Datingcan be exhilarating or exhausting, depending on how your experiences have been. If you’re currently in the honeymoon stage of a healthy relationship, you might feel optimistic and excited about the future of your love life. But if you’ve recently had your heart broken, dating might be the last thing on your mind.Redditors have recently beenrecountingtheir worst dating experiences, so we’ve gathered some of their juiciest stories below. Enjoy reading through these tales that might make you happy to stay single, and be sure to upvote theterrible datesyou’re glad you didn’t have to suffer through. And keep reading to find a conversation with Dating and Relationships CoachRachel New!This post may includeaffiliate links.
Datingcan be exhilarating or exhausting, depending on how your experiences have been. If you’re currently in the honeymoon stage of a healthy relationship, you might feel optimistic and excited about the future of your love life. But if you’ve recently had your heart broken, dating might be the last thing on your mind.
Redditors have recently beenrecountingtheir worst dating experiences, so we’ve gathered some of their juiciest stories below. Enjoy reading through these tales that might make you happy to stay single, and be sure to upvote theterrible datesyou’re glad you didn’t have to suffer through. And keep reading to find a conversation with Dating and Relationships CoachRachel New!
This post may includeaffiliate links.
Guy brought a ring 💍 to the first date. Angrily stormed out when I obviously said no, and then he came back and started beating on the window next to me from the outside. The restaurant manager had to walk me to my car because the guy was flipping out in the parking lot. Horrifying.
I went on a date with a guy who dropped the fact that he was a white supremacist on the date. I was in such a hurry to leave I slipped on spilled beer and hit my head.
To learn more about the wild world ofdating, we reached out to UK-based Dating and Relationships CoachRachel New, who was kind enough to discuss unfortunate dating experiences withBored Panda.“Some people respond to a ‘bad date’ with laughter and light-heartedness (I used to turn mine into haiku that I performed at comedy gigs!), others become very despondent or anxious and want to give up dating altogether,” the expert shared. “It depends on how you feel about yourself, whether you are resilient to the ups and downs of dating, and your beliefs about other people (which stems from your experiences as a child).”
To learn more about the wild world ofdating, we reached out to UK-based Dating and Relationships CoachRachel New, who was kind enough to discuss unfortunate dating experiences withBored Panda.
“Some people respond to a ‘bad date’ with laughter and light-heartedness (I used to turn mine into haiku that I performed at comedy gigs!), others become very despondent or anxious and want to give up dating altogether,” the expert shared. “It depends on how you feel about yourself, whether you are resilient to the ups and downs of dating, and your beliefs about other people (which stems from your experiences as a child).”
Girl in college asked me to be her date at a banquet. She tells me she’ll meet me at the venue. Wearing a suit, I showed up to a pyramid scheme presentation. I noticed two other guys dressed sharply and they said the same girl said it was a date as well.
I took a girl to Lagoon Amusement Park in Utah. We spent the whole day together riding the rides and enjoying the park. Resting on a bench in the evening, she told me “I don’t even like you. I just wanted free Lagoon tickets.”.
“If you find it takes you a long time to recover from a bad date, it might mean you need to do some work on emotion regulation – something I work on a lot with my clients,” Rachel shared. “Others blame themselves, when in fact the only things they could have done differently are spot the red flags earlier and find a way to end the date more quickly: this is something else you can explore in coaching or therapy.”
I had an underwhelming after-dinner drink at a bar with a guy from Bumble. He walked me to the bus stop and on the way he kissed me. He started pulling my hair and I pulled away and was like, “hey, we haven’t talked about this. I don’t want you to pull my hair.” He apologised and we kept walking.When we got to the bus stop he went in for another kiss and put his hand on my throat. I pulled away again and said forcefully, “stop. If I don’t want you to pull my hair, what makes you think I’d want you to choke me on the goddamn street?“To which he replied, “no girl has ever complained before.“Luckily a bus arrived a few minutes later. He actually asked me for another date and when I said absolutely not, he argued with me about whether most women would “really” feel unsafe being choked like that.
