Imagine this situation: you meet someone—whether it’s a business meeting or aromantic date—and they spend 90% of the time on their smartphone. You try to start a conversation, you are eloquent and witty, like a hypothetical kid of Cicero andMrs. Maisel—but it’s all in vain…You understand perfectly well that today, many people act this way, and that it has almost become a standard of human communication all over the world… but, damn, it’s incredibly offensive! And it surely irritates you, even if you hide your irritation behind a polite smile. And so, our next selection is dedicated to human habits just like these.More info:RedditThis post may includeaffiliate links.
Imagine this situation: you meet someone—whether it’s a business meeting or aromantic date—and they spend 90% of the time on their smartphone. You try to start a conversation, you are eloquent and witty, like a hypothetical kid of Cicero andMrs. Maisel—but it’s all in vain…
You understand perfectly well that today, many people act this way, and that it has almost become a standard of human communication all over the world… but, damn, it’s incredibly offensive! And it surely irritates you, even if you hide your irritation behind a polite smile. And so, our next selection is dedicated to human habits just like these.
More info:Reddit
This post may includeaffiliate links.
Leaving church on Sunday mornings and then immediately behaving like the Antichrist to the wait staff at a restaurant.
Watching tiktoks / videos out loud either in public or even when you’re just hanging out with 1-2 people 🥲 it drives me insane.
A lot of my coworkers think it’s ok to clip their nails at their desk. Now I live in fear of a finger nail landing in my coffee and I can’t stand the sound of nail clippers.
As is usually the case in such situations, for some folks, certain habits other people have seem completelyunacceptable, while at the same time, others don’t see anything reprehensible about them. However, that is precisely the beauty of the question…
Coughing/sneezing without covering their mouth. The amount of people that do this in the open with no shame DIGUST ME.
When you’re at the cash register and the next person in line stands EXTREMELY close to you while you’re cashing out. I need space please!
Talking on cellphone in public while it’s on speaker. So annoying.
Some habits, despite their prevalence nowadays, look damn wrong from the point of view of unsanitary conditions. For example, clipping your nails at your work desk is pretty gross—at least in my book. Well, licking your finger in order to turn the page—especially if it’s a magazine or a newspaper—actually threatens the health of the person doing it. In fact, the likelihood ofdiarrheaincreases dramatically, doesn’t it?
Being on the phone while also trying to engage in conversation with another person.
Posting everymoment of their child’s lives. Kid doesn’t even have a chance to decide for themselves what part of their life is online vs offline.
Not really normal per se, more a result of laziness, but Littering (here in the UK there’s so much litter on the streets and main roadsides, it’s absolutely awful)Edit: spelling/grammar.
“In fact, some of the habits described in this collection are simply due to cultural differences between people,” says Maria Kryvosheeva, apsychologistand NLP coach, whomBored Pandaasked for a comment here. “For instance, in someculturesit is considered acceptable to wear street shoes at home, and in other cultures it’s a pure taboo. And people of another culture will consider this a blatant disgrace.““Well, everything else—somewhere it’s a lack of properupbringing, somewhere it is simply an acquired bad habit that is difficult to wean yourself off. And some do not consider it necessary to wean themselves off these habits at all, considering it something completely ordinary. In any case, the issue here, as I understand it, is solely that other people don’t like it.”
“In fact, some of the habits described in this collection are simply due to cultural differences between people,” says Maria Kryvosheeva, apsychologistand NLP coach, whomBored Pandaasked for a comment here. “For instance, in someculturesit is considered acceptable to wear street shoes at home, and in other cultures it’s a pure taboo. And people of another culture will consider this a blatant disgrace.”
“Well, everything else—somewhere it’s a lack of properupbringing, somewhere it is simply an acquired bad habit that is difficult to wean yourself off. And some do not consider it necessary to wean themselves off these habits at all, considering it something completely ordinary. In any case, the issue here, as I understand it, is solely that other people don’t like it.”
