While the cliche stereotype is that pretty people are airheads, the fact is that being popular generally just means having a good understanding of socialdynamics. So it stands to reason that the people everyone liked in high school tend to do pretty well in the long run. But how often is that actually true?

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She died heroically trying to save a stray dog from a flooded river. Normally, I would not mention someone’s name specifically, but Jacqueline Kleine Watts was an honest to goodness heroine and deserves to be remembered.She spent her last minutes trying to pull a terrified dog from one of the deadliest rivers in my area. After a life seemingly devoted to caring for stray animals.I did not know her well in school. We did not really move in the same circles. But, when I happened upon the story of her eventual fate, I was duly impressed.

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS


If you mean the vivacious outgoing drop dead gorgeous blond blue eyed 5′8″ 36C-24–35 who everybody lusted over and really knew how great everybody thought she was i’ll tell youthree marriages, 2 divorces, 2 addictions, 3 kids. no education as “who needs an education when you’re as stunning as I am?” no money, no future & looks a very rough 65 at 45.if you mean the 4′11″ slightly overweight , shy girl with the very thick glasses over exceptionally pretty eyes who you could talk to and who had no idea how beautiful she really was I’ll tell you that too.one marriage of 25 years, two kids, two grandkids, went back to school & has good career, & who at 47 (much to the delight of her husband) looks like her 23 yr old daughter’s slightly older sibling.guess I married the right one

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

I married her after we graduated college. We have two beautiful daughters after 31 years of marriage. Sadly she died from brain cancer last year at 56 years old. Gorgeous right to the end when she was admitted to the hospital on Memorial Day. Gone before August.

A woman in a red top reads a book on a couch with two young girls, showcasing family time.

I do work for her pro bono. I used to look after her kids now and again and do chores to help out. On occasion I’d give her a lift to go shopping, drop her at her family’s place, etc. All the stuff that you’d do for a best friend.And for some reason she keeps insisting we’ve been married since 2001 and all the s**t I’ve been doing is also mine to deal with.The audacity!

A couple embracing, focusing on woman’s engagement ring, representing the prettiest girl from high school narratives.

I think I was in class with the prettiest girl in my high school. Her hair were dirty blond, she was tall, she had a beautifull and classy face. Very natual - we are French.She had opinions about politics and morals, she was authentic. When I was bullied, she was the only one who tried to help.Now, she works for a NGO. She helps orphans in Asia. I am glad she is still the same, with a big heart.

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

She’s a doctor and treated my Dad a couple years ago. Of course he called me to tell me that his hot Doctor knew me and I’m an idiot for not marrying her.

Young woman doctor in white coat holding a stethoscope close-up, focusing on career.

She became a cool, left winger on the West Coast and last I saw, a silver fox - or vixen I guess. She has this wild mane of hair and happy wrinkles.

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

I married her. That was 52 years ago. She’s even more beautiful now! I’ve been so blessed!

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

She got her PhD in Aerospace Engineer is traveling around the world to work on her research. Still looks like the prettiest girl in my high school.

Aircraft engine maintenance in hangar, showcasing intricate turbine details.

She is actually incredibly intelligent. Went on to go to a Ivy League school and became a pretty successful doctor. She’s really a good person too as far as I’m aware. I’m happy for her and her family.

A woman with glasses in a doctor’s coat, holding a clipboard, embodying the concept of the prettiest girl from HS.

A teacher got her pregnant and she got stuck marrying an old dude. So gross.They didn’t even fire him.This place is disgusting.

Pregnant woman in a blue dress holding her belly, highlighting change in life of prettiest girl from high school.

She went on to become a model and now she runs a modelling agency. Very successful but she remained the goofy person she was in high school.

Blonde woman with wavy hair and closed eyes, symbolizing the prettiest girl theme, against a dark background.

Prettiest girl at the school in the next county over… Somehow she ended up with me. She’s a successful hand therapist (she has a hand job.. giggity), smarter than I’ll ever be, and just as beautiful 20 years later.

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

I married her. She gave me two beautiful children. I love her.

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

I had no idea til just now, because she never used to be on social media.Just Googled her name and found she’s now a university lecturer (she was very smart but I didn’t know she was into that particular subject) and had to get a restraining order against a guy more than twice her age who was stalking her. Crazy stuff.She still looks great.

A woman in a lecture hall speaking to an audience, holding a microphone, possibly discussing her high school experiences.

Got pregnant and dropped out at the end of junior year. Now sings at a really weird church in town and constantly praises Jesus.

