Tomas Sanchez is a Cuban-American artist known for his landscape paintings that explore themes of nature, identity, and spirituality. His work is often full of vivid details, showing tropical landscapes that mix beauty with deeper meanings. Many of his pieces also have a calming, meditative feel, reflecting his deep interest in both art and meditation, which are closely connected for him.Along with his calming landscapes, this article also highlights pieces from Sanchez’s “Landfill” series. These paintings address pollution, showing how trash is taking over nature, offering a powerful reminder of the environmental issues we face.More info:Instagram||Facebook|x.comThis post may includeaffiliate links.

Tomas Sanchez is a Cuban-American artist known for his landscape paintings that explore themes of nature, identity, and spirituality. His work is often full of vivid details, showing tropical landscapes that mix beauty with deeper meanings. Many of his pieces also have a calming, meditative feel, reflecting his deep interest in both art and meditation, which are closely connected for him.

Along with his calming landscapes, this article also highlights pieces from Sanchez’s “Landfill” series. These paintings address pollution, showing how trash is taking over nature, offering a powerful reminder of the environmental issues we face.

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“El río va”2020, Acrylic on linen47 ⁹/₁₆ x 39 ¹/₆₄ in

Serene landscape by Tomas Sanchez, depicting a winding river through lush forest, exuding a meditative reflection.


“Buscador de paisajes"2005, acrylic on linen48 x 66 ⁵/₈ in

Meditative art by Tomas Sanchez depicting a serene forest landscape with a reflective river.

“Contemplador del contemplador"1996, tempera on paper30⅓ x 22½ in

Calm lakeside landscape by Tomas Sanchez, featuring a lone figure meditating near water’s edge amid lush greenery.

“De la luz a la luz"2022, Acrylic on linen47 ³/₄ x 38 ⁷/₈ in

A meditative landscape by Tomas Sanchez with a winding path through lush forest under a cloudy sky.

“Llegada del caminante a la laguna"1999, acrylic on linen78¼ x 99¾ in

Lush forest landscape reflected in a serene water body, illustrating Tomas Sanchez’s meditative art style.

Sanchez’s paintings often feature lush tropical forests, rivers, and solitary figures in contemplation, so we wondered what message he hopes viewers take away from them. “Indeed, small human figures in meditation frequently appear in my work. This aspect is recognized in my meditation practice as the concept of ‘The Witness.’ As a fundamental principle in my creations, I strive to express my relationship with nature, which involves comprehending its vastness in relation to human beings. I hope viewers can perceive this connection as well. Whenever I visit a forest, a lagoon, a waterfall, or other captivating natural places, I instantly enter a meditative state. My mind quiets, enabling me to experience emotions that bring profound peace and tranquility, even when I’m not actively meditating. My aspiration is for my work to transcend mere emotional responses to nature and encourage a deeper awareness of it, inspiring a desire to protect and respect it in all its immensity.”

“Luz de luna"2024, acrylic on linen11 x 14 in

Serene forest by the water under moonlight, capturing Tomas Sanchez’s reflective landscapes.

“A veces la gracia parece una cascada"2017, acrylic on linen23 ⁵/₈ x 17 ³/₄ in

Tomas Sanchez’s meditative art depicts a serene waterfall amidst lush greenery.

When asked about the most challenging and enjoyable parts of his creative process, Sanchez shared that he enjoys the entire journey, from the initial ideas that arise during meditation to the final moments of completing a painting. “I spend long hours in front of a canvas, vehemently taking the composition and concept. My works are not random processes; they are very conscious, and I achieve this to a great extent through meditation. That final moment, just before a painting leaves my studio, is usually the most challenging for me because I never feel that the work is truly finished. I have read on several occasions that many painters throughout art history have experienced the same struggle with completing a work. I cannot attribute that doubt to the painting itself; rather, I believe something within me prevents me from recognizing its conclusion.”

“Cascada como ícono"2021, acrylic on linen34 ¹/₂ x 34 ¹/₂ in

Meditative art depicting a serene forest with a waterfall, a lone figure sits in reflection amidst towering trees.

“Desde la cueva del corazón"2004, Acrylic on linen18 x 23 ³/₄ in

Man sitting at a cave entrance, gazing at a landscape with a waterfall, forest, and distant tornado; meditative art scene.

“El testigo"2000, oil on linen60 x 48 in

Meditative art by Tomas Sanchez depicting a serene forest landscape with a reflective pond and golden light.

“Meditador y laguna escondida en el bosque"1995, oil on linen98⅜ x 78⅝ in

Meditative art by Tomas Sanchez depicting a serene forest landscape with lush green trees and distant horizon.

“Relación entre la laguna, la isla y la nube"1986, acrylic on linen78¾ x 137¾ in

Meditative landscape art by Tomas Sanchez featuring reflective water and lush greenery.

“Inner love"2020, acrylic on linen39 ³/₈ x 31 ¹/₂ cm

Reflective lake with dense green forest by Tomas Sanchez, capturing a meditative landscape.

“Light: outside, inside"2021, acrylic on linen39 ³/₈ x 31 ¹/₂ in

Serene landscape art reflecting tall trees over calm water at sunrise.

“Pausa a la orilla"2020, acrylic on linen19⅞ x 19⅞ in

Meditative art by Tomas Sanchez showcasing tall trees and their reflection in a serene lake landscape.

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“Meditador, laguna, nube"2018, acrylic on linen18 x 29¾ in

Serene landscape art by Tomas Sanchez depicting a calm lake and tall trees reflected in the water.

“Basurero y playa"1991, acrylic on linen,43⅝ x 59¼ in

A meditative landscape by Tomas Sanchez, depicting a serene beach with a reflective pool and distant ocean waves.

“Adoración"2005, oil on linen78 ³/₄ x 98 ¹/₂ in

Meditative art by Tomas Sanchez showing a serene forest and tranquil water reflections at sunset.

“Aislado"2015, acrylic on linen13¾ x 98½ in

Island in serene water, reflecting Tomas Sanchez’s meditative art and landscapes of reflection.

“Self-contemplation"2024, acrylic on linen36 x 24 in

Meditative art by Tomas Sanchez, featuring a serene forest landscape with a reflective water stream.

“La batalla"2015, acrylic on linen78⅝ x 98⅜ in

Forest leading to a serene ocean view, showcasing Tomas Sanchez’s meditative art and reflective landscapes.

“Agonía de los verdaderos azules"1995, oil on linen78⅝ x 98⅜ in

Tomas Sanchez artwork depicting piles of garbage bags and an umbrella, representing meditative landscapes of reflection.

“Con la puerta abierta"2015, acrylic and oil on linen78⅝ x 98⅜ in

Painting of a vast landscape with blue doors opening to heaps of colorful trash, symbolizing reflection and meditation.

“Isla"1996, acrylic on linen42¾ x 58 in

Reflective landscape by Tomas Sanchez, depicting a serene island beyond a cluttered foreground, showcasing meditative art.

“Desde las aguas blancas"1980, casein paint on paper17 ³/₄ x 23 ⁵/₈ in

A minimalistic horizontal line dividing a white canvas, symbolizing reflection in Tomas Sanchez’s meditative art landscapes.

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