Jerome, the creator, puts his own humor into every panel. Whether you’re into mythology or just enjoy a good laugh, these cartoons offer a lighthearted and entertaining spin on classic figures.

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Comic strip of a skeleton rating Charon one star for no snacks, from “Goofy Gods Comics” series.


Comic of goofy gods dealing with daily life: a three-headed dog faces storms, chainsaws, and grooming by a girl and hooded figure.

Comic strip featuring a character swiping on a dating app with “Goofy Gods Comics” humor. They find a match with a Medusa-like figure.

“I read a lot of comics and mangas when I was a kid, I just spent hours copying the comics,” Jerome shared when asked what got him into art. He explained that he gets inspiration from many things, like other artists, movies, comics, video games, life, and his family and friends.

Comic strip from “Goofy Gods Comics” showing Poseidon and Hades dealing with humorous chaos involving fish.

Goofy Gods Comics: Kids opening presents, one with a shield, Pandora reveals mythical creatures from a box.

Comic strip from “Goofy Gods Comics” showing a god helping an orca solve a problem with love and a narwhal.

Comic strip from “Goofy Gods Comics” showing gods humorously arguing over passage without a coin.

The comics showcase recurring characters such as Zeus, the ruler of the gods and god of the sky and thunder, and Hades, the king of the underworld and god of the dead. Hades is often seen with his three-headed dog, Cerberus, affectionately nicknamed Cerbie in the comics. As a dog lover, Jerome, the artist, felt Cerbie was the perfect way to express his love for dogs. In fact, Jerome has shared that Cerbie is his favorite character in the series. Other characters he enjoys drawing include Charon, Pegasus, and Hydra.

Funny scene from “Goofy Gods Comics” about gods explaining a six-month nap with humorous consequences.

Comic from “Goofy Gods Comics” depicting gods discussing costumes for a Halloween party with humorous twist.

A comic from “Goofy Gods Comics” shows a god reading about mythological creatures, with a video of Pegasus being popular.

Comic from Goofy Gods about gods using plants to tackle everyday problem of zombies.

Comic strip of a goofy god interacting with a purple hydra, preparing for holiday festivities.

Comic featuring a hooded figure discussing nicknames for Cerberus, from “Goofy Gods Comics."

Comic strip from Goofy Gods Comics showing a skeleton and a reaper bringing a plant to life for Persephone.

Comic strip of gods dealing with thunder and babysitting issues, featuring “Goofy Gods Comics."

A comic strip featuring Goofy Gods characters discussing an event with Nordic friends and drinking tradition.

A goofy god uses a gaming setup for watching baby penguins on TV.

Goofy Gods comic showing gods dealing with a reluctant Kraken gamer who doesn’t want to go outside.

Comic strip of Goofy Gods, depicting Zeus reviewing a man’s Earthly activities and bonding over Super Mario gaming.

See Also on Bored Panda

Comic strip from “Goofy Gods Comics” showing gods dealing with a magic family tree mix-up.

Comic strip from Goofy Gods Comics showing Zeus stopping a lamb sacrifice, suggesting a Patreon pledge instead.

Comic strip from Goofy Gods Comics showing miners turning into stone, encountering caution sign about Reverse Medusa.

Comic from “Goofy Gods Comics” showing gods dealing with a child’s fear of a clown monster under the bed.

Comic strip from Goofy Gods showcasing gods humorously dealing with everyday problems through casual conversation.

Comic showing gods dealing with everyday issues; Zeus confronts Hades for neglecting duties, leading to chaos. “Goofy Gods Comics."

A “Goofy Gods Comics” scene showing Persephone and skeletons at a pumpkin carving contest, blending humor and mythology.

Comic of Goofy Gods: Persephone shares her nightmare troubles over coffee with a friend, humorous twist with monsters.

Comic strip featuring Goofy Gods, with a three-headed dog misinterpreting its guardian duties humorously.

Comic depicting Goofy Gods with Hades overwhelmed by Cerberus guarding a checklist of tasks like eating and sleeping.

Comic scene from Goofy Gods featuring gods humorously dealing with a modern vegan offering.

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