Marriageis a celebration of love, meant to be shared with the people who uplift and support you, not those who tear you down. That’s why thisRedditorcarefully chose her bridesmaids from her closest friends.

But her fiancé had other ideas, insisting she include his sister in the lineup. On its own, that might not seem unreasonable—except his sister had a long history of being cruel to the bride. Understandably, she wasn’t on board. Her fiancé, however, refused to accept her decision and responded with a full-blown tantrum.

Read the full story below.


The groom insisted his fiancée replace one of her bridesmaids with his sister

Bridesmaids in pink dresses holding bouquets, reflecting wedding themes.

Image credits:freepik (not the actual image)

Despite her history of belittling and body-shaming the bride

Woman in wedding dress being helped with buttons, questions wedding after fiancé sides with sister.

Image credits:freepic.diller (not the actual image)

Fiancé arguing with woman on a couch about wedding concerns, appearing upset in a modern living room.

Image credits:Drazen Zigic (not the actual image)

Image credits:Parking_Village_8395

Most newlyweds admit they would change something about their wedding

When we think about ourwedding day, we tend to imagine it in the grandest terms: the happiest, the most special, the most unforgettable moment of our lives.

But the days leading up to it can be a whirlwind of stress. Planning every detail—venue, outfits, catering, guest list, music—all while trying to keep both families happy and impress friends can quickly drain the joy out of the experience. By the time the celebration arrives, some couples find themselves wondering if they even like how it all turned out.

Most couples agreed they should have spent more on their honeymoon, rings, and photographer and less on the dress and invitations. Nearly half of those surveyed wished they had enjoyed the day more, while 28% regretted how much they spent, and 20% even regretted the guest list.

Set clear boundaries for the big day if you want to enjoy it, says expert

To get some expert advice,Bored Pandaspoke with Clarissa Donohue, an alternative wedding planner and founder ofGrace In Spring Weddings, based in Manchester, UK, about how to create a wedding that truly feels right for the couple.

“I believe weddings should reflect the couple’s relationship,” Donohue tells us. “The wedding party (bridesmaids, groomsmen, etc.) should ideally consist of those who have provided significant support throughout the couple’s journey. If that doesn’t include family members, that’s perfectly acceptable; it’s the couple’s choice. Wedding planning is stressful enough without adding difficult family dynamics into the mix.”

One of the best ways to prevent unnecessary drama is to establish boundaries from the start.

“If couples anticipate difficulties with family members during planning, establishing clear boundaries—both for themselves and others—can be helpful,” Donohue explains. This might include sharing only essential updates, resisting pressure to make decisions that don’t align with the couple’s wishes, and regularly checking in with each other to stay united.

For more serious issues like racism or homophobia, she says couples may even choose to leave certain family members off the guest list entirely. “Weddings should be about celebrating love and positivity, not placating those with opposing views,” she notes.

Amid all the preparations and expectations, Donohue reminds couples to prioritize their well-being. Taking breaks, de-stressing when needed, and gathering close friends for a wedding rant (“that’s always my fave!”) can help keep things in perspective.

And if you still can’t shake off the nerves about how the wedding will go, here’s some reassurance: 90% of couples say that despite any hiccups, the good outweighed the bad. Nearly 60% felt they truly enjoyed their wedding day, and 72% said it was one of the best days of their lives.

So, get excited about marrying your favorite person, but don’t compromise on what you need to be happy. After all, this day is about the two of you, not just keeping everyone else content.

Some readers agreed the woman should stand her ground

Wedding discussion comment about excluding someone from the event due to past treatment.

Online comment discussing a woman questioning her wedding due to her fiancé siding with his sister who bullies her.

Comment questioning woman’s marriage as fiancé backs bullying sister.

Comment highlighting red flags with fiancé amid wedding doubts.

Reddit comment defending a woman questioning her wedding over fiancé siding with bullying sister.

Text screenshot discussing fiancé siding with sister and questioning a wedding decision.

Online comment saying, “Yeah this marriage isn’t going to last..”, in context of a woman’s wedding concerns.

Comment questioning marriage decision, related to woman reconsidering wedding after fiancé sides with sister.

Comment questioning a woman’s marriage to a fiancé who lacks maturity and care for her feelings.

Comment discussing wedding concerns due to fiancé siding with his bullying sister.

Comment by Timesup21 about a woman questioning her wedding due to fiancé siding with his bullying sister.

Text from a user discussing a wedding decision after a fiancé sides with his sister who bullies the woman.

Online comment advising a woman to reconsider wedding due to fiancé’s sister’s bullying behavior.

Text post discussing a woman questioning her wedding after fiancé sided with his sister, calling his behavior childish.

Comment discussing wedding issues with fiancé and his sister.

Text advice on a woman questioning her wedding after fiancé sides with sister who bullies her.

Comment discussing a fiancé siding with his sister, called a bully, over his partner.

Reddit comment discussing wedding stress, asking why replace a friend with a critic.

Text from a forum post discussing relationship advice about a woman, her fiancé, and wedding concerns.

While others thought she should compromise and include his sister

Text post discussing a woman questioning her wedding after fiancé sides with sister who bullies her.

Reddit comment discussing wedding parties and family dynamics, relating to a woman questioning her wedding plans.

A Reddit comment critical of a woman, fiancé, and sister, questioning their marriage suitability.

Text comment criticizing a woman’s wedding decision, mentioning fiancé’s sister and consequences.

Comment about wedding with 5 downvotes: “Yta, she better be a bridesmaid.

Text discussing a woman questioning her wedding due to her fiancé taking his bullying sister’s side.

After reading the responses, the woman later revealed that she had called off the wedding

“I Didn’t Know I Was Engaged To A Child”: Woman Refuses To Make Her Future SIL A Bridesmaid

Thanks! Check out the results:Dominyka

Mantas Kačerauskas

Monika Pašukonytė
