You know, I have three kids, and depending on the situation, it sometimes feels like a blessing from above and sometimes like a real punishment for some awful sins—especially when you have to travel somewhere with the whole family. My wife and I prefer to travel without our childless friends—just to avoid burdening them with unnecessary problems. But, as it turns out, not all parents actually do this.

More info:Reddit


The author of the post and her husband have 2 friend couples and they are the only childless family among them

Family enjoying a beach vacation, two adults sitting with three children on the sand under a clear blue sky.

Image credits:dotshock / Freepik (not the actual photo)

Both friendly couples have toddlers, and the author is also the only lady with a regular job at the moment

Image credits:tesgyy78eita

Tired woman holding a baby, highlighting a vacation scenario involving childcare duties.

Image credits:Drazen Zigic / Freepik  (not the actual photo)

The friends often go on vacations together and our heroine is a trip planner for the most cases

Two women cooking on a stove, with pots and ingredients, preparing a meal during a vacation.

Image credits:Gary Barnes / Pexels (not the actual photo)

On the recent trip, both parenting couples brought their toddlers and, it turned out, they expected the author and her spouse to be free nannies and cooks for them

So, the Original Poster (OP) ismarried, and the couple has two more friend couples whom they consider almost like family after years of friendship. A few years ago, both couples had children, and the author and her husband were the only childless couple among them. In addition, as the OP herself notes, she is the only one of the three ladies who has a job at the moment.

The friends have a custom of traveling together on vacation, and our heroine is usually the one who plans thesetrips. Recently, three families went together, but this time, the parents took theirtoddlerswith them. And this, as you probably already guessed, drastically changed the entire travel experience. At least for the OP and her husband, whom the friends, as it turned out, considered to be free nannies and cooks…

Moreover, during the vacation, while the author and her spouse were regularly cooking for their friends, they even allowed themselves to make snide reproaches. Such as how they—without kids—”are constantly on vacation.” So, in the opinion of the parents, they have the right to expect such services from childless friends. As a result, upon returning home, our heroine swore off traveling with them on anyvacationsanymore.

And so, when the friends suggested that she plan a new trip, the woman reminded them of the offensive situation in the general chat and honestly refused. One couple immediately apologized, but the second mom immediately took offense and left the chat. Her husband later called and apologized as well, but now the OP has some remorse about whether she was actually right and maybe it would be worth it to just endure it one more time.

A woman interacting with young children on vacation, surrounded by toys and a play mat indoors.

Image credits:freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)

“I want to immediately note thatparenthoodis a conscious choice of every married couple, and reproaching someone for the fact that you’re experiencing difficulties in parenting looks at least impolite,” says Irina Matveeva, apsychologistand certified NLP specialist, with whomBored Pandagot in touch for a comment here.

“I understand perfectly well that this is not easy, and all parents would like to have a little rest, but you shouldn’t shift this burden onto the shoulders of other people.”

“Further proof of her rightness is that three of the four friends immediately apologized, and the husband of the woman who got demonstratively offended also apologized later. It seems to me that they will soon make peace with the second mom, when she calms down a bit. I also hope this situation will not ruin their long-standing friendship,” Irina sums up.

Most of the commenters wholeheartedly supported the author and praised her for standing up for her personal boundaries

Comment on parents acting like martyrs when treated like a nanny on vacation.

Comment discussing unfair treatment of a woman on vacation with friends’ kids.

Reddit comment criticizing using a woman as a nanny on vacation.

Text comment suggesting hotel vacations to avoid cooking duties on trips with friends.

Reddit comment defending a woman treated like a nanny and cook for friends’ kids on vacation, criticizing her friends.

Comment discussing expectations of parents on holidays and questioning leaf peeping, related to vacation nanny and cook issues.

Comment advising a husband be the nanny, suggesting a spa trip instead.

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