Zeus, a brave and tenacious goose at the Tamerlaine Sanctuary & Preserve in Montague, New Jersey, demonstrated that true strength lies in an indomitable spirit. With an unyielding will to live, he embarked on a path of recovery, showing that even the most daunting challenges can be faced with courage and determination.

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Tamerlaine Sanctuary & Preserve had a chance to witness the incredibly beautiful recovery story of Zeus the goose

Woman holding Zeus the goose in a grassy field, with red barn buildings in the background.

Image credits:Tamerlaine Sanctuary & Preserve

Courageous goose standing on grass, with house and autumn tree in background.

Red barn and silo in a lush, green farm setting under a blue sky, showcasing a serene rural landscape.

Zeus the goose came to Tamerlaine Sanctuary & Preserve from an abuse case.

“He and his four friends moved here together and settled in quite nicely. One of the geese was blind, one of the geese had been shot in the leg with a BB gun and walked with a limp, but Zeus was the healthiest one out of them all,” Gabrielle Stubbert, the founder and executive director of Tamerlaine Sanctuary & Preserve, shared in an interview withBored Panda.

“During our last lockdown, the geese had to come into our large central barn due to strict avian flu protocols here at the sanctuary. We gave the geese swimming pools so they could still go into the water even inside,” Stubbert added.

Three geese standing in a grassy field, showcasing courage and determination in a rural setting.

The geese seemed to enjoy indoor activities and such attentive care, yet one day, something unexpected happened.

“One morning, when we opened the geese stall, we noticed that Zeus was not getting up. He was perfectly able-bodied when he went to sleep that night, so we were not sure what had happened to him overnight,” Stubbert recalled the memories.

“Maybe he fell getting out of the indoor pool; we don’t know,” she added.

All they knew was that  Zeus was in perfect health, drifted off to sleep one evening—only to wake up the next morning unable to walk.

The team at Tamerlaine Sanctuary immediately sought medical attention for him, and a CAT scan revealed the devastating news: a serious spinal injury. The prognosis from the medical experts was grim—they believed Zeus would likely never walk again. But the dedicated team at Tamerlaine wasn’t ready to give up on him.

“We worked with him for months, and still there was no change, and he still could not walk or get up. He was so determined and kept trying to stand,” Stubbert shared.

One day Zeus woke up unable to walk due to a serious spinal injury, yet Marina, the sanctuary’s physical therapist, crafted a special wheelchair for the goose

At first, Zeus struggled to even stay upright, but his fighting spirit was undeniable.

“We knew he needed support and also needed to have his legs extended and mobile if he was going to recover and learn how to walk again,” Stubbert said.

With determination and care, Marina, the sanctuary’s physical therapist, crafted a special wheelchair for Zeus. Soon, the team began to see signs of hope as Zeus’s balance gradually improved, a testament to his incredible will to recover.

Thanks to constant care, Zeus’s balance gradually improved

Courageous goose Zeus in harness, standing outside near red barn.

Courageous goose seated, showcasing determination and resilience.

Marina also created a floaty device for Zeus to be able to swim in the pond alongside his fellow geese, giving him the freedom to rejoin his friends in the water.

With unwavering care and persistence, Zeus gradually regained his strength, and soon, he was able to take a few steps on his own. Then, one extraordinary day, to everyone’s astonishment, Zeus not only walked, but he ran across the farm—he was heading straight for the pond, eager to reunite with his flock.

It took some time, careful care, and persistence, but Zeus was able to walk again

Close-up of a determined goose with wings raised, exemplifying courage and strength in a natural setting.

Woman feeding Zeus the goose in a walking aid on a grassy field.

Person gently assists courageous goose Zeus on a grassy field.

Now, he is not only back to his flock, but also a leader there.

“It was really incredible what he did,” shared Tamerlaine Sanctuary’s team and noted that they are always there for Zeus and still continue to give him supportive therapy to make sure he stays strong and healthy.

“Zeus is just such an incredible example of how, if you keep trying and never give up, you can succeed,” they added.

Now Zeus is back to his flock as a leader who shows that with unwavering spirit and resilience, no challenge is too great to overcome

Courageous goose Zeus gracefully swimming in a calm pond surrounded by lush greenery.