Young woman in a turtleneck, hands clasped, looking upwards thoughtfully.

Tragically, the prettiest girl in my school, and my friend all through school, married a banker and died in a house fire when she tried to run back into the house to save her children. I never dated her, but took her to prom one year when she didn’t have a real date. I try not to think of her too often.

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

She became an actress, won an Oscar, married and had kids, and has lived a wonderful life.Which, honestly, is good. She earned it.

Golden trophy statuette on display, shining in soft ambient light.

She went mad. Wouldn’t see a dentist or clean her teeth. Was convinced the ghost of her dead father was watching her all the time. Very weird.

Blurry woman reaching out with hand extended, depicted as the “prettiest girl” concept from high school memories.

The prettiest girl in my high school was also the brainiest!She was naturally gifted, and was able to use her brains to grow in her professional and personal life.She is a globe-trotter now, living in Singapore with her wonderful family!More power to her!

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

Damaged car front with crumpled metal and broken headlight, symbolizing unexpected changes in life paths.

Got engaged at 19 and married to a guy 10 years older as soon as she finished an English degree in college. They have a bunch of kids and seem pretty happy and content. Never was the flashy type.

Hands with wedding rings over a bouquet, featuring the prettiest girl concept from high school memories.

Hottest (imo) was a year above me. We worked together for a few years after school until I changed jobs. Kinda lost touch for 10 years. Got back in touch, started dating and married 4 years later. Been married for 8 years now. Couldn’t be happier.

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

She is a model and actress in LA, and as beautiful and kind as ever. She gets regular work even at age 45!

Woman in a dark coat and beret, holding a coffee cup, sitting on a bench and gazing out the window.

She wanted to go out with me, I didn’t believe her and just laughed thinking she was joking. She ended up marrying a professional skater and has kids with him. Happy for her.

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

Not in touch with her anymore, but I know from a mutual friend that she is a successful doctor and living happily with her boyfriend, who is also a doctor.

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

She was my best friend in high school and I still meet up with her once a year.She’s pretty successful professionally but bats**t crazy in relationships, hooked up with her superior, stalked him and his new gf and is now not allowed to contact him for 6 months.And that’s just one story.

“Now Unrecognizable”: 30 People Share What Happened To The Prettiest Girl From Their HS

She dropped out before graduating and married a much older wealthy guy.

Woman in a white dress outdoors, holding a bouquet, representing the prettiest girl from high school.

Woman in black tank top sits on bed adjusting her arm, relating to discussions about the prettiest girl from high school.

Person showing an emotional expression with hands on face, reflecting on past high school experiences.

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Okay. I totally googled her. She has a unique enough name that I actually found her. She was a cheerleader in high school, and guess what she does now? She runs a successful cheerleading training school in San Diego. She was an extra in Bring It On! and in Bring It On 2! She actually was a totally nice sweet person. It made me smile to find out that she has taken her passion and made it into a successful career.As a kid labeled a loser and a stoner and whatever, I actually had classes with her and had a sorta friendship with her. Not special, just that she was sooo nice to everyone she met. So I was happy to see that she’s done well for herself. She’s still beautiful. Even now, 23 years after high school, she still looks smoking hot.

The prettiest girl in my high school, one of the cheerleaders, was also my neighbor two houses over.What happened to her is that she and her friends went out drinking and driving on the eve of her sixteenth birthday.She ended upside down in a convertible in a ditch on the side of the road, just a few hours before turning 16.Don’t drink and drive.

Became a school teacher, got engaged to a very good looking South African man who later turned out to be a sociopath and womanizer. The two have since split after another girl he was cheating on came to the girl I know and told her. Having met the guy I saw it a mile away.

Woman writing on a whiteboard, possibly the prettiest girl from her high school, during a classroom session.

Young woman with long blonde hair in a black top, posing under blue and red lighting.

She became an actress for kids shows and a model, was going to get married with a handsome dude. Everything seemed to be perfect. He then cheated on her and she hanged herself.Edit.: It was indeed a shock to everyone, eveb her close ones. Her life, on the outside, seemed perfect. Well-off parents with connections, seemed like a tight knit family, career going extremely well, relationship seemed great. It’s almost as if this cheating of her future husband broke her perfect world and she was not equipped to deal with it. Who knows, i’m still baffled when i think back.

I wondered and checked out her couple moths ago.She is a very successful lawyer.As radiant, beautiful, smart and proud as ever. probably earning 15 times more than i do.

