I am someone who gulps down a lot of water even whiletravelingwith the assurance that I will be able to use public restrooms whenever needed. However, what if you realize that they are not really safe for you, especially the toilet paper?
There has been a warning issued that if you find tiny marks on thetoilet paperin public restrooms, you have to be cautious. Those specks could be where substance users stabbed to wipe their needles. If you do spot those, it would be wiser to avoid using that toilet paper!
More info:Daily Mail
Expert warns to be cautious of rolls of toilet paper in public restrooms, which might have tiny rust-colored marks on them
Image credits:technicolor94
Imagine that you have been roaming outside all day long and keeping yourself hydrated, when suddenly you really need to use the WC. You dash inside a public restroom, but then you find that there are tiny rust-colored marks on the toilet paper, and you are not really aware of what these are. Well, let us tell you why you need to be concerned about these marks.
“Even if you touched the toilet paper and there was blood on it, you would not have been at risk for HIV. There needs to be an immediate and direct transfer of fluid for there to be a risk for HIV. For Hepatitis C, infection can occur from dry blood, BUT it still needs a way to get inside your body, which would not happen from merely touching it.”
Image credits:EyeEm / Freepik (not the actual photo)
While rumors spread that these marks could cause HIV or hepatitis, they were quickly debunked
Even Dr. Sermed Mezher made a post onInstagramwhere he explained that HIV and hepatitis cannot be transmitted through toilet paper because these viruses require specific conditions to survive and transmit from person to person.
However, a massivedebateis afoot on whether substance users really do stab public toilet paper to wipe their needles after use. While a person didreportthat they experienced it in person and even uploaded the pictures, it was still scrutinized as some people labeled it an “urban legend.”
Experts are also debating the whole claim as needles might break if they are stabbed into the toilet paper rolls
Aspokespersonfor the Washington State Department of Health added: “We have never heard of this. This practice seems extremely unlikely because the tip of the needle could break off if one tried to stab it through a toilet paper roll. I’m not sure why someone would risk that if what they wanted was to use the same needle for another shot.”
Image credits:lionstocks03 / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Image credits:90zWereBetter
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