Trust is the foundation of any relationship, but what happens when major financial decisions are made behind your back? That sort of thing can lead to all sorts of unpleasantness and even a lasting rift between the person who made the call and the one left in the dark.
One woman was shocked to learn that the cash she and her husband had set aside to buy a new car had suddenly been lent to his mother—all without so much as a conversation about it. Furious, she turned to netizens to let off some steam.
More info:Reddit
Infidelity doesn’t have to be romantic to hurt, as this woman found out the hard way
Image credits:Drazen Zigic / Freepik (not the actual photo)
After her car was totaled in an accident, she and her husband saved up $7.5K to buy a new one
Image credits:Splloganathan / Freepik (not the actual photo)
She kept sending her husband options, but he suspiciously declined every single one without any justification
Image credits:DC Studio / Freepik (not the actual photo)
A week later, she found out he’d loaned the $7.5K to his mom, they’d kept it a secret from her, and the money had been spent
Image credits:Twigs-Rain
She’s since turned to netizens to ask if she’s overreacting to her husband and mother-in-law’s betrayal—despite eventually getting the cash back
As a workaround, they decided to send the cash to OP’s mother-in-law so she could draw it for them or at least get a cashier’s check. OP then explains that her mother-in-law is abusinessowner, and she was short on payroll, so OP’s husband secretly agreed to loan his mom the money they’d sent her.
In an update to her original post, OP says her husband had made the agreement with his mother to get the loan back with interest, so the couple couldshopfor a slightly more expensive car. He told OP he realized he messed up and should have talked to her about it first. In the end, OP says they finally got the money back and got a new ride.
When people think of infidelity in a marriage, they usually picture secret text messages, late-night phone calls, or sneaky behavior that leads to an affair. But what if I told you that cheating isn’t always about romance? Sometimes, it’s about cold, hard cash.
Image credits:freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Trust in a marriage isn’t just about staying faithful—it’s also about honesty in all areas, including money. When one partner repeatedly makes financial decisions without transparency, it can have long-term consequences. At least in OP’s case, her husband’s behavior was a one-off, but she’d probably do well to keep an eye on her mother-in-law.
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