Samuel Voskanyan has a knack for capturing childhood in its rawest form—no forced smiles, no artificial setups, just kids being kids. His black-and-white portraits strip away distractions, leaving only pure emotion and storytelling in their most powerful form. Specializing in photographing children from rural Armenia, Voskanyan’s work has an almost cinematic feel—think less “say cheese” and more “eyes that have seen a thousand stories.”With impeccable control over light and shadow, he brings out the textures of daily life, whether it’s the wind-tousled hair of a child staring off into the distance or the quiet strength in a pair of dirt-smudged hands.More info:InstagramThis post may includeaffiliate links.RELATED:See Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaModal closeAdd New ImageModal closeAdd Your Photo To This ListPlease use high-res photos without watermarksOoops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.Not your original work?Add sourcePublish

Samuel Voskanyan has a knack for capturing childhood in its rawest form—no forced smiles, no artificial setups, just kids being kids. His black-and-white portraits strip away distractions, leaving only pure emotion and storytelling in their most powerful form. Specializing in photographing children from rural Armenia, Voskanyan’s work has an almost cinematic feel—think less “say cheese” and more “eyes that have seen a thousand stories.”With impeccable control over light and shadow, he brings out the textures of daily life, whether it’s the wind-tousled hair of a child staring off into the distance or the quiet strength in a pair of dirt-smudged hands.More info:InstagramThis post may includeaffiliate links.

Samuel Voskanyan has a knack for capturing childhood in its rawest form—no forced smiles, no artificial setups, just kids being kids. His black-and-white portraits strip away distractions, leaving only pure emotion and storytelling in their most powerful form. Specializing in photographing children from rural Armenia, Voskanyan’s work has an almost cinematic feel—think less “say cheese” and more “eyes that have seen a thousand stories.”

With impeccable control over light and shadow, he brings out the textures of daily life, whether it’s the wind-tousled hair of a child staring off into the distance or the quiet strength in a pair of dirt-smudged hands.

More info:Instagram

This post may includeaffiliate links.

RELATED:See Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored Panda

Child and puppy behind bars, eyes closed, illustrating childhood’s innocence and resilience in black and white.


Childhood innocence captured in black and white: a smiling boy and a dog peeking over a fence.

Child smiling on floor next to yawning puppy, black and white photo capturing childhood innocence and resilience.

Black and white photo of a child playfully yawning with a puppy, highlighting childhood innocence and resilience.

Childhood moment: A child and a dog in a tub, showcasing innocence and resilience in black and white photography.

Black and white photo of a child with a thoughtful expression, illustrating childhood’s innocence and resilience.

Black and white photo of a child with braided hair, embodying innocence and resilience, standing against a textured wall.

Child holding flowers by a window, gazing at reflection in black and white photo, capturing childhood innocence and resilience.

Black and white photo of two children in a window, with laundry hanging above, showcasing childhood innocence and resilience.

Childhood captured in black and white; a boy offers flowers through a window to a girl, embodying innocence and resilience.

Black and white photo of a baby in a hooded coat, peering out of a rustic window, symbolizing childhood innocence and resilience.

Child peering through a fence, symbolizing the innocence and resilience captured in black and white photography.

A child smiling from inside a large metal container, capturing the innocence and resilience of childhood in black and white photography.

Black and white photo of a child and older woman peering through a window, showcasing childhood’s innocence and resilience.

Black and white photo of two children, hands gently holding their chins, illustrating innocence and resilience.

Children look out from behind a cracked window in a black and white photo, capturing innocence and resilience.

See Also on Bored Panda

Black and white photo of a child peering through a gap, showcasing childhood innocence and resilience.

A child smiling next to a puppy in a black and white photograph, illustrating childhood innocence and resilience.

Black and white photograph of two children peering through a stone wall, capturing childhood’s innocence and resilience.

Child holding colorful flowers in front of a broken window, capturing childhood’s innocence and resilience.

Childhood captured in black and white; a girl poses with shadows on her face, embodying innocence and resilience.

Child framed by wires in a black and white photo, showcasing childhood innocence and resilience.

Black and white photo of a girl with a metal basket on her head, capturing childhood’s innocence and resilience.

Child in a black and white photo stands in a field with a donkey and an old car, capturing childhood’s innocence and resilience.

Black and white photo of a child embraced, capturing childhood innocence and resilience.

Black and white photo of two children, showcasing childhood innocence and resilience.

Black and white photo of a child, with hands gently cupping their face, symbolizing childhood innocence and resilience.

Child behind bars, black and white photography depicting childhood innocence and resilience.

Black and white photo of a young man behind a large pot, conveying childhood’s resilience and innocence.

Two children captured in black and white, embodying the innocence and resilience of childhood through a stone archway.

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