His mom came along and even ordered for him, then questioned my choice (prime rib, this place was famous for their prime rib). She spent more of the date talking to me than he did, and she made it quite clear that there would be no second date.
I went out with a cop on our first date. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend and wanted to move on.Well, he took me to this really nice restaurant, one of the waitress came up to him while we were eating and asked my date “Wtf is this?”… looking at me.I then find out she’s cousins with his ex girlfriend and he took me there for the cousin to see us together and for the cousin to tell his ex and make her jealous. Fucken idiot. Never went out with him again. He ended up marrying his ex.
The dating coach also says it’s important to have a support network of friends, family and perhaps even a coach or therapist that you can process yourdating experienceswith. “You could discuss questions such as: Does the ‘bad date’ teach you anything about yourself or others? Could you have picked up any red flags earlier, at the messaging stage?” Rachel noted.“If you ignored red flags, why? Was their strange behaviour a product of their culture, background, politics, upbringing, gender, mental health, or something else? What were the emotional needs of the other person? What can you learn about how dating etiquette and social norms vary?” the expert continued.
The dating coach also says it’s important to have a support network of friends, family and perhaps even a coach or therapist that you can process yourdating experienceswith. “You could discuss questions such as: Does the ‘bad date’ teach you anything about yourself or others? Could you have picked up any red flags earlier, at the messaging stage?” Rachel noted.
“If you ignored red flags, why? Was their strange behaviour a product of their culture, background, politics, upbringing, gender, mental health, or something else? What were the emotional needs of the other person? What can you learn about how dating etiquette and social norms vary?” the expert continued.
Halfway through the date he goes, “I don’t think I experience emotion.” For the rest of the date I was convinced he might kill me.
He took me to Bob Evan’s..where I paid for my own meal and then he proceeded to beg me for road head bc his grandpa had died… I called my mom so damn fast.
When I took the train up from Philly to NYC to see him—not a short trip for a date—the first thing he did upon seeing me was tell me that my dress looked trashy. Within ten minutes he had told me he was a proud narcissist.He ditched me in the middle of the date to attend a meeting. I had to just dk around in the middle of New York with nothing to do and nowhere to go for like an hour.He took me in a drop ride at Coney Island. I am scared of heights. He laughed at me when I started crying.For some bizarre reason he was shocked when I never called him back again after that date. The worst fg part was I got fg bronchitis from traveling and at the time I had a VERY BUSY summer job as a counselor for incoming freshmen at my university and it SUCKED!Fk you Andrew, you weirdo.
And when it comes to trying to prevent unfortunate dates, Rachel recommends having a phone call or video-chat first. “Have a list of questions that you ask to see if you’re on the same page, such as ‘What are you looking for?’ and ‘What do you admire in a person?’ and ‘What’s a good date for you?’ You can check out their listening skills too,” she noted.It’s also wise to plan to keep the first date short. “Don’t have a meal – just a coffee or a drink. Practice saying ‘I don’t feel comfortable with this conversation’ and ‘This date doesn’t work for me.’ Be happy you found out their fatal flaws early on!” Rachel added.
And when it comes to trying to prevent unfortunate dates, Rachel recommends having a phone call or video-chat first. “Have a list of questions that you ask to see if you’re on the same page, such as ‘What are you looking for?’ and ‘What do you admire in a person?’ and ‘What’s a good date for you?’ You can check out their listening skills too,” she noted.
It’s also wise to plan to keep the first date short. “Don’t have a meal – just a coffee or a drink. Practice saying ‘I don’t feel comfortable with this conversation’ and ‘This date doesn’t work for me.’ Be happy you found out their fatal flaws early on!” Rachel added.
She brought her mom and expected me to pay for both of them.
Worst first date: while we were waiting for our meal at the restaurant, the guy ransacked distant branches of his family tree to estimate his odds of having blue-eyed children with me.Worst date that wasn’t the first: strolling the sidewalk at the beach, the guy verbally harassed passing women who weren’t thin enough for his liking. He didn’t comprehend my reaction from surprise to disbelief to anger because, in his words, “You’re not fat.”.
