We build cities to create spaces for living and working, but all of that concrete distances us from the natural world. So, to remind themselves that they’re part of something bigger, members of the subreddit ‘Nature is Freaking Lit’ are sharing pictures from green forests and blue seas. Whether it’s a candid snapshot of a snake or a National Geographic-level close-up of an insect, they definitely inspire others to reconnect with the environment.This post may includeaffiliate links.
We build cities to create spaces for living and working, but all of that concrete distances us from the natural world. So, to remind themselves that they’re part of something bigger, members of the subreddit ‘Nature is Freaking Lit’ are sharing pictures from green forests and blue seas. Whether it’s a candid snapshot of a snake or a National Geographic-level close-up of an insect, they definitely inspire others to reconnect with the environment.
This post may includeaffiliate links.
Conservation (Hope) Photographer Of The Year, 1st Place Winner Sylvie Ayer.
Photo Credit: Prasenjeet Yadav.From the photographer’s IG: “This is definitely one of the most memorable shot I have ever taken and also the first image that NG published back in 2016!! This GreenMeteor was captured while taking a time-lapse to document the urbanization around the Skyislands southern in India. The camera was set at 15s exposure for 999 shots and this came into one of those shots. Green Meteor’s greenish color come from a combination of the heating of oxygen around the meteor and the mix of minerals ignited as the rock enters Earth’s atmosphere”
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Meet the white-browed tit-warbler, the bird with a beautiful rainbow color. Such a gorgeous creature. It’s hard to believe it’s real.
In the swarm, Bees are calm and vulnerable. Their objective is to take care of the queen and reach the chosen new home. Sometimes they stop to rest and regroup. Here, they found a large rhinoceros, “an ideal resting place.” Beekeeper Cape Town, SA.
When the egg hatches, the larva consumes the paralysed spider from the inside out, leaving the vital organs until last to keep their paralysed meal alive as long as possible.
Or, the Richat Structure.The Richat Structure is a deeply eroded, slightly elliptical dome with a diameter of 40 kilometres (25 mi). The sedimentary rock exposed in this dome ranges in age from Late Proterozoic within the center of the dome to Ordovician sandstone around its edges. The sedimentary rocks composing this structure dip outward at 10–20°. Differential erosion of resistant layers of quartzite has created high-relief circular cuestas. Its center consists of a siliceous breccia covering an area that is at least 30 kilometres (19 mi) in diameter.
Pele’s hair is a formal geological term that volcanologists give to the golden-brown, fiber or thread-like strands of volcanic glass formed naturally from blowing out or stretching of ejected molten lava blobs. It mainly forms from low-viscosity basaltic Hawaiian eruptions but can occur in other basaltic eruptions.
Ghost mushrooms can be found anywhere along the east coast of Australia where there are old forests. They grow mainly on huge dead trees. You can see their light with the naked eye as a faint green glow in the forest at night.This crop comes up most years after a rainy season on an old dead gum tree on my farm in south east AustraliaThese photos are taken with natural light of the mushrooms only, no extra lighting used. I have used very long exposures (8-14 minutes) to gather more of the light from these wonders. You can see in the second photo the stars have trailed during the long exposure.And before anyone asks, they are not edible or trippy. They will make you very sick for a few days.
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