Life is a journey full of learning curves and experiences that shape how we think, feel, and act. Everyone would love to live every day, facing absolutely nochallengesor difficulties, but a completely smooth path is often one devoid of learning.That’s why people need to accept the harsh realities of life, which are necessary forcharacter development. This list contains all of those eye-opening truths that folks often tend to ignore but need to accept in order to thrive. Some facts might be harder to accept than others.More info:RedditThis post may includeaffiliate links.

Life is a journey full of learning curves and experiences that shape how we think, feel, and act. Everyone would love to live every day, facing absolutely nochallengesor difficulties, but a completely smooth path is often one devoid of learning.

That’s why people need to accept the harsh realities of life, which are necessary forcharacter development. This list contains all of those eye-opening truths that folks often tend to ignore but need to accept in order to thrive. Some facts might be harder to accept than others.

More info:Reddit

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Working hard and doing the right thing often doesn’t ensure a good life at all. The biggest pieces of s**t barely ever face consequences and live better lives than people who are actually good and deserving of good things.

A man carrying a heavy basket of soil on his head, illustrating the hardest harsh realities about life.


People who should absolutely not have kids have kids, and vice versa.

A thoughtful family facing challenges, highlighting hardest harsh realities about life.

Being attractive will help you be more successful than being smart or working hard will.

Man in a suit on phone, smiling beside modern staircase, illustrating harsh realities about life in a business setting.

Even if you try your best to stay strong and get through the difficult stages of life, there might be moments that overwhelm you. According topsychologists, this is something that everyone faces at some point, and it’s important to pay attention to such feelings in order to figure out how to cope better with them.Many of the folks in this list learned toughlessonsas they got older and had more life experience. Age provides people with more opportunities for learning and growth through exciting and difficult experiences. Rather than trying to run away from such moments, it’s important to accept that they’ll happen and embrace the learning curves.

Even if you try your best to stay strong and get through the difficult stages of life, there might be moments that overwhelm you. According topsychologists, this is something that everyone faces at some point, and it’s important to pay attention to such feelings in order to figure out how to cope better with them.

Many of the folks in this list learned toughlessonsas they got older and had more life experience. Age provides people with more opportunities for learning and growth through exciting and difficult experiences. Rather than trying to run away from such moments, it’s important to accept that they’ll happen and embrace the learning curves.

Took me a long time to fully understand that people are mean on purpose haha this was especially hard to understand when it came to my friends and family… “wait..they KNOW they’re hurting me? And.. they DONT care?”🤯.

Person sitting on floor in a locker room, looking down, surrounded by personal belongings, reflecting on harsh realities of life.

That no one was coming to save me.

Homeless man under a bridge holding a “HELP” sign, representing harsh realities about life.

That I’ve lost the last older adult who truly cared about me and my future.

Two people embracing in a dimly lit room, conveying hardest harsh realities about life emotions.

As many people on this list pointed out, some of the harshest truths to accept were that many times you have to rely on yourself for help, that working hard doesn’t always bear the fruit you want, and thatlifeisn’t always fair. It might seem scary to think of such concepts, and oftentimes, folks can’t bring themselves to accept the truth.This rejection of reality can sometimes affect people’smental healthand cause them to feel incredibly low. It can lead to things like burnout, difficulty finding meaning in life, not engaging in enjoyable activities, or wanting to isolate oneself. This can end up causing even more problems for a person, which is why they need to face up to the harsh truths of life and tackle them head-on.

As many people on this list pointed out, some of the harshest truths to accept were that many times you have to rely on yourself for help, that working hard doesn’t always bear the fruit you want, and thatlifeisn’t always fair. It might seem scary to think of such concepts, and oftentimes, folks can’t bring themselves to accept the truth.

This rejection of reality can sometimes affect people’smental healthand cause them to feel incredibly low. It can lead to things like burnout, difficulty finding meaning in life, not engaging in enjoyable activities, or wanting to isolate oneself. This can end up causing even more problems for a person, which is why they need to face up to the harsh truths of life and tackle them head-on.

The workplace is full of immature and incompetent people.

Stressed man at a laptop, surrounded by colleagues pointing fingers, illustrating harsh realities about life.

Being good at something will get you far but knowing the right people will get you much further.

Artist contemplating life, surrounded by paintings in a cluttered studio, reflecting harsh realities through her art.

Life is the complete opposite of fairness.

Person pointing at a seated individual in a library, illustrating harsh realities about life.

Failure can teach us more about life than anything else can really do. It’s clear to see that for many people on this list, a bump in the road helped them accept the harsh life lessons they’re sharing. That’s why, instead of understanding all thesetruthsin theory, it’s important you put them into practice and be okay with failing along the way.

Family can be your worst enemies.

Elderly couple in colorful hoodies discussing with a pensive child on a sofa, illustrating harsh realities about life.