I’m not friends with 99.9% of people I knew in high school and don’t care much about them…but I have occassionally stumbled across a picture on Facebook…funny for the most part the hottest girls are no longer even close to the hottest and some of the more average girls turned out way more attractive.

Became a mth head, then a crck head. Her career was stripper/dating d**g dealers. She died of cancer. Her boyfriend gave her h*roin on her death bed. In a weird way that’s kind of sweet. He stayed with her, and did his best to help the pain.

She stayed with the 6'3" jock and he ended up beating the s**t out of her on a regular basis. She has a bunch of kids and he works in Concrete.

A blonde woman sitting by a window, covering her face with her hands, looking emotional.

Well, hottest one in the class above me got pregnant at 19, cheated on her husband and is now 47 year old town bicycle type.My year, she became a farmer chick, got fat between the pregnancy but stayed active. Now at 46 she’s gorgeous again, still married to her husband, still the same farm, mom of 3 friends of my kids.Class below my turn. She became a pr*stitute. Now with 45 she looks used and messed up. No kids some repeating customers who aged with her keep her over water for sexual kinks.So its quite different. Some grown n glow, some just f**k up. I doubt it has much to do with the initial looks. It’s much more important how they develop themselves.

Went on the bachelor and got into deep s**t for some racism 😳.

Woman in an office setting writing on papers, with a framed certificate visible, representing the theme of prettiest girl from HS.

She was also one of if not the smartest. Literally got an incredibly high powered job. If I said it you would go wtf. When I say high power and influence I mean high power and influence.Married into a royal family. Lives in that country now.

A woman with glasses reads a book in a library, representing the concept of the prettiest girl from high school continuing her education.

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She was always super nice to everyone. She’s married with a kid now and shills some kind of shampoo/haircare MLM stuff.

She went to college, became a model for a while.She posts a lot of bikini pictures from the beach on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.Between those pictures and a number of other indicators, her wealthy husband being 50 years old and retired being one, I’m within the realm of scientific certainty (>95%) that she doesn’t work and isn’t going to need to work any time in the near future.More power to her.Unfortunately, I wasn’t born a 9.99999/10 Barbie doll.So I guess I’m gonna have to keep going to work :P

Person holding a smartphone displaying Instagram login screen, relevant to stories about the prettiest girl of high school.

She recently died of a brain haemorrhage.I was very shocked to hear the news through the grapevine. She was the most popular girl, dated the football quarterback and was head cheerleader. Blond, pretty, all-American.It wasn’t till I learned of her death that I was also informed that she’d had a troubled life all these years and had suffered with depression.One night, she went to bed and died in her sleep of a haemorrhage.

She became a hippie yoga instructor who teaches art and presumably smokes a lot of w**d.

Woman in a sunflower field, adorned with a floral headpiece, symbolizing the “prettiest girl” theme.

She’s still pretty and with her high school bf. She is one of the prettiest girls in my school imo.:(Meanwhile nerdy me is still single. 💀.

She was head of the cheerleading team — a super cute blonde girl with huge blue eyes and blonde hair. She was even nice. I mean, I liked her. She was on the morning show (all of the popular kids were), and she dated a guy on the varsity baseball team.I think now she works at Hooters and has two kids. I was sad when I found out! I had wanted her to get out of my small town and just do something else I guess. But she’s married to the baseball player and seems happy. She bragged about being in the local Hooters calendar. I guess we all have diff goals or whatever. I just thought she could’ve gone somewhere else or something.My high school was weird.

The prettiest girl of my high school completed her Masters and joined teaching field despite she never wanted to be a teacher.Writing was her passion, so she joined a Q and A site where she could write her heart out and I heard she is doing good in it.

Not only was she the prettiest, but smart and confident. Of course, she was going out with the most smoking hot Senior in school.I heard they got married.Found out at my 10 year high school reunion she had an affair with a man, got pregnant and smoking hot left her and later married another girl that graduated a few years after we did.I talked to her and she was going on about the new wife and how she disrupted the reunion planning committee they were both on.I never had a desire to go back to another high school reunion again. Drama!

She’s working at Microsoft.

Competed in Miss. America Pageant, became a cheerleader for an NFL team and owns and operates a cheerleading school.

All I know is she emigrated to France together with her boyfriend. Good for her.

