People tend to love their pets as much or, sometimes, even more than theirfamilymembers. That might be because animals offer lots of unconditional love, making people want to protect them as much as possible.
This can sometimes prove to be a problem inrelationships, especially if someone prioritizes their pet over their partner. One person faced this when their fiancé refused to take care of them after surgery so that he could keep his pitbull at home instead of boarding it. It obviously made the poster rethink their bond.
More info:Reddit
People often consider their pets to be just like family members, but sometimes, this belief can be taken a bit too far
Image credits:Blanco Studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster explained that they had rehomed their husky because of their fiancé’s very reactive pit bull with which he shared a very close bond with
Image credits:Alex Green / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The only problem was that the fiancé prioritized his dog so much that he expected his partner to get a hotel room after their very invasive surgery instead of boarding the dog
Image credits:Liza Summer / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits:External-Note5754
Rehominga pet might feel like a bad thing to do, but it’s sometimes the best option for the animal. When people realize that they can’t provide adequate care for the creature, they should figure out what else they can do in that situation. The OP realized that their fiancé always put his pit bull first, and that’s why they made such a decision regarding their husky.
Even though the poster had made sacrifices for their partner, it didn’t seem like the guy was doing the same. Despite his significant other having to go through an invasive surgery and requiring intensive care, he prioritized hispit bull’sneeds. He told his partner to stay at a hotel because he didn’t want to board his dog during their recovery period.
In situations where a loved oneneglects your needsor puts someone or something else before you, it means that they are not making you a priority. This can be heartbreaking because it means that they aren’t paying attention to what you need. The OP also felt hurt that their fiancé would rather look after his dog than his partner, who needed care and attention.
Image credits:Gera Cejas / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The OP did explain that the reason why their fiancé treasured hisdogso much was because he had previously lost his pit bull to lymphoma. This, combined with the fact that his current pet had been rescued from an abusive environment, meant that he was very protective of her. Unfortunately, this led to him ignoring his loved one’s needs.
According topsychologists, when people feel that their partner is not prioritizing them, they should first share their feelings openly with the other person. It might be daunting to open up about something so vulnerable, but it can help the couple stay on the same page and strengthen their relationship.
Incase, the other person still continues to put other people or things before their partner, they should not be afraid to leave that relationship. Often, the fear of beingalonecan be very strong, but it can be more damaging to be with someone who doesn’t see your worth.
The poster did mention that they felt jealous of their fiancé’s dog because of how much he took care of it. Nobody should be made to feel like they are always second best. That’s why the person really needs to figure out if they are comfortable remaining in a relationship with someone who doesn’t seem to value them enough.
What would you suggest the author do in a situation like this?
Folks sided with the poster and urged them to end things with their negligent fiancé
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