If you had a difficult childhood – for example, your relatives regularly offended you, didn’t respect you at all and in every way neglected your company – there is a great way to get back their attention and love. It is enough to quickly and unexpectedly get rich. And then, believe me, the increased attention of your relatives is almost guaranteed!

An additional confirmation of this fact is this story from the useru/LexPages, whose older sister had been really mean to him in childhood, but as soon as her brother suddenly got rich, she immediately showed up with a request to urgently help her. However, let’s just read on.

More info:Reddit


The author of the post recently won $50K while gambling and his relatives somehow managed to know about this

Woman in hospital bed with nasal cannula, concerned expression, medical chart held by doctor.

Image credits:DC Studio / Freepik (not the actual photo)

So the man’s elder sister reached out and asked him to fund her surgery for $20K, especially since she had only $500 on GoFundMe

Image credits:LexPages

Woman demands money from her brother, gesturing urgently, indoors.

Image credits:Timur Weber / Pexels (not the actual photo)

The issue was that the sis used to be mean to the author in their childhood and regularly stole from him

So the man just said a flat-out “No” and told her that he planned to use this money for investments and a great vacation

So, the original poster (OP) recently got lucky in gambling – hiswinningsafter taxes amounted to a tidy sum of $50K. And so, literally a couple of days later, having learned about the big win from mutual friends, the author’s older sis reached out and asked him to pay for her upcomingsurgery. No more, no less, but $20K. At the same time, as the OP notes, only $500 had been collected on GoFundMe for this purpose.

Well, helping your sibling is a good thing, you say? But here’s the problem – as a child, as the author recalls, his sister constantlystolefrom him. And when caught, she invariably cynically stated something like “he doesn’t need it anyway” or “you shouldn’t be so materialistic.” She was 7 years older, our hero recalls, so the age gap made it very difficult for him to achieve at least some justice.

Moreover, when, many years later, both were already adults, our hero reminded his sister of this, she simply shrugged and changed the subject, as if it was something completely unimportant for her. But not for the author, who actually carried this resentment through the years. And now it’s time for some postponed karma…

The original poster refused – and not just refused, but sarcastically congratulated his sis on reaching a $500 milestone on GoFundMe. And the guy plans to use part of his winnings forinvestments, and part just to pay for his vacation, where it’s good and fun, there are plenty of excellent cocktails, and no family drama. However, some worm of doubt still gnaws at our hero – so he decided to ask netizens for advice anyway.

Man holding cash, wearing glasses and vest, in a bright room. Keywords: sibling, demands, 20K, surgery.

Image credits:senivpetro / Freepik (not the actual photo)

“This story reminds us once again that you should nottreatsomeone badly, because later it could backfire on you,” says Irina Matveeva, apsychologistand certified NLP specialist, with whomBored Pandagot in touch over this described situation. “Because later the people you once offended will have every moral right to refuse to help you.”

“Of course, this man has the right to spend his money as he sees fit. However, it is still worth considering – if this surgery is critical for the health or life of his sister, will he regret later that he didn’t help her? After all, there is anancient wisdom– do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Most commenters simply praised the man for acting this way and said that sis’s vile behavior should have its punishment even years later

Comment discussing sibling’s history of stealing and demanding money for surgery.

Text exchange discussing sibling relationship and financial decision for surgery.

Comment discussing sibling dynamics and surgery costs demands.

Comment on sibling demanding $20k for surgery after childhood stealing.

Comment discussing sibling demanding money for surgery despite past theft.

Person holding dollar bills, emphasizing sibling and money exchange for surgery.

Image credits:Kaboompics.com / Pexels (not the actual photo)

Comment on sibling’s demand for 20K despite childhood theft history.

Comment discussing money ownership and childhood, responding to sibling asking for 20K for surgery.

Reddit comment suggesting health insurance for surgery after a sibling’s childhood stealing incident.

Screenshot of a comment about a sibling demanding money despite past stealing.

Comment discussing family dynamics and financial demands after a history of theft.

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