We build cities to create spaces for living and working, but all of that concrete distances us from the natural world. So, to remind themselves that they’re part of something bigger, members of the subreddit ‘Nature is Freaking Lit’ are sharing pictures from green forests and blue seas. Whether it’s a candid snapshot of a snake or a National Geographic-level close-up of an insect, they definitely inspire others to reconnect with the environment.This post may includeaffiliate links.

We build cities to create spaces for living and working, but all of that concrete distances us from the natural world. So, to remind themselves that they’re part of something bigger, members of the subreddit ‘Nature is Freaking Lit’ are sharing pictures from green forests and blue seas. Whether it’s a candid snapshot of a snake or a National Geographic-level close-up of an insect, they definitely inspire others to reconnect with the environment.

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A small bird with a yellow belly perched on a branch, showcasing the beauty of nature.


Yellow bird in flight with wings spread wide against a blurred natural background, showcasing the amazement of nature.

Owl soaring in the sky at sunset, showcasing the amazing beauty of nature.

Silhouetted antelopes casting shadows on sandy terrain, highlighting nature’s amazing artistry.

Polar bear cub at cave entrance with protective adult bear in the background, showcasing an amazing moment in nature.

View of Earth from space showcasing an awe-inspiring natural phenomenon with shadows and clouds, emphasizing lit nature.

Striking multicolored fox resting on a gravel path, showcasing nature’s beauty and diversity.

Clouded leopard sitting on moss-covered branch, showcasing nature’s beauty with its striking patterned fur.

Tigers drinking water in a forest, showcasing the awe of nature.

Snowflakes resting on a crow’s feather, showcasing nature’s intricate beauty.

Young foxes exploring nature, playing and running amidst green grass and yellow flowers.

Conservation (Hope) Photographer Of The Year, 1st Place Winner Sylvie Ayer.

Manatee swimming gracefully underwater, highlighted by sun rays, showcasing nature’s beauty.

Giraffes in a humorous pose, showcasing amazing nature with one photobombing the other in a savanna background.

A kudu stands alert in the wild with impressive spiral horns, showcasing nature’s beauty.

Lioness lounging comfortably in a tree, showcasing the awe-inspiring beauty of nature.

Deer with antlers adorned in lush greenery, showcasing the beauty of nature.

Leopard lying on the ground, showcasing the amazing patterns of nature with its striking spotted coat.

Polar bear resting on an iceberg, showcasing the stunning beauty of nature.

Snow leopard jumping energetically in a snowy landscape, showcasing amazing nature.

Owl flying through flowers at night, showcasing the amazing beauty of nature.

Stunning rock formation with a glowing cave, showcasing the amazement of nature.

Giant tortoise photographed in different years: 1882, 1947, and 2024, showcasing the amazement of nature.

Owl with striking red eyes perched in a tree, showcasing the amazement of nature.

Cliffside lake with stunning view showcasing the amazing wonders of nature, surrounded by rugged terrain and ocean.

Snow-covered landscape with Arctic hares blending with the environment, showcasing nature’s impressive camouflage abilities.

Black panther peering through green foliage, showcasing the awe of nature.

Colorful frog with vibrant blue and orange skin, showcasing the amazing beauty of nature.

Snowy owl with wings spread wide on a snowy landscape, showcasing nature’s beauty.

Tree with a unique growth pattern in a lush forest, showcasing the wonders of nature.

Bears sitting in a pond, surrounded by rocks and greenery, showcasing the wonder of nature.

Colorful bird with vibrant plumage perched on a branch, showcasing nature’s amazement.

Osprey diving sequence capturing fish, showcasing the amazing aspects of nature.

Dramatic orange and red sunset clouds over suburban houses, showcasing nature’s beauty.

Massive swirling storm clouds over a green field, showcasing the amazing power of nature.

Yellow bird perched on a branch surrounded by vibrant pink blossoms, showcasing the beauty of nature.

Parrot with black and red feathers perched on a branch, showcasing the amazing beauty of nature.

Close-up of a pilot whale surfacing in clear turquoise water, showcasing nature’s amazing diversity.

Three wild bush dogs exploring a grassy field, showcasing the amazing beauty of nature.

Ladybug on dark surface with trail of tiny footprints showcasing nature’s wonder.

Leopard walking in misty landscape, with a giraffe faintly visible in the distance, showcasing the beauty of nature.

Bird perched on a branch with red berries, showcasing nature’s beauty.

Close-up of a whale’s eye showcasing the intricate details and textures, highlighting the awe-inspiring beauty of nature.

Glowing meteor above a volcanic mountain, highlighting nature’s incredible phenomena under a night sky.

Crocodile swimming with numerous hatchlings on its back, showcasing how nature is amazing.

Photo Credit: Prasenjeet Yadav.From the photographer’s IG: “This is definitely one of the most memorable shot I have ever taken and also the first image that NG published back in 2016!! This GreenMeteor was captured while taking a time-lapse to document the urbanization around the Skyislands southern in India. The camera was set at 15s exposure for 999 shots and this came into one of those shots. Green Meteor’s greenish color come from a combination of the heating of oxygen around the meteor and the mix of minerals ignited as the rock enters Earth’s atmosphere”

Meteor lights up night sky over city, showcasing amazing nature.

Bird with intricate feather patterns displaying vibrant colors in a natural setting, showcasing nature’s amazing beauty.

Wooden beams crossing over a vibrant green landscape and river, showcasing nature’s beauty.

