFL star and believes they want to keep the case buried
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According to the investigator, the cap found beside Nicole Brown Thompson’s body contained traces of human and canine hair, but he claims the police suspiciously never performed DNA testing on it.
Dear is adamant in his belief that the cap holds critical forensic evidence, but expressed frustration at authorities having no interest in revising it.
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Image credits:CBS TEXAS
OJ Simpsonpassed awayfrom cancer in April 2024 at the age of 76. Despite the athlete being gone, Dear’s claims prove that public interest in his case remains high. It remains to be seen if his findings will lead to legal action in the future.
“I don’t support this.” Netizens dismissed Dear’s theory, believing the case was closed with OJ as the culprit
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