I came across 40 hilarious responses people received while texting. Some were unexpected, others were downright clever, but all of them were guaranteed to make you laugh!This post may includeaffiliate links.RELATED:See Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaModal closeAdd New ImageModal closeAdd Your Photo To This ListPlease use high-res photos without watermarksOoops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.Not your original work?Add sourcePublish

I came across 40 hilarious responses people received while texting. Some were unexpected, others were downright clever, but all of them were guaranteed to make you laugh!This post may includeaffiliate links.

I came across 40 hilarious responses people received while texting. Some were unexpected, others were downright clever, but all of them were guaranteed to make you laugh!

This post may includeaffiliate links.

RELATED:See Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored Panda



























See Also on Bored Panda
















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