A wooden boat is docked in a shed above clear water filled with jellyfish, showcasing amazing nature.

A close-up of a tardigrade, an amazing creature from nature, crawling on green moss.

Three baby birds in a nest with colorful patterns around their mouths, showcasing the amazement of nature.

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Albino alligator showcasing amazing nature with its unique white skin and blue eyes.

Owl in flight against a blue sky, showcasing the stunning beauty of nature.

Ancient tree with exposed roots defying gravity, showcasing nature’s resilience under a vibrant sky.

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Unusual animal with long nose and spiral horns, showcasing the amazing diversity of nature.

Cat walking in dry grass with a volcano erupting in the background, showcasing amazing nature.

Meet the white-browed tit-warbler, the bird with a beautiful rainbow color. Such a gorgeous creature. It’s hard to believe it’s real.

Colorful bird perched on a branch, showcasing nature’s beauty and vibrant plumage.

Green mountain ridge at sunrise, highlighting nature’s beauty next to calm waters.

Two rabbits mid-air, playfully sparring in nature’s arena, showcasing breathtaking agility.

Adorable bird with a round body soaring in nature, showcasing amazing wildlife.

Lion roaring in the wild, showcasing the awe-inspiring power of nature.

Eagle and opossum with deer skeleton in snowy forest, showcasing amazing nature.

In the swarm, Bees are calm and vulnerable. Their objective is to take care of the queen and reach the chosen new home. Sometimes they stop to rest and regroup. Here, they found a large rhinoceros, “an ideal resting place.” Beekeeper Cape Town, SA.

Rhino in the wild with a patch of bees on its back, showcasing the lit wonders of nature.

Pelican with an open beak, showcasing the intricate patterns and membranes inside, illustrating nature’s beauty.

Amazing nature: a cactus with long, hairy stems adorned with vibrant red flowers in a lush garden setting.

Silhouette of a tree against a moonlit night sky, showcasing nature’s beauty.

Iguana showcasing vibrant scales, an example of amazing nature.

Moose on a dimly lit road at dusk, showcasing nature’s awe-inspiring beauty.

Lion walking through grass, displaying the raw beauty and power of nature.

A mysterious deep-sea creature on the beach showcases how nature is lit in surprising ways.

When the egg hatches, the larva consumes the paralysed spider from the inside out, leaving the vital organs until last to keep their paralysed meal alive as long as possible.

Incredible nature: a wasp carrying a spider on a metal surface.

Yawning wolf and hyena showcasing nature’s ferocity with open jaws and sharp teeth.

Camouflaged spider blending seamlessly into tree bark, showcasing nature’s incredible artistry and adaptability.

Moose emerging from water surrounded by insects, showcasing amazing nature in a forest setting.

Or, the Richat Structure.The Richat Structure is a deeply eroded, slightly elliptical dome with a diameter of 40 kilometres (25 mi). The sedimentary rock exposed in this dome ranges in age from Late Proterozoic within the center of the dome to Ordovician sandstone around its edges. The sedimentary rocks composing this structure dip outward at 10–20°. Differential erosion of resistant layers of quartzite has created high-relief circular cuestas. Its center consists of a siliceous breccia covering an area that is at least 30 kilometres (19 mi) in diameter.

Geological formation with concentric circles in a desert landscape, showcasing amazing nature.

Person holding a two-headed tortoise, showcasing amazing nature in an indoor setting.

Fossilized whale bones in a desert landscape showcasing the awe of nature.

Close-up of a beetle’s face, showcasing intricate details and patterns, highlighting nature’s astounding beauty.

Close-up of a spider carrying many spiderlings on its back, showcasing the amazing details of nature.

Yellow moon appearing like a smiley face over urban rooftops at dusk, showcasing nature’s amazing phenomena.

Pelicans with beaks entwined at sunset; stag with antlers roaring in a forest. Nature’s stunning moments captured brilliantly.

Stunning nature scene with mountains reflecting in a lake and horses grazing on a green hillside.

Pele’s hair is a formal geological term that volcanologists give to the golden-brown, fiber or thread-like strands of volcanic glass formed naturally from blowing out or stretching of ejected molten lava blobs. It mainly forms from low-viscosity basaltic Hawaiian eruptions but can occur in other basaltic eruptions.

Golden grass on a rocky ledge, close-up showing texture, illustrating the beauty of nature.

Nature amazes with frogs riding on a snake at night on grass.

Man kneeling beside a massive alligator on a dirt path, showcasing the impressive scale of nature.

Tiger, bear, and person amazed by nature, each hugging a large tree in a forest during different seasons.

Close-up of a tapeworm’s head with glowing orange suckers, showcasing amazing nature’s intricate details.

Ghost mushrooms can be found anywhere along the east coast of Australia where there are old forests. They grow mainly on huge dead trees. You can see their light with the naked eye as a faint green glow in the forest at night.This crop comes up most years after a rainy season on an old dead gum tree on my farm in south east AustraliaThese photos are taken with natural light of the mushrooms only, no extra lighting used. I have used very long exposures (8-14 minutes) to gather more of the light from these wonders. You can see in the second photo the stars have trailed during the long exposure.And before anyone asks, they are not edible or trippy. They will make you very sick for a few days.

Glowing green mushrooms on a tree trunk in a forest, showcasing nature’s beauty.

Bee and spider encounter in nature, with bee holding a green leaf among dirt and twigs.

Satellite images of hurricanes Katrina and Helene highlight nature’s power with detailed wind and size data.

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