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Some parents want their kids to be healthy and happy, and others want them to be better than other kids
Image credits:prostooleh / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Image credits:Jelleke Vanooteghem / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
Image credits:PersimmonPale466
Image credits:freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Competitive parentingis that exhausting, never-ending game that no one actually wants to play. Some parents seem to think their kid’s achievements are an extension of their own self-worth, so they cling to every milestone like it’s some sort of trophy. If they feel overshadowed in any way, they double down, making sure everyone knows just how advanced their child is.
But here’s the thing: parenting isn’t a race, and kids develop at their own pace. Trying to “win” at parenting just sets the stage for unnecessary stress, resentment, and, honestly, a whole lot of side-eye from other parents. The best way to deal with competitive parents? Don’t engage. Nod, smile, and then go back to raising yourkidyour way. Their obsession with “winning” will fizzle out when they realize no one else is keeping score.
Some relatives just can’t stand seeing someone else in the spotlight, even when it comes to babies. If someone is constantly downplaying your success, always compares themselves to you or is repeatedly negative towards you, you might be dealing with ajealous familymember. Maybe they feel insecure about their own lives, or maybe they just thrive on drama—either way, they’ll find a way to rain on your parade.
So how do you handle them? First, set boundaries. If someone’s constantly undermining your experiences, shut it down. Second, don’t take the bait. Jealous family members want a reaction—don’t give them the satisfaction. And lastly? Just keep being happy. Nothing annoys a bitter person more than someone who refuses to let their negativity win.
Netizens side with the dad, saying he is not a jerk for snapping at his sister-in-law, but agree that he could have been a bit less harsh with his words
Image credits:freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo
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