The idea of aiming for10,000 stepsa day has been aroundsince 1964. It was actually popularized through a marketing campaign for the Tokyo Olympics, as the Japanese character for 10,000 bears resemblance to a person walking. This clever idea quickly caught on, and it’s still an extremely popular goal for people to have today. After all, walking can do wonders for your physical and mentalhealth!But if youdrivea car, work anoffice joband spend your evenings watching Netflix, it can be difficult to travel about 5 miles on foot during your daily routine. So one man recentlyaskedTikTok users to share creative tips and tricks for getting their steps in. We’ve gathered their best advice below, so lace up your sneakers and be sure to upvote the tactics you plan to try out! And keep reading to find a conversation withNavin KhoslafromNowPatient.This man invited viewers to share their best tips and tricks for getting 10,000 steps in a day@robelifedreamsDoing my 10k steps each day has been a life changing habit, I use it to listen to audio books so I get my learning in at the same time or to clear my mind and prioritise when I get caught up in ‘needing’ to do too many things#mindsetcoach#selflove#sobercurious#10kstepsaday#changeyourlife♬ UNSTOPPABLE EVENING - finetuneThis post may includeaffiliate links.

The idea of aiming for10,000 stepsa day has been aroundsince 1964. It was actually popularized through a marketing campaign for the Tokyo Olympics, as the Japanese character for 10,000 bears resemblance to a person walking. This clever idea quickly caught on, and it’s still an extremely popular goal for people to have today. After all, walking can do wonders for your physical and mentalhealth!

But if youdrivea car, work anoffice joband spend your evenings watching Netflix, it can be difficult to travel about 5 miles on foot during your daily routine. So one man recentlyaskedTikTok users to share creative tips and tricks for getting their steps in. We’ve gathered their best advice below, so lace up your sneakers and be sure to upvote the tactics you plan to try out! And keep reading to find a conversation withNavin KhoslafromNowPatient.

This man invited viewers to share their best tips and tricks for getting 10,000 steps in a day@robelifedreamsDoing my 10k steps each day has been a life changing habit, I use it to listen to audio books so I get my learning in at the same time or to clear my mind and prioritise when I get caught up in ‘needing’ to do too many things#mindsetcoach#selflove#sobercurious#10kstepsaday#changeyourlife♬ UNSTOPPABLE EVENING - finetune

This post may includeaffiliate links.

I quit my job that was a 45 min drive away & got a job a 45 min walk away!! Average 12k steps a day and saving 180 quid a month 🥰

A man in a suit walking outdoors, checking his phone, staying active to reach 10K steps a day.


Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

Find an amazing audiobook or podcast that you can only listen to while walking. Trust me you’re gonna wanna walk to finish it!!

Person wearing headphones and a red jacket, walking outside in sunlight, embodying lifestyle tips for getting 10K steps daily.

To learn more about this topic, we reached out toNavin Khosla,NowPatient’s clinical safety officer (CSO), medical content reviewer, and registered pharmacist. He was kind enough to have a chat withBored Pandaand discuss some of the benefits of getting plenty of steps in every day.“Getting a lot of steps in every day can help improve both your physical and mental health,” the expert shared. “Physical benefits include helping to manage your weight, improving your fitness levels, strengthening your muscles and bones and improving the health of your cardiovascular system. Getting your steps in and walking can also help reduce stress levels, as well as improve your mood, both of which will help you get a better nights sleep.”

To learn more about this topic, we reached out toNavin Khosla,NowPatient’s clinical safety officer (CSO), medical content reviewer, and registered pharmacist. He was kind enough to have a chat withBored Pandaand discuss some of the benefits of getting plenty of steps in every day.

“Getting a lot of steps in every day can help improve both your physical and mental health,” the expert shared. “Physical benefits include helping to manage your weight, improving your fitness levels, strengthening your muscles and bones and improving the health of your cardiovascular system. Getting your steps in and walking can also help reduce stress levels, as well as improve your mood, both of which will help you get a better nights sleep.”

I imagine that my ex is following me and I need to keep walking to get away from him 😂

Man walking past graffiti-covered wall, wearing a cap and jacket, contributing to reaching 10K steps in a day.

front load your steps! get as many in as you can at the start of the day

Person wearing red sneakers ascending blue stairs, symbolizing steps towards 10K daily.

I find walking through a big woods etc helps

Person walking in forest, wearing a yellow jacket and backpack, embodying tips for getting 10K steps a day.

“In more recent years, however, studies have suggested that you may not need to walk 10,000 steps to benefit from walking, with some studies suggesting as low as 5000 steps would have the same benefit,” the expert continued. “The important thing is not to become too fixated on the number of steps. Rather, how many steps a person should take in a day will vary depending on their age, current fitness levels and health goals.”

