It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible. I didn’t use a microscope or nanotechnology; instead, I used a magnifying glass and a needle for painting. I made the aluminum frames myself, using jewelry tools, as there are no frames like these available for sale. This painting represents Brazil, the country where I live. I know there are smaller paintings, but this art is entirely handmade, without the use of nanotechnology. Espero que gostem, é um pequeno desafio.This post may includeaffiliate links.

It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible. I didn’t use a microscope or nanotechnology; instead, I used a magnifying glass and a needle for painting. I made the aluminum frames myself, using jewelry tools, as there are no frames like these available for sale. This painting represents Brazil, the country where I live. I know there are smaller paintings, but this art is entirely handmade, without the use of nanotechnology. Espero que gostem, é um pequeno desafio.

This post may includeaffiliate links.

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

See Also on Bored Panda

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

I Create The Smallest Painting In The World (16 Pics)

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