A bit subjective as to who was the prettiest, but the one who was tops in my book wound up pretty much how I’d expected: (via facebook, haven’t spoken to her since I was a freshman in college or so) She was in the top few percent of the class, got an engineering degree, married a guy she met in college, had kids, lived/worked abroad for a while, and is still gorgeous.

She was a Hawaiian tropic girl last I checked.

She married Jason Statham.

A woman with long blonde hair in a black outfit, standing outdoors.

Well we had like 5 girls in highschool but the girl from the primary school I can tell she is freshly married and looks happy. I’m really happy for her, she was nice to me. She even pushed me to a wall once and flirted with me but I was a stupid boy on my way to pee so I didn’t really connect that for some years.

I went to my 50th hs reunion a few years ago and the best looking girl from 50 years ago was still the best looking, most well preserved, woman of her age I have ever seen. She looked 20 years younger than everyone else, was impeccably dressed, wore little makeup, and had no obvious cosmetic surgery. The cheerleaders, the good looking (back then) popular girls that all the guys fantasized about have all gotten fat, old , and wrinkled. Time has not been kind to them.

In addition to being smoking hot she was also very friendly, and had excellent grades, so she could have studied anything she wanted. Like several of her friends she decided to take a year off before proceeding to college.She traveled a little around Asia, worked a little, met what must have been a very nice guy, because she ended up not going to college at all, but married early and now has a couple of kids with him. As far as I can tell from our very limited contact, she is still a very friendly person and appears happy with her life.

She’s a single mom. It’s interesting how many pretty girls from highschool end up single moms.

A woman and a child washing dishes together in a kitchen.

Is doing nothing with her life. Her dad is ultra-rich and her sister went to Oxford. Her mother is a successful doctor but she’s just baking cakes, posing for Instagram and hanging out with her old high school friends. She’s like 24.

A woman in a white dress using a whisk to make meringue in a kitchen setting.

D***s, jail, kids early in life, never left the pin prick of a town we grew up in, married, stuck. Couple girls over a few different schools.

Well, she wasn’t at our school for too long, she unfortunatly got a nick name of Emily Pubes, which also rhymes with her full name, so it stuck.She’s now a full-time model, lol, fairs.

One of the prettiest in my opinion was a tall, slender girl who loved everything about dance and dancing. I came across her on Facebook a few years back. She has a job and a family. Still looks great.

The prettiest student was also voted the prettiest couple in our class. They were both very popular and cute. The man passed away about 12 years ago and the lady still lives in the area that she grew up in. She was SO talented, but never did much with her talents. She probably could have been another Julia Roberts. Sad.

She went on to do the Transformers movies. The prettiest girl in my high school was Megan Fox. We went to Morningside Academy in Port St. Lucie, Florida. Christian school, very small. My friends and I would peruse the yearbooks in middle school and were always enamored and envious of how pretty she was. And she was quite pretty on the outside. Turns out she’s a terrible actress though and I’m not sure Hollywood is interested in casting her anymore.

Woman in an orange top and jeans, working on a car in a field, representing the topic of “prettiest girl” from high school.

I’m here today!!! Ha ha, no, I’m just kidding, that was not me! The real one went to University in another part of the country and I am told she now has a modelling job with a company there.

She’s married to an MLB pitcher and works for some fashion design company.

About 5 years ago when I was still on Facebook, I got a PM out of the blue from a girl who was in my class at school. She was super-pretty back then, and I adored her - but I asked her out once & she just laughed in my face because I was the nerdy, awkward kid who went through puberty really late.Thirty five years later, I’m nearly a foot taller and in great physical shape thanks to being a weightlifter & general fitness freak. I have a happy life, nice big house & a very photogenic wife.She - on the other hand, looked like she had spent the past 35 years in the pub. Nearly every photo of her was her out on the lash, and she had the face of a heavy smoker. And her PM to me was only semi-literate.Ignored it.

Actually, she became valedictorian! She was a cheerleader, super popular, hung out with all the ditzy sluts, but she was really cool and incredibly smart. After graduation, she ditched her boyfriend, and I’m pretty sure she booked it right out of our small town!

She’s an influencer engaged to a CEO. She’s doing pretty good for herself. I never really stood a chance, she was always out of my league.

Young woman in a green dress applying makeup in front of a smartphone and ring light, symbolizing beauty and self-expression.

Social media influencer in a long term relationship with a kid from a political family. Not much going on with her professionally. She’s nice and a friend, but she seems a lot like a trophy girl to a rich guy.

A woman takes a selfie with a ring light, capturing a live moment.

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