I set up my own dog walking business and do 20-60k steps a day ✌🏻

Person walking three dogs on a trail, a great tip for reaching 10K steps a day for better health.

Go out for a walk in one direction then when you get fed up you still have to walk all the way home

Woman walking briskly in casual attire on a sunny day, symbolizing tips for getting 10K steps daily.

Lock your door, put your earphones and play music and just dance 🎶💃🎧

Woman enjoying music with headphones, smiling while moving, wearing a yellow top; a tip for getting 10K steps in a day.

Next, we asked Navin for his advice on getting steps in. “There are a number of ways to sneak more steps into your day. These could include ideas such as walking the dog, taking a walk on your lunch break, leaving the car at home if you’re popping out to the local shops, taking the stairs rather than the lift, or joining a fitness club,” he shared. “Making those small lifestyle changes can make all the difference to your daily step count.”

I have a high energy dog lol

Siberian husky with bright eyes and tongue out, standing on a grassy field, ideal for daily steps workouts.

Do all your errands walking! If you are taking the bus, jump off earlier and walk the rest of the way, make walking your identity and be so consistent that it feels weird not walking one day

Two women walking outdoors on a path, engaging in conversation to achieve 10K steps a day.

Smiling woman with yoga mat and water bottle, suggesting tips for getting 10K steps a day.

“Walking is a great way to help manage your physical and mental health and it’s a great way to meet people and make new friends,” Navin added. “Best of all, it’s free and won’t cost you a penny. You just need to make time.”

I do laps of my kitchen every morning to get at least 2000 in before I go about my day😂

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

walk on the spot when brushing teeth, waiting for water to boil

Person brushing their teeth with an electric toothbrush, focusing on daily routine and healthy steps for well-being.

go browsing in the shops. go to big tesco

Couple walking through a grocery store aisle, using shopping as a way to reach 10K steps daily goal.

put on a good playlist and walk until the playlist ends

Person walks outdoors wearing earphones and sunglasses, seeking to reach 10K steps a day goal.

park further away from doors if using a car, get as much done early on, invest in an accurate counter, go the same route so ur familiar with flows of traffic/people, DONT have too much h2o 🚽😩🤣

Silver sports car parked on a quiet street, ideal for getting those 10K steps in a day around the neighborhood.

I’ve never used an elevator in years

Person in an elevator pressing the button for the eighth floor, possibly related to getting 10K steps in a day.

Get a walking pad!

Feet in running shoes on a treadmill, sunlight streaming in, illustrating tips for getting 10K steps daily.

Get a job as a home shopper in a supermarket 😂 I do 10-18k steps a day doing that.

Woman shopping in a produce aisle, placing lettuce in a cart to increase steps toward 10K daily.

I wfh and get them in (15k-ish)before I start; I go for a an hour jog outdoors at 5am and do the rest the hour before work on a walking pad 👌🏽💪🏽 sounds extreme but its not 😂

Person jogging outside a green building, holding a water bottle, focused on getting 10K steps daily.

I pace watching tv, on my phone, blow drying my hair. All adds up.

Hand holding a Samsung TV remote in a living room setting, likely after getting 10K steps in a day.

I walk in a walking pad when watching football. I walk for the first half. Have a break for 15 and then do the second half.

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

On days off go for a 20 min walk after every meal

Smiling woman with curly hair holding a spoon, highlighting tips for getting 10K steps daily.

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

See Also on Bored Panda

Getting up for snacks 👏😂

Man in a red shirt reaching into fridge, illustrating daily steps routine tips.

I get up earlier to get 4000 steps in before I leave for work ( office job). It’s now become habit and I have 205 days of 10k steps or more x

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

don’t look at the time while walking/how long you’ve been walking for

Man in a blue hoodie checking smartwatch, focusing on steps in a day.

Woman holding a smiling baby outdoors, representing daily activity for getting 10K steps.

Women exercising on stationary bikes indoors, focusing on fitness tips for getting 10K steps a day.

I read my book on my walking pad

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

i work in hospitality so that’s over 10k just at work 😭

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

Go for a walk and call a friend

Woman smiling while talking on phone, walking outdoors, suggesting tips to get 10K steps daily.

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

walk about an hour away from home then you’ll have another hour to walk back, stop taking short cuts, walk 30mins as soon as you get up

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

Put off sitting down for another 5 minutes. At work before sitting at my desk walk to the toilet and get a glass of water, before sitting down at home pick some bits up and vacuum. It adds up through the day

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

play golf

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

every hour walk around for like 5 minutes if you can spare, alongside the other walking you regularly do. walk to and from work if it’s doable

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

scrolling while walking, you won’t even notice passing of time

Person outdoors using a smartphone, possibly tracking steps, focusing on a healthy lifestyle and reaching 10K steps daily.

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