If you’ve been on a bad date, don’t beat yourself up about the experience. “Someone behaving badly can feel horrible for a while. Try to understand that it’s most likely because they suffered trauma or a poor upbringing and haven’t had their emotional needs met,” Rachel shared. “Perhaps they are emotionally immature – see their behavior as similar to a young child. And yes, you deserve to be treated better!“And if you’re looking for more wise words about dating, be sure to visit Rachel’swebsiteor check out herworkbook!
If you’ve been on a bad date, don’t beat yourself up about the experience. “Someone behaving badly can feel horrible for a while. Try to understand that it’s most likely because they suffered trauma or a poor upbringing and haven’t had their emotional needs met,” Rachel shared. “Perhaps they are emotionally immature – see their behavior as similar to a young child. And yes, you deserve to be treated better!”
And if you’re looking for more wise words about dating, be sure to visit Rachel’swebsiteor check out herworkbook!
Went out with a pro (amateur?) wrestler. Had fun talking about a project he was doing. Then he spent 2 hours talking about his female cousin. He spoke very highly of her and her appearance. I left the date more interested in his cousin than him.
I went on a date with a man and he took me to a nice restaurant and as soon as we got there, left the table and was on the phone for almost 45 minutes. This was before Uber and he drove us, so I just ended up talking to the waiter and eating bread. He finally came back, ordered for us without asking me what I wanted and acted like nothing happened. Then when he dropped me off at my apartment, got extremely upset because I didn’t invite him up. He then called me and asked me out for a second date the next day. 😂.
I once met a guy who not only told me about the time he ended up in emergency because of a tick bite to the nutsack, but he then proceeded to bring said tick out of his wallet in a ziplock bag. Wild move imo….
Met him online, and it should have been a red flag that he only had one photo, a picture of him in his uniform when he was in the Army a couple of years prior. When I saw him in person, he was 100 pounds heavier and I didn’t recognize him. He was also wearing a camouflage kilt. Spent half the date talking about his recent ex girlfriend and how he loved her so much more than she ever loved him. The date was at a Mexican restaurant that had huge portions, and I couldn’t finish my meal because I was full. He told me “we don’t waste food around here” and went on a 5 minute rant about how there are starving people in the world and we should always clear our plates. I said “no problem, I can take the rest home” but he took the plate from me and ate the rest of my food. He tried holding my hand on the way out the door, and then asked me if I wanted to meet up with him the next morning to play Magic the Gathering. I respectfully declined.
She yelled at the waitress. I left as soon as I could.
Talked for a few weeks on tinder and seemed like a nice guy. False! We met for drinks but when I showed up he was already sitting down eating (I wasn’t late we were only meeting for a drink). He realized he “forgot” his credit card so I paid for his dinner and two bags of leftovers from BEFORE I GOT THERE. I never spoke to him again.Another date I dodged bullet but it’s too good not to tell. I had been talking to a guy a couple weeks until we were able to meet up. I travel for work which I had talked about with him on multiple occasions. Our set date was a night I was traveling home from but my flight was delayed and I wouldn’t have been home until midnight on a weekday. I told him I’d have to make it another time but he flipped out and told me he’d rather not meet up with a flake and that there are plenty of other flights I could take to meet him. His anger was a huge red flag . The next day I met up with some gfs at a bar we had planned awhile back. I had told him the week before about my girls night plans and our favorite spot. I get there with my friends and a little while into us hanging out.. dude walks in with a date and beeline’s it for seating next to me and gives me a wink. I dodged a bullet never meeting this guy for our date.
I used some savings for a nice dinner out bc I wanted to treat him…When we get there .. not even 10 min settled inHe’s complaining that the place sucks,He hasn’t been to the gym and shouldn’t be eating that much,That the people working there are weird- looking,That i should not have wasted time and money,I cried in the car omw back.
