I’m a working mum-of-5-boys who crochets in my spare time to save my sanity. Here are 9 crochet blankets I have made for my family.I ask my family members to choose the colour, the stitch, the type of yarn and the size of the blanket, then make them their own personal blanket to order.More info:Facebook|ravelry.com|InstagramThis post may includeaffiliate links.

I’m a working mum-of-5-boys who crochets in my spare time to save my sanity. Here are 9 crochet blankets I have made for my family.

I ask my family members to choose the colour, the stitch, the type of yarn and the size of the blanket, then make them their own personal blanket to order.

More info:Facebook|ravelry.com|Instagram

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Rainbow C2c Blanket

Oil Spill C2c Blanket

Multi-Strand Rainbow Ripple Blanket

Extended Moss Stitch Blanket

Extra Thick Rainbow Ripple Blanket

Seaside Ripple Blanket

Rainbow Cotton Candy C2c Blanket

Rainbow C2c Blanket

See Also on Bored Panda

Rainbow Ripple Blanket

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