I really like to crochet with a crochet hook. I mostly crochet toys. Toys are big and small, colorful, straight and curved. Sometimes, I have the idea to crochet something original, usable in the interior, and comfortable. So, this time, I want to present my handmade eyeglass holders to you. I give them to friends who wear glasses. It’s a convenient thing to put your glasses on so you don’t lose them somewhere in the house. And if the glasses aren’t placed on the holder, it’s just a beautiful interior decoration.More info:Etsy|FacebookThis post may includeaffiliate links.RELATED:See Also on Bored PandaModal closeAdd New ImageModal closeAdd Your Photo To This ListPlease use high-res photos without watermarksOoops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.Not your original work?Add sourcePublish

I really like to crochet with a crochet hook. I mostly crochet toys. Toys are big and small, colorful, straight and curved. Sometimes, I have the idea to crochet something original, usable in the interior, and comfortable. So, this time, I want to present my handmade eyeglass holders to you. I give them to friends who wear glasses. It’s a convenient thing to put your glasses on so you don’t lose them somewhere in the house. And if the glasses aren’t placed on the holder, it’s just a beautiful interior decoration.More info:Etsy|FacebookThis post may includeaffiliate links.

I really like to crochet with a crochet hook. I mostly crochet toys. Toys are big and small, colorful, straight and curved. Sometimes, I have the idea to crochet something original, usable in the interior, and comfortable. So, this time, I want to present my handmade eyeglass holders to you. I give them to friends who wear glasses. It’s a convenient thing to put your glasses on so you don’t lose them somewhere in the house. And if the glasses aren’t placed on the holder, it’s just a beautiful interior decoration.

More info:Etsy|Facebook

This post may includeaffiliate links.

RELATED:See Also on Bored Panda

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses


I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

I Crochet Eyeglass Holders For My Friends Who Wear Glasses

See Also on Bored Panda

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