Not every comic needs to be obvious, andJohn Atkinson—an Ottawa-based fine art graduate—proves this with his sharp, witty humor, rich in literary, artistic, and cultural references. With a masterful blend of wordplay and irony, he creates illustrations that challenge logic while delivering a good laugh.Atkinson’s latest cartoons stay true to his signature style: unexpected connections infused with a touch of brilliance. Yet, despite the intellectual edge of his work, he remains refreshingly down-to-earth. When someone admits they don’t understand one of his jokes, he casually responds, “Neither do I.”More info:Instagram|||ko-fi.comThis post may includeaffiliate links.

Not every comic needs to be obvious, andJohn Atkinson—an Ottawa-based fine art graduate—proves this with his sharp, witty humor, rich in literary, artistic, and cultural references. With a masterful blend of wordplay and irony, he creates illustrations that challenge logic while delivering a good laugh.

Atkinson’s latest cartoons stay true to his signature style: unexpected connections infused with a touch of brilliance. Yet, despite the intellectual edge of his work, he remains refreshingly down-to-earth. When someone admits they don’t understand one of his jokes, he casually responds, “Neither do I.”

More info:Instagram|||

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Comic by John Atkinson featuring artistic heart designs in styles of famous artists like Van Gogh and Picasso.


Comic by John Atkinson humorously generating Hallmark movie plots, referencing culture and art in a clever way.

Comic by John Atkinson humorously depicting cats in an art gallery with four amusing exhibits.

Atkinson, who was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada, graduated many years ago with a Bachelor of Fine Arts.

Comic by John Atkinson showing “old school” rotary phone, “new school” smartphone, and “art school” mobile sculpture.

Comic by John Atkinson humorously depicting modern cultural references in period drama adaptations.

When asked how Atkinson chooses the topics for his comics, he shared that the subject matter often comes from things he is passionate about and has knowledge of.“History, literature, and art are all areas I am familiar with and appreciate. I also like to throw in the odd pop culture reference to keep everything grounded,” the artist said, noting that he consciously avoids politics as he finds it too easy to satirize (especially in this day and age) and too triggering.

When asked how Atkinson chooses the topics for his comics, he shared that the subject matter often comes from things he is passionate about and has knowledge of.

“History, literature, and art are all areas I am familiar with and appreciate. I also like to throw in the odd pop culture reference to keep everything grounded,” the artist said, noting that he consciously avoids politics as he finds it too easy to satirize (especially in this day and age) and too triggering.

Comic by John Atkinson showing a blue whale and a “not so blue” whale with a new hat in humorous art.

Comic by John Atkinson humorously illustrating films with food references like Ratatouille and Big Fish.

While many artists draw inspiration from their deeply personal experiences and challenges, Atkinson prefers to keep his work separate from anything personal.“Although humour is a very subjective and personal thing and I avoid blatant references to myself, if you read my cartoons on a regular basis, you can generally glean the kind of person I am,” he explained.

While many artists draw inspiration from their deeply personal experiences and challenges, Atkinson prefers to keep his work separate from anything personal.

“Although humour is a very subjective and personal thing and I avoid blatant references to myself, if you read my cartoons on a regular basis, you can generally glean the kind of person I am,” he explained.

AI Van Gogh creating art with humorous commentary on algorithms; comic by John Atkinson referencing culture and art.

Regency texting abbreviations comic by John Atkinson, humorously referencing culture and literature with historical attire.

For those curious about what Atkinson’s typical day looks like, the artist unveiled that his day consists of many naps, a great deal of staring off into space trying to think of something clever, and copious amounts of coffee.“Oh, and I also have to fit in my ‘real’ job as a graphic designer,” he added wittily.

For those curious about what Atkinson’s typical day looks like, the artist unveiled that his day consists of many naps, a great deal of staring off into space trying to think of something clever, and copious amounts of coffee.

“Oh, and I also have to fit in my ‘real’ job as a graphic designer,” he added wittily.

Comic by John Atkinson humorously summarizes King Lear with cultural and literary references.

Comic by John Atkinson humorously referencing culture with a character critiquing decor next to a gravestone.

See Also on Bored Panda

Comic by John Atkinson with four figures giving different critiques of a painting.

Comic by John Atkinson featuring a humorous take on typing Shakespeare’s works with monkeys.

Comic by John Atkinson showing Santa’s evolution from St. Nicholas to SC-9000, highlighting cultural references.

Cartoon by John Atkinson featuring a humorous geology lecture, referencing culture, literature, and art.

Comic by John Atkinson humorously depicting Voltaire’s break with the church through a witty dialogue.

Comic by John Atkinson showing Hamlet characters discussing modern coffee culture.

Comic by John Atkinson featuring humorous spins on “A Christmas Carol” with cultural and literary references.

Comic by John Atkinson showing “The Little Drummer Boy” next to “The Bigger Trumpeter Guy."

Comic by John Atkinson shows a distracted driver reacting to a crow, humorously referencing culture and art.

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