Whatever the case, you have to know which corner can get the job done. So, Reddit userLiterally_just_a_cat(who I have my suspicions of) made a post on the platform, asking others to share the smart and creative places that can be used for such a mission.
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You can dissolve your friends Nobel Prize medals in Aqua Regia.edit: After a few “oddly specific” responses I’m guessing most people aren’t getting the reference. The question was “what’s a “Super Genius” way to hide something”. George de Heversy, a Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry (so I would classify as a super genius) needed a way to hide two of his friend’s nobel prizes while they fled the Nazis. He came up with the idea of dissolving them in an acid (aqua regia) and left the solution on a shelf in his lab. He came back years later to find them undisturbed. The gold was precipitated out of the solution and the Nobel society recast the original gold into medals.
I used to think I could hide my w**d from my mom in the towel in the bass drum of my drumset. One day I reached in and found a note instead. It said “not as smart as you think you are"So not that way.
Nice try FBI.
False bottom to your cat’s litter box. Nobody’s gonna dig through cat s**t to look for your stuff.
The 2nd page of google.
If it’s light and small… I split some of the seams on the side bottom of blackout drapes and stitched in a pocket and velcro. It’s pretty much invisible, and I doubt people robbing the house want to disturb the drapes. I use it to stash cash.For larger stuff… I have a wood fireplace, so we have “decorative” wood sitting next to it. I split a log, hollowed it out a bit with a drill use it to hide a bunch of spare keys, safe keys, etc.I made these things while I was recovering from an injury and super bored.On the positive side, I think nobody will look in my places. On a negative side if there’s ever a fire the neighbors will think I’m insane when I save a blackout drape and a log.Edit: You guys are nuts! My address is REDACTED REDACTED St., REDACTED, REDACTED REDACTED USA. I have had some fun thinking about all the would-be robbers rifling through decorative firelogs and stealing blackout drapes, honestly it would make some amateur/junior detectives scratch their heads and that’s enough to make me happy. Love you all!
If you’re trying to hide something from me, you just need to put it in the fridge or the cupboard, front and centre.>Me: Hey, I can’t find the applesauce.>Them: It’s in the cupboard with all the other sauces.>Me: No it’s not.>Them: No, it’s definitely in there, I put it there an hour ago.>Me: I’m telling you, I just looked and it’s not there.>Them: Fine! I’ll show you!>Gets up, goes to cupboard, opens it, points to applesauce in plain sight>Me: … yeah that wasn’t there before.
Fake electrical outlet. Looks like a regular outlet but has no wiring. You can keep a small wad of cash or anything in similar size.
My boyfriend is tall. Anything I don’t want him to see goes at the back of the lowest shelf.
When I was a teenager I got my hands on a Playboy magazine. This was just before we had internet at home (which changed the game of course.) My mom knew I had it but I was just old enough where she decided to tolerate a few b***s. Still, in the conversation we had about it, she bet that if I was trying to hide a magazine from her, she would be able to find it. I accepted her challenge and told her to give me a little while to come up with hiding place.I had a chair with a cushion made of foam with a fabric cover, like a typical couch cushion. I removed the fabric cover and cut a slit into the foam, inserting the magazine in the middle of the cushion. I then turned the cushion around so that the slit was on the inside and couldn’t be seen if you unzipped it. I put the foam back in the cushion and put it back on the chair. Couldn’t feel anything sitting on it. My mom searched for a good while and could not find it. I think even if someone tore your house up completely they likely wouldn’t take the foam out of the couch cushions and carefully inspect it from all sides.
As a kid, I saw that whomever had put the floor trim in my room didn’t do a great job measuring. There was a section in one corner of the room, under my bed, that was about 18 inches long and held in with a single nail. I found that I could simply pull it out, and the whole thing would swing out like a door.So I took a knife and cut out the drywall. Just enough that if the trim was replaced, you’d never see the hole.I kept everything in there from pn to cash to wd.As a paranoid child with fairly conservative parents, I thought of all sorts of creative places to hide things. I should be a law enforcement consultant. I can find any hiding place.
