A woman’s refusal to tip her waiter came at the cost of her career.

The customer, identified as Stephanie Lovins, left a hateful message on her receipt after dining atCazuelas Mexican Restaurant & Cantina in Columbus, Ohio.

Her apparent spite came after she racked up a bill of $87.84 at the Mexican joint.


A woman’s reputation was left in shambles after she left a “disgusting” message on her restaurant receipt

Restaurant exterior where a woman was fired for leaving a “disgusting” message on a bill.

Image credits:Google Maps

HighlightsA woman’s career was at stake after she left a “disgusting” message on her restaurant receipt.The alleged incident took place at Cazuelas Mexican Restaurant & Cantina in Columbus, Ohio.Stephanie Lovins faced immense backlash for allegedly saying she hoped the waiter would be deported.She was later fired for her message.

An employee shared the receipts online after the alleged March 2 incident, showing netizens the message Stephanie left behind for the waiter named Ricardo.

“Zero, you suck,” she wrote. “I hope Trump deports you!!!”

The alleged derogatorymessage sparked massive backlashonline, and internet sleuths tracked her down using the name found on the receipt.

Restaurant bill with offensive message written on it.

Image credits:Jasmine Lisi

“After serving an $87 meal—he gets left a zero tip and a hateful,racist messageon the receipt,” read the message on aGoFundMepage titled ‘Tip Ricardo: Because Hate Has No Place Here.’

“They enjoyed the food,” added the message on the fundraiser. “They enjoyed the service. And then, instead of tipping, they decided to show their true colors in the most disgusting way possible.”

Netizens discovered that she worked at Century 21, the world’s largest residential real estate sales organization.

Stephanie Lovins faced immense backlash for allegedly saying she hoped the waiter would be deported

Blonde woman smiling, wearing a purple blazer, representing news on a woman’s controversial restaurant bill incident.

Image credits:Stephanie Matthews

The woman, with 27 years of experience as a realtor, initially denied leaving the message after widespread criticism.

Stephanie reportedly addressed the situation and claimed her “credit card was lost/stolen” before “someone” used it at Cazuelas.

Although she tried to blame the incident on “scammers and profile hackers,” the disgraced customer was spotted writing the note in surveillance footage, according to Fabio Oribio, the marketing head for Cazuelas.

Internet sleuths discovered that the disgraced customer was a realtor with Century 21

Real estate office lobby with modern furniture, featuring the Century 21 logo on the wall.

Image credits:century21

Fabio explained that server Ricardo was “taking care of her,” during the incident.

He said the customer might have been upset about the regular wait time during the typical Sunday rush, or she might have tried to use two coupons and gottenupset over the restaurant’s one-coupon-per-table policy.

“It was a normal Sunday; things got a little busy, so the wait could have been a little longer than usual, but we aren’t really sure what made her write that,” he toldThe Columbus Dispatch.

While the reason for the “zero” tip remains unclear, Fabio said, “It’s just not right, just not right.”

“She deserved it,” a social media user said after she was fired

Century 21 comment on firing employee over discriminatory message on a bill.

Image credits:NotHoodlum

Ricardo is “a really good person and … [we all] come here every day to do our job, which is to serve people and have a good time.

“This is just a space for being inclusive and there’s no space for hate inside Cazuelas,” he added.

A spokesperson for Century 21 issued a statement saying they are “aware of the situation” with the involved broker.

“Hate has no place within the Century 21 brand, and we are taking this very seriously,” their statement said.

Chat messages from Cazuela’s Grill about supporting Ricardo after a “disgusting” restaurant bill message incident.

Image credits:gofundme

“After investigating the situation and connecting with the respective broker, as all companies affiliated with the Century 21 brand are independently owned and operated, we can confirm that this agent is no longer affiliated with the brand,” they added.

Many believed thecustomer’s “disgusting” messagewas “not acceptable” and said she “deserved” to lose her job.

“She deserved it,” one said. “This is not acceptable. She’s disgusting.”

“The irony of going to aMexican restaurantand then being mad that the staff is Mexican,” another wrote.

Cazuelas Mexican Cantina statement on respect and tolerance, addressing an employee situation related to a restaurant bill.

Image credits:Cazuela’s Grill

The Columbus Realtor Board also issued a statement about the local agent’s “discriminatory statements.”

A loyal Cazuelas patron started a GoFundMe page to raise funds to “tip [Ricardo] what he deserves—and then some.”

A GoFundMe page raised $21,850 to “tip [Ricardo] what he deserves—and then some”

Restaurant bill with message, part of fundraiser, after woman fired for leaving “disgusting” comment.

“Every dollar raised will go directly to Ricardo,” the GoFundMe page added.

The goal of the page was set at $1K. However, donations have overwhelmingly exceeded the goal and amassed $21,850 so far.

“What a miserable and horrible human being she is,” a social media user said about the customer

Comment expressing disapproval after a woman was fired for a “disgusting” message on a restaurant bill.

Comment discussing irony at a restaurant, relevant to a woman being fired after leaving a bad message on a bill.

Text message criticizing a woman’s actions and calling them embarrassing and unacceptable.

Comment on social media about a woman’s firing after a message on a restaurant bill.

Comment discussing woman fired for disgusting message on bill.

Text comment on social media about facing consequences for racist actions.

Comment on a woman’s job firing after leaving a message on a restaurant bill, with emojis and mixed reactions.

Comment on a controversial restaurant bill message situation.

Comment on a fired woman’s restaurant bill message with a humorous reaction from Ohio.

Comment about actions having consequences following a woman being fired for a message on a restaurant bill.

Comment on company actions after woman fired for leaving message on bill.

Comment discussing consequences after a woman was fired for leaving a message on a restaurant bill.

Comment about karma related to a woman fired over a “disgusting” restaurant bill message.

Comment on woman fired after leaving a “disgusting” message on restaurant bill.

Facebook comment discussing consequences for leaving a message on a restaurant bill.

Comment about woman fired after leaving message on restaurant bill.

Facebook comment discussing a woman fired for a hurtful message on a restaurant bill.

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