Everybody has their strong side and their flaws. However, some character features are a bit harder to stomach than others. For instance, over-the-top entitlement,narcissism, rabid selfishness, and a lack of empathy for others probably won’t win many allies.Our team atBored Pandahas collected some of the most extreme and egregious examples ofentitledbehavior from all over the internet this February to show you just how off the rails some people have gone. Scroll down for a look at how nobody should behave, ever. But be warned—you might get incredibly frustrated.This post may includeaffiliate links.
Everybody has their strong side and their flaws. However, some character features are a bit harder to stomach than others. For instance, over-the-top entitlement,narcissism, rabid selfishness, and a lack of empathy for others probably won’t win many allies.
Our team atBored Pandahas collected some of the most extreme and egregious examples ofentitledbehavior from all over the internet this February to show you just how off the rails some people have gone. Scroll down for a look at how nobody should behave, ever. But be warned—you might get incredibly frustrated.
This post may includeaffiliate links.
In a nutshell, an entitled individual is someone who thinks that the rules governing society don’t apply to them. They believe they’re special and above common social requirements for polite behavior.Inotherwords, in their minds, they are so different from all the other folks around them that they don’t have to follow the rest of the crowd.So, they might, for example,cut in lineat cafes and shops, ask to be seated without a reservation at busy restaurants, etc. You have probably personally experienced people (mis)behaving this way countless times.
In a nutshell, an entitled individual is someone who thinks that the rules governing society don’t apply to them. They believe they’re special and above common social requirements for polite behavior.
Inotherwords, in their minds, they are so different from all the other folks around them that they don’t have to follow the rest of the crowd.
So, they might, for example,cut in lineat cafes and shops, ask to be seated without a reservation at busy restaurants, etc. You have probably personally experienced people (mis)behaving this way countless times.
WebMD explains that the entitlement mentality, which is a narcissistic personality trait,centers aroundthe idea of “you owe me.”There’s a sense of deservingness there, as if the person is ‘owed’ a favor, even though they have done nothing or very little to deserve that special treatment.
WebMD explains that the entitlement mentality, which is a narcissistic personality trait,centers aroundthe idea of “you owe me.”
There’s a sense of deservingness there, as if the person is ‘owed’ a favor, even though they have done nothing or very little to deserve that special treatment.
Theenvironmentin which you were raised can massively affect how you perceive the world around you, as well as what you expect from others. The following are some social factors that might influence the development of a sense of entitlement, as per WebMD:
Friend got elected for city council and purchased a new home and somehow this makes sense to her 😂. Gotta pay the mortgage somehow😂😂
Because entitled people believe they’re superior to others, it can affect therelationshipsthey have with others, both personal and professional. Entitlement can lead to a lot of long-term damage, including more conflicts with others, unhappiness, disappointment, and even depression.
From a professional perspective, your career can suffer if you behave in an overly entitled manner, don’t think the rules apply to you, and think that you deserve better treatment.True, entitlement (and the resulting sense of confidence) can mean that you do well in job interviews and get leadership roles. However, a self-serving mentality can damage team spirit and make it harder to problem-solve.
From a professional perspective, your career can suffer if you behave in an overly entitled manner, don’t think the rules apply to you, and think that you deserve better treatment.
True, entitlement (and the resulting sense of confidence) can mean that you do well in job interviews and get leadership roles. However, a self-serving mentality can damage team spirit and make it harder to problem-solve.
My neighbours have setup a tent for public buffet right at our door step without any prior information and now I cant take my vehicle our for the weekend
According to WebMD, when someone feels entitled, they’re “always vulnerable to the threat of unmet expectations.” When those expectations aren’t met, it can lead to dissatisfaction, anger, and thoughts of how you’ve been cheated out of what you deserve. Distressed, you might then reassure yourself that you deserve everything you’ve wanted, which in turn reinforces the initial sense of entitlement.
It can also help if you recognize that life can be unfair at times and if you see failure as an opportunity for growth. Volunteering your time, effort, and money can also help you connect with others.
I live in a neighborhood where parking is basically impossible and on top of that we have this neighbor who puts up the cone on spots just so they can park after work.
Verywell Mind explains that a sense of entitlement can sometimes be a symptom of apersonality disorder, such as narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder.How a person was raised, whether they were given special treatment as a kid, and whether their caregivers shielded them from the consequences of their actions can contribute to a sense of entitlement.Otherimportant factors to consider include whether they were spoiled as a child or quite the opposite, if they were denied things and therefore now believe the world ‘owes’ them something in return.
Verywell Mind explains that a sense of entitlement can sometimes be a symptom of apersonality disorder, such as narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder.
How a person was raised, whether they were given special treatment as a kid, and whether their caregivers shielded them from the consequences of their actions can contribute to a sense of entitlement.
Otherimportant factors to consider include whether they were spoiled as a child or quite the opposite, if they were denied things and therefore now believe the world ‘owes’ them something in return.
“Unfortunately, the world does not owe you anything. Life is unfair, and it’s your job to make the best of what you get in life, not to complain about what you deserve but don’t have.”
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Meanwhile, you should work to distinguish between what you truly need in life and what you merely want. The former is something to work toward, while the latter is expendable. “This makes it very difficult to make healthy, sound decisions since you constantly want more than you need.”
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