We met at a bar one night when we both happened to not be drinking. I had a busy day the next day … idk his reason. He asked for my number like an adult and the next day after texting a bit he asked me to dinner the following night. Cute, sure.I walked in, wearing a semi see through top with a camisole under it and he said something like, “I wish you weren’t wearing that shirt underneath.” Ooookay weirdo but maybe you’re nervous… he negged me several times and eventually asked me if my mom was hot. He proceeded to make several weird innuendos.I excused myself to the bathroom and told the hostess not to tell the guy that I left. I skee-daddled to my car and drove to my friends’ house (all dude roommates, college town btw) and chilled there for 20 minutes until I was confident he didn’t follow me.
One time I went on a date where the guy played games the entire time on the little table top register thing some restaurants have.
I asked a coworker out. She believed the man should take charge in everything in the relationship. She made me pick the restaurant, pick her up and drive her, order for her, carry the conversation, pay the bill, drive her home, the whole time acting disinterested in everything I said. I texted her I didn’t think we would work out and she sent back “I had a lot of fun what do you mean?”.
He picked me up in a convertible that had the price written on the window in marker and all kinds of papers on it. I lived in a student dorm; he came to my door and left the car with the music blasting so everyone saw us leave. We had ice cream and went to see a movie. He left me at the movie theater and disappeared for about 30 minutes. He came back, we watched a movie, and then went to leave. No car was outside. He said it wasn’t his and he had to return it. He took it for a test drive from a dealership. But he said he can take me back on the handlebars of his bike. We did that, with stops cause he was out of breath. Then he dropped me off a couple of blocks from the dorm “cause you don’t want your friends to see.” We had to see each other at work all summer but we just looked the other way. I was 19.
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The second day I went on with this girl, she basically spent the entire date aggressively complaining about her co-workers. She came off as the biggest b*h in the world. She didn’t come off great on the first day but it was the first date I had had in a while. But the second date that was all she talked about. No empathy, no compassion. Just “fk these people”. Didn’t really ask me about anything. Just complained about her co-workers.
She talked about her cat the whole time, didn’t ask a thing about me. I didn’t learn a thing about her other than she has a cat. I’m highly allergic to cats.
He was three hours late. Talked about his band the whole time. Then his car ran out of petrol and we had to wait for the rac to get us.
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First date with a guy who flat out asked me if I had been abused as a child because I was showing red flags apparently.Then he tried to dine and dash but I put a stop to that. I refused to leave. He ended up having to pay and that was the last I ever saw of him. .
It wasn’t bad at all until I pooped my pants on the drive home.
I’ve posted this on Reddit before but it’s a good one. It’s long, but I swear it’s worth it. (Also please know that I’ve grown a lot as a person and I would not handle this today the same way I did then.)I matched on a dating app with a guy who turned out to be a friend’s cousin. He was in his 30s, a few years older than me. We had decent chats on the app, though there were a few red flags. Like I was traveling for work to one of my company’s warehouses, and I let him know I wouldn’t be very available because I don’t bring my personal phone with me during the day when I travel (too busy, and there’s no service in those buildings anyway) and have really long days, but he still got upset when I wasn’t answering him fast enough. I gave him the benefit of the doubt because normally I’m pretty responsive, even though it really annoyed me.When I got back from traveling, he asked me to go out on a date. He was an alcoholic in recovery, so we agreed to meet for coffee at a certain Starbucks in my town. He didn’t drive, so he’d get an Uber. On the day, I got showered and dressed, and then got a message from him that he needed to change the time. Annoying, but things happen. So I hang out at home for a while longer before heading over. When I’m one set of traffic lights away from the Starbucks, my phone pings and it’s a message from him. His Uber took him to the wrong Starbucks, could I meet him there instead? They were pretty close to each other, so I replied that I would and made a u-turn to go back the quarter mile or so. I go inside and don’t see him. I message him and he says he went back to the original Starbucks, but to stay where I am and he’d come back. I ordered a drink and and as I’m finishing paying, a very large, sweaty man comes in and yells my name in this tiny Starbucks.Now, I knew from photos he was a big guy, but he had to have been at least a hundred pounds heavier than his picture. He gets in line to order a drink