In a horrifying incident,two transportation workersfor the Florida Department of Transportation’s Traffic Management Centerwitnessed a brutal homicideunfold live via traffic cameras.

The suspect hasbeen identifiedas 29-year-oldLorent Junior Pion, whowas arrestedshortly after the woman’s bodywas discoveredon December 7, 2024. He was charged with second-degree murder this week.


Two transportation workers witnessed a brutal homicide live via traffic cameras, their account proving to be vital in apprehending the suspect

Nahomi Cittadini in a car wearing a yin-yang tank top.

Image credits:CBS Miami

Theworkerswent into detail about how they had to watch the woman “on the ground, fending off the attacker,” unable to do anything but wait for thePoliceto arrive at the scene.

Pion was “standing over [her] throwing punches” until Cittadini lost consciousness and was dragged from the side and “towards the I-95 lanes of traffic.” Other drivers did not intervene, limiting themselves to swerving around the couple.

Suspect Lorent Junior Pion’s mugshot.

Image credits:Broward Sheriff’s Office

The man then “jumped back” into his SUV and struck the woman with it. He then dragged the lifeless body into the vehicle and attempted to load her into it but was unable to complete the operation due to the arrival of Miami-Dade Rescue Fire vehicles.

Traffic camera footage showing Lorent Junior Pion and Nahomi Cittadini in a dimly lit street, capturing a distressing moment live.

Image credits:WPLG Local 10

The workers then noticed a “blood trail leading to where the man had dragged the woman” and observed a harrowing detail that further revealed what happened to Cittadiniprior toher death: the body was “face down and unclothed.”

The medical examiner later confirmed her cause of death as blunt force trauma due to the impact of the vehicle.

The victim’s mother remains frustrated and wishes for the suspect tobe chargedwith first-degree murder

Traffic camera view of a street incident captured live, emphasizing devastating impact on viewers.

Initially, Pion maintained his innocence, but both video evidence and witness testimony proved him wrong.

Nahomi Cittadini’s mother speaks about a horrific homicide, emphasizing justice and peace for her daughter.

The man was also using an ankle monitor as he was onhouse arrestprior to the murder, which allowed the Police to accurately trace his movements.

“I can’t process it,” Cittadini’s distraught mother, Maria Benitez, said of her daughter’s tragic passing in an interview with a local outlet.

“My daughter was a very happy person. She liked being with her family, her friends.”

Nahomi Cittadini wearing white top in a car.

The mother revealed how her daughter planned to leave Florida for New York but wasafraidof Pion, who had threatened her in the past. “He wasobsessedwith her,” she said.

While Benitez expressed relief that Pion is facing justice, she nevertheless voiced her frustration over his being charged with second-degree murder.

“They have to charge him with first-degree. He has to die in jail.”

“So sad.” Netizens expressed their heartbreak and sympathy for the mother, sharing their condolences

Comment from Karmen Gonsales about woman’s horrific homicide via traffic cameras.

Social media comment reacting to a horrific homicide viewed via traffic cameras.

Comment by CW Whindleton discussing emotional management related to a horrific homicide situation.

Text message expressing outrage over a woman’s homicide labeled a “traffic accident.

Text exchange reacting to a woman’s homicide seen via traffic cameras, expressing shock and sadness.

Comment expresses condolences for woman’s devastating homicide.

Comment on a tragic event, expressing condolences for a young woman’s family.

Comment discussing a tragic homicide watched live via traffic cameras.

Comment on self-control and stoicism amid horrific homicide incident discussion.

Text conversation discussing age differences in relationships.

Comment on a tragic homicide situation, offering condolences to the family.

Comment expressing shock over woman’s homicide via traffic cameras.

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