Under a camo hat. No one will ever see it.
I just hid something inside a jar, put a toilet paper tube in the middle, then fill the sides with dog food biscuits.
My house was robbed once.They cut the silk liner out of a really nice fedora from Havana, kicked holes in the back of all the closets and certain walls, disassembled electronics, pulled all the books off the bookshelf, moved around all the appliances, cut holes in couch cushions and mattresses, etc. However, they found no valuables because it’s my second home, and I don’t leave any cash or jewelry laying around.A lot of these ideas may be good for hiding things from people that live with you, but if you’re looking to hide something from a would-be-thief get a safety deposit box.Edit for clarification: The criminals were apprehended, they were local landscapers who knew I wouldn’t be around for long periods. They were found with a lot of amphetamines which could explain their interesting tactics. No I am not a d**g dealer. I guess safe deposit boxes aren’t as safe as I thought. I don’t wear fedoras… I promise.
My mother and grandmother both have “cold cash” storage. It’s a Tupperware in the freezers with cash in it.Edit: Thank you very much for wanting to reply, but the “Frozen assets” and “cold hard cash” jokes has been made quite few times already. Please… stop. I’m starting to regret making this comment.
I have a suit of armor on a stand in my house, and he’s wearing a sort of kilt. Anyway, behind the kilt, where his a*s would normally be, there is a little space at his left and right cheek. I hide everything from beer to chocolate to chips in there…nothing valuable or sinister. I remember my ex gf and I were standing in that room, and she asked if I had any chocolate. I said yeah, then she asked with a peculiar look on her face why I was fondling the knight’s behind, until I pulled out a giant stack of Hersheys, She was confused as to why I had things stashed away in the knight’s butt, but it didn’t matter, as she was too busy eating the booty-chocolate.
Anywhere with a drawer. Husband’snever going to open a drawer before he asks me where it is.
Inside a Holmes & Watson DVD case. It will never be opened, definitely not worth stealing, only risk is someone possibly decides to incinerate it.
My dad had drilled a tiny hole in the drywall in the laundry room. He was out of the country and his wife called him and had an emergency which required cash. He told her to go to the garage and grab a sledgehammer and go to the laundry look for said hole. He had been putting money down there at least twenty years, around 18$ grand all-in-all. Had the wall fixed within a day when he got back.
My mom hid my Xmas gift in plain sight one year.She just left the box on the floor of the living room and wrote “books” in black sharpie, on all side.It sat there in the corner from August to December. When Xmas came around she said you have another gift… and shoved the box over. I was like, “old bookssomg you are a crafty genius!”.
Friend of mine, ex-criminal, had that problem when police raided his house.The gun he owned was not legal so he trew it in a pot full of beanes, while they were on a stew, cooking.He saved his a*s.(Sorry for bad english tho).
If I ever need to hide something I give it to one of my kids. 30 seconds later BOOM vanished, never to be seen again.
In the summer? Winter jacket pockets.
I hid my stuff in my guitar amp’s back cavity. Same can apply for any speaker box.Edit: I meant from parents and siblings, not from burglars.
I knew a guy in college who would always show up to parties with a clear container filled with cereal. One time he opened it up and pulled out a bag of weed, we all got stoned, and then he found some milk and ate his cereal. Pretty genius other than trusting the milk at a college house.
This might sound gross, but in highschool I kept my secret cash in a sanitary pad. I’d wrap the cash inside the pad and then roll it up. After that I’d wrap it loosely with some tissue. I’d keep it behind the foot of my desk. It looked exactly like a used pad. One time my mom found it and told me I am a nasty piece of trash. Little does she know…
Inside of trophies. Mine are all hollow.
One time I was playing hide and seek with my niece, I just sat down at the table with everyone else, took her about a half hour to “find” me.
I used to have a pet scorpion. I used to bury a ziplock of emergency cash under the substrate of his tank.
Become a hoarder. Fill your house with every piece of random junk you come across.Anything you own will become hidden.
5’2” wife - top of fridge might as well be Antarctica.
See Also on Bored Panda
Two words: Tampon Box.