and in between talking to the baristas, he’s telling me about how he started to run back from the other Starbucks (again, they were not too far apart) and then jumped into some guy’s car to get here quicker. A random guy, who apparently didn’t speak much English, and just commandeered it. Then he sits down and starts talking at me. This was not a conversation, it was a monologue. He tells me the reason he doesn’t drive was because of several DUIs, and all about it. He tells me how his AA meetings are in a bar. (Weird choice.) He tells me about how his alcoholism means he has to live with his parents and that’s why he doesn’t have a job. He tells me all about his war injury (which, to be fair, resulted in him losing a leg). He tells me what kind of music he likes, and asks if I have tattoos and/or piercings. Before I can answer (no), he stands up and lifts his pants to show me his tattoos and his shirt to show me his nipple piercings!He tells me he only wears Under Armour, and the sporting goods store in the same plaza was closing and having huge sales, and he wanted to walk over. I didn’t know how to extract myself from the situation so…I went with him. We go in, and he is piling up his desired purchases. I don’t pick up anything. We get in the very long checkout line, and when we’re a few people from the front, he realizes he forgot to check out the shoes. He hands me his pile and jogs off. I get to the front of the line before he comes back, so I step aside and let several people behind me go. He comes back and we go to the next open register to pay. The total is over $200, at which point he tells me his mother controls his money and was going to be very upset with him.We start walking back to the other end of the plaza where my car was parked and we pass a pet store. He decides he’s going to run in and get live crickets for his lizard, which I did not know he had. (Not my kind of pet, but to each his own.) I finally took this opportunity to duck out and made up a lie about a family dinner. He asked for my phone number, which I declined to give (I always wait until after the first date because I’ve had some bad experiences), saying I’d message it to him later but I really had to run. He then drops on me that he’s in the middle of his second divorce and he also had a failed engagement.I booked it so fast to my car and deleted him from whatever dating app we matched on.
The one where the girl(s) didn’t show up.I had moved (unwillingly) a few months before to the midwest. I was in OK shape, not the best but OK. Went on a cruise with my immediate family a few months later. Started talking with a few girls and met two girls that were from two towns away from where the family had moved. I asked the girls if they would like to meet for dinner and they said yes. I wasn’t looking to get laid or anything, I was just lonely as hell because I didn’t know anyone around.I sat there for 45 minutes before I ordered dinner for myself and I felt like complete and utter s**t for the rest of the trip. They could have just said no.Haven’t thought of that in years…
I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t experience it myself, but went out with a vegan who was OBSESSED with Taco Bell and literally refused to speak about anything other than their bean burritos. I asked what part of town he was in, he told me where the nearest Taco Bell was. I asked “what do you do?” and instead of telling me his job like any other person with a shred of normalcy would he answered, “I eat Taco Bell.” It was the most bizarre 20 minutes of my entire life before I finally chugged my drink and ran out of there.
Went to a brewery for a drink and they played local metal and rock bands. Kept interrupting both me and himself to name the songs and artists. The told me about his ex and how they were together for 3 years and talked AT LENGTH about her 5 yo daughter and how he felt like her father and still helps watch her even though he is low conta t with the mother(?) It was bizarre he probably talked about this kid for nearly half the date.Also I was in grad school at the time and it was during finals so I was a little stressed and negative about school and studying ( I wouldn’t say overly so but definitely a bit tired out) he told me it sounded like I was going to hate my job and I should drop out- 3 years into a 4 year doctorate.Left after 1 round and no food- it felt like a fever dreamAlso- I actually love my current job lol.
A blind date and she brought a friend and her toddler. Fun.
He looked about 15 years older than his profile pictures, he “forgot” his wallet and had me buy the bottle of wine for his “wine and a movie” date idea, drank the entire bottle himself aside from the very small glass I poured myself (and took one sip of) and never paid me back for it. Also I later found out that he was friends with the guy I had just dated a few months earlier who ghosted me.
He talked about his ex a lot and how almost everything he did was because he was a Pisces 😂I haven’t been on much dates so that’s why it’s not the worst thing that could have happened but this was the worst out of the bunch. It was more just annoying lol.
He talked about sex the whole time and I had to pay for everything 🤮.
