In an interview withBored Panda, HJ shared that his comics are all about finding the humor and absurdity in little things that happen in our daily lives. “Having grown up in New Zealand, I try to put a bit of the Kiwi flavour into it too. There are sometimes little bits of Kiwiana and references to our local pop culture that I hope my fellow Kiwi readers can appreciate.”

So, let’s hop into the post and see if New Zealand humor is up your alley.

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Birds discussing food choices in a comic by Birdchonk, humorously reversing roles with bird-themed restaurant signs.

We continued to chat with HJ, and he told us more about himself.


Birds with reversed roles discussing New Year’s resolutions in a comic by Birdchonk.

Comic strip with birds in reversed roles, featuring a bird on a mission, ending with a delivery notice from “BIRBPOST."

HJ also explained what initially drew him to the world of artistry.“I’ve been creating and drawing ever since I was little, since art supplies were one of the few things we were never short on growing up (that I still have now, even though I’m mostly digital). I was too self-conscious to share my works for the longest time though. It wasn’t until the pandemic that I realised how little time we have and that finally gave me the push to start this comic even when I didn’t feel fully ready.”

HJ also explained what initially drew him to the world of artistry.

“I’ve been creating and drawing ever since I was little, since art supplies were one of the few things we were never short on growing up (that I still have now, even though I’m mostly digital). I was too self-conscious to share my works for the longest time though. It wasn’t until the pandemic that I realised how little time we have and that finally gave me the push to start this comic even when I didn’t feel fully ready.”

Bird comic of a character waking up before alarm, then oversleeping despite intending to rest briefly.

Comics featuring birds with reversed roles, humorously feeding humans sourdough in a wildlife park.

As for the creative process, HJ commented: “I have a huge list of ideas that I add to whenever I come across something funny in my day-to-day life. When I pick one, I draft out the layout and text of the comic and then go directly into lining and colouring. One of the main factors when I started out was to keep the process as simple as possible so that I could create more consistently.”

Birdchonk comic: birds in a meeting discuss humorous business strategies with reversed roles.

Comic by Birdchonk depicting birds with reversed roles in a humorous grocery shopping scene.

We were curious about what HJ hopes audiences take away from his comics. He wrote: “Sometimes real life can get stressful and overwhelming, so I hope my comics are a reminder to pause and see the humour in the little things happening right under our noses. I also want to bring more awareness to our native birds in New Zealand, who are so unique and funny to watch, but also sadly very endangered.”Lastly, the artist added: “Be kind and keep moving forwards.”

We were curious about what HJ hopes audiences take away from his comics. He wrote: “Sometimes real life can get stressful and overwhelming, so I hope my comics are a reminder to pause and see the humour in the little things happening right under our noses. I also want to bring more awareness to our native birds in New Zealand, who are so unique and funny to watch, but also sadly very endangered.”

Lastly, the artist added: “Be kind and keep moving forwards.”

Birds discussing breadclips as currency in a comic by Birdchonk.

Birds in reversed roles comic by Birdchonk, featuring a sarcastic society meeting with humorous interactions.

Bird comic showing reversed roles: a bird makes garlic bread, while another reads a book comically ignoring the help offer.

Comic by Birdchonk with birds selling and testing a “health potion” that is just water.

Comic of bird hilariously struggling with card machine prompts, ending in “card declined,” by Birdchonk.

Birds with reversed roles at “Birber King,” as chefs feed chicks at a table, in a comic by Birdchonk.

Birds buying and weighing potatoes in a comic by Birdchonk, featuring humorous role reversals.

Funny comic of birds with reversed roles; a snake wins Bird of the Year, leaving the actual birds puzzled and upset.

Comical scene of birds taking an exam with funny role reversal, by Birdchonk, highlighting relatable humor in comics.

Birds humorously watch ads on phones in a comic strip by Birdchonk, reversing typical roles.

Birds watching TV in a comic, joking about lengthy series. Birdchonk’s hilariously relatable bird comics with reversed roles.

Birds in a comic by Birdchonk discuss love, with one imagining worms as a meal.

Cartoon birds in humorous, relatable reversed roles, featuring insomnia, school, dating, and traffic stop scenarios by Birdchonk.

Birds with reversed roles enjoy a movie while sneaking in snacks; a Birdchonk comic.

Comic strip with birds on a phone call, humorously depicting reversed roles in customer service by Birdchonk.

Comic of birds with reversed roles; an orc meets bird family, causing awkwardness.

Comics with birds in reversed roles, featuring a humorous problem-solving scenario by Birdchonk.

Comics featuring birds in reversed roles by Birdchonk, one bird comically wearing a mask despite not needing to.

Comic featuring birds with reversed roles by Birdchonk; one bird excited for a hike, but asks to park closer.

Birdchonk comic of birds humorously managing tax returns with reversed roles, surrounded by paperwork and laptops.

See Also on Bored Panda

Birds in reversed roles comic by Birdchonk: one bird acting as a doctor giving comical advice to another bird.

Comics featuring birds with reversed roles joke about hot cross buns preferences in humorous settings.

Birdchonk comic of a bird postponing critical updates from a robot, humorously reversing roles in technology management.

Birds in a comic depict hilariously relatable reversed roles; one bird humorously recounts a restless night.

Birds in a comic by Birdchonk humorously converse over their phone’s battery life and hunger.

Comics with birds in reversed roles, showing relatable human scenarios by Birdchonk.

Birdchonk comic: bird spies on another bird reading, then loses interest with book on face.

Birds reversing roles in a humorous comic by Birdchonk, featuring a ring being debated over in a fantasy-like setting.

Comic of birds with reversed roles, featuring a blue bird feeling envious at a “Bird of the Year Alumni” event.

Birds driving a car to a kiwi fruit location, with a surprised reaction. Comic by Birdchonk.

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