There’s two variables at play when deciding to hide something in your home. Accessibility, and security. If it’s super secure, it’s hard to get to and if it’s super accessible it’s probably not secure. You can obviously hide something in a covered hole in the wall and nobody will know it’s there but getting to it is a b*h. A few I can think of that are pretty good:Furniture legs can be bored from the ends, upwards, creating a small cavity.You can hollow out things that you don’t see. Underneath your mattress, if you have a bed with wooden slats you can hide things between the mattress and the slats, your sofa cushions, most sofas and beds are actually hollow wooden frames with only cushions on top. You can cut into them through a small plastic sheet on the bottom. There’s a LOT of space in there.Skirting boards and door frames can be slot back into place concealing small cavities.A lot of interior doors are hollow and almost nobody is tall enough to see the top.The u-bend if you can secure it properly or the water tank of the toilet itself.Underneath your garbage bag.Broken electronics. Gut a stereo and you now have storage in plain sight.You can even store in working electronics. You’ll be surprised how much empty space is in them.Fake outlets are great one that I’ve seen recently. I’ve even seen working outlets that have storage built in. This has to be one of the best imho.Behind picture frames is good, but this one is quite popular.In food. You can hide a lot in a bag of rice, pasta or flour. Empty coffee pots, pringles or whatever.As kids, me and my siblings used to pull up the carpet from the corner of the room and lift up the floor boards. You can hide a cp ton there too. This will be obvious to a trained eye though unless you can do it without creasing the carpet.
Inside electronics. A lot of electronics has spare room inside.False wall in closet, either the back of the closet, top of the closet, or a wall that doesn’t have a door next to it, harder to see the missing space.Drawers: false bottom, underneath a drawer, or taped behind a drawer.On top of cabinets, especially with a false top to cover whatever you’re hiding.Behind the backing of a picture. Best with those cheap photo frames that are easy to disassemble.False middle to a bottle of soda.Toilet tank.Taped up under sink near the front board.Make your own false book, works best with large bookcase.Inside a large chair or couch that’s not properly sealed up underneath.Behind washing machine.Under dishwasher.None of these will stop a dedicated person from finding them. A few of the appliance based ones can be discovered if someone else does a repair on them. A few require some effort to make false cavities. But between the variety it will be hard to figure out where.
I have a triple monitor mount with a main pipe everything attaches to, well, pop the cap off that pipe, I 3d printed a long tubular container with several compartments and boom. Hidey spot that no one would ever check.
The best way is with a floor safe.When people look for something it’s always at eye level and rarely do they crawl about searching. The location has to be discreet: living room under the couch; near the doorway; or right underneath a cabinet near the corner where people rarely goes to. It also helps in safety as it’s the one place a fire would never reach.
From my daughter? With the unwashed dishes.
I’m a diabetic so have dozens of insulin pens lying around, a couple months ago I realised I could hollow out the used ones and put stuff in them. Best part, you can always have them on you and no one finds them suspicious because they’re a medical necessity. I’m currently working on trying to refill my used insulin pens with alcohol to sneak mini shots into festivals, only issue is that they only hold about 3ml each. If I were into the d**g scene though, I can imagine they’d be perfect for smuggling in pills, etc.
Melt down a large Yankee candle pour a little wax back in insert whatever your trying to hide then pour the rest of the wax back in.. trust me it’s been tried and tested 😂.
My ex hid wads of $100s in the mouth of a VCR.
If it’s flat, (money), in books. You can repurpose empty food and cleaner containers to hide bigger objects.
I have a Barbosol shaving can that unscrews from the bottom, similar to where Newman kept the dino DNA in Jurassic Park.