Too many stories to tellThe girl forgot how to get to the restaurant and got off at the wrong stop. I waited for her. The entire time she spent telling me about the “sexual” relationship she had with a previous “date.” At the end , she had no way to get back to her car. I drove to her car .. and there was not a second date. She then asked me for career advice.Another one, seemed into me and things. But, told me… She cannot be expected to pay for a date as the “man always pays.” F**k that. She was surprised that I ended things. Her words… “I see this going somewhere.” I didn’t share the same sentiment. It was a meeting at a pub. Nothing too fancy.So many moreEditI had a girl tell me that she cannot go out unless she talked to her parents. We were late 20s at that point. She was then confused when I ended things after the first date.
Well, it’s the only date I’ve been on (every other time I’ve dated someone we either just…. didn’t go out cause they didn’t want to or ended up only being with their friends) but it was still pretty demoralizing.Met on a dating site, talked for a week. Was getting on amazingly. The end of that week I was driving back home from being in my hometown for a few days over Thanksgiving, and I messaged her as I was leaving asking if she would be OK talking on the phone for a while because I couldn’t message for a while, also it would keep me awake. We ended up talking the entire 4 hour ride I had back home, and then I stayed up for another 2 hours talking with them, where we agreed to meet up on a date a few days later. We agreed on a restaurant, we met up, and immediately, effortlessly flowed back into a conversation that we had a few days before like we were old best friends. It was insane how well I felt we got along. We were going somewhere else after, I didn’t know the way there cause we were in another town. We drove separately, and I said I could follow them. They instead just told me general directions and said they would follow after me.I turned out of the parking lot and turned left, they waited at the road for a few seconds until I was at the end of the block at a light, and then turned the other way out of the parking lot and sped off. I was…. extremely confused, got to where we were going and called, maybe something happened? No answer. Waited a little while, then just went home. Sent a text later, no response.I ended up another day later typing their name into my browser, expecting it to autofill to the url of our messages on the dating site, but it ended up just googling them instead. A blog came up, and because I’m awful, I looked at it. It was theirs, and allll of the first things on the page was the same. I don’t remember what it was called exactly, but if you remember about…. 9? Years ago, there was this dumb online trend called ‘waste his time’ or something like that, and well, it was exactly what it sounds like. At least their version was, apparently it was something else first, like a Twitter joke or something, but they had decided to just use it to actually just f**k with guys. So that’s been a pretty great sole dating experience.
Not due to the date itself, but when I was living with my parents, my mother would follow me on any date I went on. Like if we went to the mall, she would follow us around the whole time. If we watched a movie, she was in the same showing.So any date in high school. Those all sucked.
Guy pulled out a harmonica at 1am to serenade me and all my roommates were asleep. he also sang along to every intro and outro of the show we were watching….
Second date with a girl on bumble. We end up hooking up but she became super lethargic. Thought it was just how she had sex. I finish but she stays super lethargic. I start asking her, what’s going on. She’s not really responsive. I get narcan and tell her I’m going to call an ambulance and hit her with narcan. I didn’t see her take anything though and we only had a couple drinks.I’m freaking out and try and get her to put her clothes on. Figured it’d be really bad to be in this position when cops came. I call my ex to see what I should do and then realize that she’s diabetic. I go through her purse looking for tests or something and then she wakes up enough to realize she needs sugar so I feed her candy that was in her purse.When she comes to, she tells me she didn’t take her medication that day and didn’t wear her sensor. And that this happened before in a date! She was 39, not done young girl!She then asks me what side of the bed is mine and say, both you’re going home tonight!
Went on a first date with a guy, super sweet but very awkward. I spent the first hour of the date reassuring him that he was doing alright. He had a lot of anxiety, I don’t think he’s been on many dates. We sort of connected on the app but it felt a bit stiff, didn’t think much of it as people aren’t always good texters. But then, in the middle of me reassuring him again, he point blank wished we were texting instead so that he could answer better. My mind went straight back to the stiff texts.Yeah, no… This wasn’t going to work. After that, I tried to find the best time to dip out without being rude. He had a lot of confidence issues, from what I gathered. Sweet guy, but he needed to work on himself more.Not that exciting, I also haven’t had many first dates. But I consider this my worst.
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