One of the prominent figures of world literature once wrote incredibly apt words about a century ago that his and his wife’s boat of love got smashed to pieces on the reefs of everyday life. And in fact, you don’t have to be an outstanding writer to fall into this everyday trap – thousands of couples around the world fall into it year after year.

The useru/ThrowRA compacted, the author of the story we’re about to tell you this time, was also unlucky. Firstly, her husband turned out to be incredibly sloppy and completely unwilling to do anything around the house. And secondly, the guy compensated for his incompetence in everyday life with a virtuoso ability to manipulate others. However, let’s just take things in order.

More info:Reddit


The author of the post is married to a man who doesn’t want to do any household chores at all

Man neglecting chores, lying on couch engrossed in phone, surrounded by unkempt living room with toys and pillows.

Image credits:Lisa Fotios / Pexels (not the actual photo)

The man is also quite a skillful manipulator, so he definitely knows which of his wife’s buttons to press

Image credits:ThrowRA_compacted

Cluttered kitchen sink with dirty dishes, highlighting neglecting chores and household responsibilities.

Image credits:Wallace Chuck / Pexels (not the actual photo)

Recently the spouses made an agreement to split the chores between the two of them, but the man failed everything on his part

Woman in a kitchen cleaning with spray and cloth, highlighting chores neglected by husband.

Image credits:cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)

So the woman ended up doing everything on her own, not able to watch the mountains of dirty dishes in the sink and whatnot

The guy however started sulking about her ‘not treating him like a man,’ and held a grudge against her

The spouses tried to agree to fairly divide thechoresbetween the two of them – but the result was only mountains of unwashed dishes in the sink, and nothing more. The husband simply ignored his part of the agreement, showing his contempt for any chores with his whole appearance. It got to the point that the OP, when the amount of dirty dishes exceeded all reasonable sizes, simply went and did everythingherself.

Do you think this helped? No. Of course, the house became cleaner, but now the spouse began to whine and sulk that his wife allegedly doesn’t perceive him as a real man. At the same time, the guy did not even make a single attempt to at least somewhat start doing his part of the chores. Moreover, recently he suggested, when thekidwas already in bed, to watch a movie together.

And now, to the whole range of feelings that the author is experiencing, a burning feeling of resentment towards her husband was added. And she decided to ask for advice and support online.

A man lies in an unkempt bed scrolling his phone, with neglected chores visible in the background.

Image credits:Ron Lach / Pexels (not the actual photo)

“It seems to me that this looks, firstly, like complete disrespect for the wife, her requests and needs, and secondly, like a classicmanipulationof the feelings of others – just to achieve their own goals,” says Maria Kryvosheeva, apsychologistand NLP specialist, whomBored Pandaasked to comment on this situation. “Weaponizing one’s own incompetence and shifting the blame to others – all this is also present here.”

“As we can see, even a frank conversation with husband and an agreement didn’t lead to anything – and now she’s doing all the chores again, but now she also feels guilty – although he and only he is to blame here. In any case, it seems to me that all further conversations should be conducted here in the presence of a qualified mediator who will not allow her spouse to manipulate her further,” Maria sums up.

Mot commenters urged the woman to file for divorce because they don’t actually believe this man can change to any better

Comments discussing neglect of chores and dealing with a husband’s lack of help.

Reddit comment about a guy neglecting chores, discussing his tactic of grumpiness, with a reply confirming the claim.

Comment discussing a guy neglecting chores, stating he avoided them and others do them now.

Comment questioning relationship stability due to neglecting chores, suggesting life might be easier without him.

Neglecting chores and relationship advice on a discussion forum post with a high engagement count.

Reddit comment discussing neglecting chores and relationship resentment.

Text conversation about neglecting chores and relationship issues.

Reddit comment saying, “You’re 23, you don’t need this,” highlighting neglecting chores and relationship tension.

Text discusses neglecting chores, relationship advice, and personal well-being, emphasizing a need for better self-treatment.

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Viktorija Ošikaitė

Mindaugas Balčiauskas

Mantas Kačerauskas