You always have to clean. All the time. I hate it. I’ve never been an organized person.

Woman dusting houseplants with a colorful duster, illustrating life’s everyday challenges.

That accepting responsibility is the only way to make real change in your life. People who blame anything and everyone for their problems ultimately put the responsibility outside their realm of power and therefore cannot enact change. So if you really truly want to bring change into your life, it starts with you. This was a harsh truth for me to accept.

Woman gesturing emotionally during a conversation, illustrating harsh realities about life.

Rather than going into a negative spiral, it’s important to replace such ideas with more positive or neutral thoughts. Overthinking often uses up one’smentalenergy and can make it even tougher to concentrate. The best thing to do is to invest one’s time and resources into solving the things that can be solved and accepting the situations that can’t be.

Working hard and/or having a lot of intelligence doesn’t mean anything in most of the working world if you don’t have confidence and strong communication skills, or be able to fake exuberant extroversion.Most people in charge know how to charm people. You just hope they are ethical and have a good work ethic too, but that is not always the case.

People shaking hands over a desk, highlighting harsh realities about life in a business setting.

As Captain Picard said “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life”.

A man sitting in a stadium, looking downcast, clutching a water bottle, reflecting on life’s harsh realities.

No matter how nice I am to some people, I may not be able to make them nice to me back. Some people just aren’t nice and that’s not my fault 🤷🏼‍♀️.

Man holding head in frustration while woman talks, depicting hardest harsh realities about life at a café table.

No matter how tough life gets, you must realize that it also gets better. Sometimes, when a person’s caught up with challenges, it can be hard to remember the good times, but it is important to still try and do so. Finding a balance between tough and wholesome moments can help people get a new perspective on life.

You can love someone so much and they don’t feel the same.

Two people having a serious conversation by a fence, illustrating harsh realities about life.

Loneliness is the default setting. Connection has to be worked for and is always temporary.

Student alone in a classroom, writing at a desk, illustrating harsh realities about life and education challenges.

That unless you are almost aggressively confident, ruthless and lack compassion you will rarely reach the top of the career ladder.That you can do the right thing and the correct thing and still lose.

Person overwhelmed by papers, illustrating hardest harsh realities about life.

People are dumb as f**k….

Cartoon character Patrick with a wooden plank on his head, holding a hammer, illustrating harsh realities about life.

See Also on Bored Panda

Friend groups separate and go their own ways. People you got used to seeing daily you may be lucky to see once every six months.

Group of friends smiling and looking down at the camera, embracing life’s harsh realities with joy.

  1. You can be an absolute beast, but still lose.2. Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family.

Person lying on a track field, covering face with hands, illustrating harsh realities about life.

Our Parents can never grow into who we need them to be because they simply don’t want to.

Elderly couple sitting on a bench, reflecting on harsh realities about life.

That traumatizing death exists, let alone death itself… along with the uncertainty of what comes incredibly harsh and unfair nature can be.and to imagine, this applies to all living beings.

Person in dark clothing walking through a cemetery, reflecting on harsh realities about life.

That nothing actually matters in the grand scheme of things.

That most adults are s**t friends and it’s actually not you.

Three friends hugging in a park, embracing hardest harsh realities about life with smiles and support.

“People aren’t inherently good, they are inherently selfish.” - I think it’s the Scarecrow in the batman comics or old cartoon who said this.

A woman in a gray coat standing in a mountain landscape, contemplating the harsh realities about life.

Life is a series of opportunities that you choose to take or leave. That fear often plays a heavy hand in holding back. Ultimately life is exactly what you make of it. That’s a lot of pressure.

Woman in a blue suit sitting on steps, looking contemplative, reflecting the hardest harsh realities about life.

I’d be the one doing the cooking and washing the dishes for nearly every meal, every day, for the rest of my life.

Woman in a kitchen looking stressed, wearing a gray tank top and apron, touching her forehead.

That ur parents are getting older. They just want to experience the joys of life with you.

  1. You gotta learn to cope with life alone. You’ll lose a lot of friends as you get older, and you wont always have someone that can help you out when you are struggling. The first statement also applies to when youre trying to date, you gotta be comfortable with being alone before you put yourself out there, otherwise you might settle or seem desperate.2. C**ppy things can happen for no reason, even to good people.3. Karma is real, so try not to hurt people.

A man with a bald head and beard holding his head in distress, representing harsh realities about life.

There’s some really dark stuff lurking around inside of even the most outwardly innocent people. Civility is a thin veneer over our inner savagery, as no matter how many suits and ties and times someone goes to church or whatever, we still occasionally love to participate in any excuse for a public execution.

Crime scene tape with warning at an investigation site, highlighting harsh realities.

That nobody really cares about you. people only come around because of what they can get from you.

The more you improve yourself,the bigger target you become.

Blonde woman in a red dress surrounded by paparazzi, capturing the harsh realities of fame and attention.

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