I’d have a shiver run down my spine anytime I was working a cashier job and an older woman pulled out money from her bra to pay for somethingEdit: spelling; also wtf didn’t expect this many responses.
Playing music on speaker on public transport.I don’t know if it’s classic Apple where people won’t just buy cheap earphones if they can’t afford/lose their air pods but it’s the worst thing ever.
Wealth hoarding.
“It also depends a lot on the upbringing a person received in their childhood. If something was considered normal in the family and has been passing before our eyes for years, then sooner or later we also begin to take it for granted. And we’re sometimes very surprised to learn that other people are embarrassed about it. And the older the habit, the more difficult it is to get rid of it,” Maria concludes.However, the perception of other people’s habits and peculiarities is also a question of our own upbringing and our own culture. And if someone’s behavior doesn’t directly bother us that much—no matter how outrageous we may think it is—perhaps we should simply refrain from loudly expressing this indignation? What do you think?
“It also depends a lot on the upbringing a person received in their childhood. If something was considered normal in the family and has been passing before our eyes for years, then sooner or later we also begin to take it for granted. And we’re sometimes very surprised to learn that other people are embarrassed about it. And the older the habit, the more difficult it is to get rid of it,” Maria concludes.
However, the perception of other people’s habits and peculiarities is also a question of our own upbringing and our own culture. And if someone’s behavior doesn’t directly bother us that much—no matter how outrageous we may think it is—perhaps we should simply refrain from loudly expressing this indignation? What do you think?
Apparently some people don’t wash after using the restroom when they’re at home. I don’t get that all, you’re still touching everything!
Chewing gum with your mouth open/smacking 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮.
I was once sharing a bag of cheetos with a friend. Most of us know that after a bit, you get the cheeto dust on your fingers. I watched my friend suck the cheeto dust off of their fingers and then dip back into the bag. I was horrified. In an instance of sharing, the licking the cheeto dust off of your fingers signifies that you are done snacking. No more dipping into the bag. After they did that, I just gave them the bag. I was so disgusted.
Spitting at the sidewalk for no reason. I don’t like seeing random puddles of saliva on every walk I have.
Licking their fingers to turn a page.
People not washing their hands before they cook or eat.
Talking on the phone while sitting on a public toilet .Always tempted to shout “He is taking a s**t” so the person on the other end knows.
See Also on Bored Panda
Bringing a donut to the stall and eating it while pooping, then exiting the stall with donut in hand and going back to work without washing hands.
Double parking. It’s such a rampant problem in NYC, and it infuriates me to no end. Especially when there is room for the car to have pulled over to the curb just 1 or 2 car lengths ahead of where they have chosen to stop. It ties up traffic and creates a road hazard. And, it’s just incredibly inconsiderate - which is the disgusting part. Honestly, how full of yourself do you have to be to just stop in the middle of traffic and think “yeah, this is alright”. Yuck.
When people talk on the phone when making an order at a store.
People who let their dogs lick their faceAs much as I love my dog I think this is very unhygienic and has become normalised to some people.
Calling partner daddy (mommy as well but other people find it disgusting too).
Touching the handle to the restroom exit door, when I exit I usually get a paper towel to avoid direct contact with it cause people like to use the restroom and not wash their hands.
Leaving the toilet open when you flush!! Absolutely rancid behavior, repulsive on all levels.
Parents wiping their kids faces with spit.
Some people do massive sniffles or snorts in my office. Pretty frequently. It’s the reason I wear headphones.
Burping. Obviously everyone burps but I know people who do it excessively and especially people who do it on purpose. It genuinely makes my stomach turn.
A lack of habit: not washing/cleaning their phone and phone case.
Blowing out birthday candles. Congrats, now we all get a slice of your spit cake.
If someone repeatedly burps out loud on a stream I’m watching I’ll quit. You’d be surprised how many.
Wearing shoes in the house.
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