Most people are very careful with their prizedpossessionsand make sure to keep them out of harm’s way. If an object gets spoiled, ruined, or damaged, it can cause a lot of pain, especially if it took a lot of effort to buy it in the first place.

This is what happened to a man who had saved up for an expensive briefcase. He made the mistake of trusting his friend with it. Unfortunately, the other guy spilled a full cup ofcoffeeon the bag and then refused to pay for the stain removal. This put the guy in a fix.

More info:Reddit


Leather bags are expensive because of the high-quality materials and skilled craftsmanship that goes into making them, which is why they need to be handled with care

Person carrying a stylish leather bag, standing on stone steps.

Image credits:Adam Wilson / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

The man had saved up for a year to be able to afford a $1,800 briefcase that he had his eye on, so he was extra careful whenever he used it

Man sitting on a balcony with brown leather bag, wearing blue pants and brown shoes.

Image credits:EyeEm / Freepik (not the actual photo)

When he gave the briefcase to his friend to see, the other man spilled a full cup of coffee on it, which caused a big stain that would cost $300 to get removed

Hand holding cash, possibly asking friend to pay for leather bag.

Image credits:Burst / Pexels (not the actual photo)

The guy asked his friend if he’d cover the cost of the stain removal or even split it, but the other man refused to do so, stating that it was just an accident

Image credits:Beginning_Service387

The man had worked extremely hard to be able to afford a high-end leather case that he had wanted for a long time. It was his gift to himself after a lot ofsaving, and that’s why he also made sure to be careful with it whenever he used it. He did not let it get damaged at all during the months that he had taken it outside.

The only mistake he made was handing it over to his careless friend, who spilled an entire cup of coffee on the case. Usually in situations like this, to avoid a stain forming,cleaning expertsstate that you should blot the affected areas. Wiping it down might cause the liquid to spread even more or damage the material.

That’s what happened with the man’s briefcase when he tried to wipe it down after the incident. He was devastated because the coffee soaked into the leather, and when he took it to a professional cleaner they said that it would cost $300 to remove the stain. The guy then asked hisfriendfor help because he had been the one to cause the problem.

Usually, it is a rule of thumb to help out with thefunds for repairsif you have been the one to cause the destruction. This shows that you’re taking responsibility for your actions and are willing to face the consequences. Unfortunately, the OP’s friend didn’t want to do any of that. He kept insisting that since it was an accident he didn’t have to fork over any cash.

Close-up of a partially visible leather bag on a textured surface.

Image credits:impactdepositivo / Reddit (not the actual photo)

It’s hard not to let situations like this get in the way of a friendship or affect one’smentalpeace. When other peopleupset youand get on your nerves, it’s important to try and figure out what is and isn’t in your control. You cannot force anyone to listen to you, and if they keep insisting on being defiant, it’s best to accept the situation and try to move on.

The OP found it extremely tough to accept that his friend wasn’t going to help pay for the repairs. In fact, the other man tried to gaslight the poster into thinking he was being unreasonable for such a request.

If a confrontation with the other person doesn’t work, then the affected person needs to take a step back from the situation. Rather than constantly trying to make theselfish personchange, it’s important to practice acceptance.

The OP also might have realized through this situation that the other man wasn’t actually his true friend, which is why he didn’t take responsibility for his actions. Although it might have cost him a lot of money, he got to learn a lot about who he could count on in hislife.

Do you have any suggestions of what the OP could do to get his friend to pay for the damages to the briefcase? How would you approach such a dilemma?

People found the friend’s behavior terrible, and some were suspicious that the other guy had ruined the briefcase deliberately

Reddit comments discussing responsibility, referencing asking a friend to pay for a damaged leather bag.

Text about asking a friend to pay for a damaged leather bag and reflecting on friendship fairness.

Comments discussing a friend not paying for a leather bag, highlighting the experience as a learning opportunity.

Reddit conversation about asking a friend to pay for a leather bag due to an accident.

Reddit comment discussing a friend’s motive for paying for a leather bag, suspecting envy as the reason.

Comment discussing if a friend should pay for cleaning a leather bag.

Text discussing asking a friend to pay for an uninsured leather bag, comparing it to car insurance.

Text discussion about asking a friend to pay for a leather bag while holding coffee.

Reddit comment discussing paying a friend for damaging a leather bag, questioning fairness based on wealth differences.

Comment discussing responsibility when a friend damages an expensive leather bag.

Comment discussing the fairness of asking a friend to pay for a leather bag cleaning after an accident.

Comment discussing an expensive leather bag’s maintenance issues.

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