There’s all sorts of hiding modifications you can upgrade into your house, but a few ideas with existing spots (and a fair amount of tape).If you’re just hiding cash, then an envelope between the picture and the backing in a picture frame is a good one.Another cash idea is to tape an envelope underneath the back cover of a book (between the pages will leave a more visible indent) and put it on a bookshelf.For small objects/packages, you can unscrew the vent cover on an air vent and place it inside. Just make sure you have a way to get it back out if it’s a vertical shaft (perhaps tape a string to the inside of the vent attached to the object).The inside of a some couches will swallow a remote or a phone easily enough if it drops between the cushions. That same interior can hide objects, just flip the couch and tape them into place on the frame.If you have old appliances that don’t work, you can rip out the guts and hide things inside the casing, just make sure no one throws it out.Another cash spot would be behind a drawer in a set of dressers. Pull the drawer all the way out, tape an envelope on the back of the cavity, and replace the drawer. Even if someone pulls out the drawers to toss the contents for valuables, they should miss it unless they lower their head level to see it.In truth, any container will do if there’s enough of them and they’re nondescript enough for a burglar to not go through. Who’s gonna know that the paint can on the bottom of a pile of 6 full ones in the basement is empty and has some family jewelry stashed in it? Or that one of the boxes of pasta in the back of the pantry has been emptied out and had some money hidden inside?Most burglaries are smash and grabs, and they’re there just to grab what valuables they can carry and get out. They won’t have the time or inclination to flip through every book and container.
I heard an urban legend of a divorcee hiding prawns in curtain railings in summer. The smell was so bad the ex husband practically gave her the housers no one would buy it. She threw out the curtains and the smell disappeared.
I found a secret draw in my bed the other day which I hadn’t spotted in the 6 years I had my bed.
Next question: what are the super genius passwords to your bank accounts?
Unscrew the base of a lamp, like the entire base and put what you want to hide inside the base, then screw the base back on.When was the last time you or anyone you know has completely dissembled a lamp?Edit: I had no idea so many people wouldn’t take my question rhetorically lol.
Our family has always kept loads of cash and other valuable in the base of the tall grandfather clock.It’s a natural hiding place because the clock’s front door requires a hidden key to open it.It’s dark down inside grandfather’s bottom. Better sill, the substantial pendulum swinging above with the 3 heavy hanging weights for the action and chime rods totally obscure what’s stashed deep down inside the clock case.
Bricks in the wall.
When I was a kid and still lived with my parents, I gutted a DVD burner that stopped working and hid my weed in there for years. They never found out.
Family member used to sell d***s.Got raided a few times but never found her stash.She used to hide her copious amounts of weed in jigsaw puzzle boxes under the pieces.
Wrap it in a black plastic bag and put it in the fridge. nobody ever opens that s**t.
Inside a hollowed-out door. No-one’s going to smash a door to pieces on the offchance something is inside it. No-one’s going to throw away or sell/replace a door while you’re at work. And it’s very unlikely that someone will cause enough damage to an interior door to wreck it it. (The top half moreso, though, if you have large dogs who like to chew their way through things.)Alternatively: in the hollowed-out walls of a heavy safe you keep in the garage, with the safe door open (or at least not locked). Only slightly more likely to be sold to a scrap dealer or local safe enthusiast while you’re at work.Amusing variation: in a hollowed-out safe/vault door you have mounted into a wall somewhere, with the combination stamped into a metal tag tied to the handle. If there’s any actual space behind the door, fill it with cheap p**n-shop trophies.Because, after all, who takes the time and effort to steal or slice up a safe they can see is empty?
Bury it in the soil of a houseplant.
Get a recessed toilet paper holder that gets cut into the wall cavity. When removed you have a drop down space 24inches deep and 14inches. Openi.g will be about 4x4.
Bring in 10,000 more identical ones.
Inside sharpies. If you gently bend and wiggle the barrel (grey portion) and the ferrule (colored bit that holds the nib) you can separate them and remove the reservoir (ink). It’s a great place to hide money (or a joint/cigarette) while still leaving a working nib under the cap.Larger sharpies like a magnum barrel (metal ones) use glue on the ferrule so its more difficult to separate those sharpies.Edit: spelling ferrule.
Throw it in sealed bag and plop that bad boy in the toilet water tank. Its all fresh water.
When I was around 15, just started smoking weed, I got a piece of plasTer board and painted it black (matching texture and colour of the surrounding shelving) and made a false back.I was able to hide my choof for years and my parents didn’t realise I’d made it till we moved out 4 years later.
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