Weddings are supposed to be magical, filled with love, laughter, and all the celebration of two people promising their lifelong commitment to each other in front of their friends and family. But, sometimes, there are hitches that threaten to disrupt the entireoccasion.
One diabetic bride found herself in a pickle after leaving her insulin at home. When one of her bridesmaids found out, she took it upon herself to come to the rescue and retrieve the lifesaving liquid. Only, things didn’t go as smoothly as she’d hoped.
More info:Reddit
A good bridesmaid will do pretty much anything to keep the bride’s big day running smoothly, as this woman was eager to prove
Image credits:freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
After the diabetic bride forgot her insulin at home, the woman went on a search and rescue mission to retrieve it
Image credits:teksomolika / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Image credits:bialasiewicz / Freepik (not the actual photo)
After stripping down to her undies and getting into the house, she finally found the insulin after a frantic search across two floors
Image credits:BombA*sDay
As she was leaving the house, she came face to face with two cops, who expected answers but eventually let her go with a chuckle
When she got to thehouse, though, none of the doors turned out to be unlocked. Not to be defeated, OP decided to climb a tree to get into an open window. There was no way she was doing that in her dress, so she stripped down to her underwear and continued with her now seemingly intrepid search and rescue mission.
Once she gained access to the house, the insulin wasn’t where it was supposed to be, but after a frantic search across two floors, she finally found it. After checking that she could lock thekitchendoor from the inside, she stepped into the garage only to hear the burst of a police siren and find not one but two cops staring at her.
Well, OP’s story has it all. Wedding emergency? Check. Questionable decisions? Check.Policeon the scene? Check. There was even a borderline case of streaking involved. That’s enough for a small town to dine out on for years, if not decades. So, what should you do if your most embarrassing moment becomes public knowledge?
Image credits:Mesut çiçen / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
In her article forPsychCentral, Marissa Moore writes that a 2015studyfound that people tend to feel embarrassed when they believe they have failed at something publicly. According to Moore, long-term trouble dealing with fear of embarrassment can lead to additional issues, such as anxiety disorders or even lowered self-esteem.
Moore goes on to suggest some useful tips for dealing with those moments you’d prefer the ground open up and swallow you whole, including practicing self-compassion, confronting (rather than avoiding) the situation, keeping your cool, taking deep breaths, finding the lesson in the experience, and trying to see the funny side.
In her post forVeryWellMind, Sanjana Gupta suggests remembering that most people are too caught up in their own lives to give your awkward moments too much thought. So, while you’re replaying that mortifying scene in your head and wondering whether people think less of you, know that everyone else has probably already moved on.
OP definitely gave her tiny town something to laugh about for years. Fortunately, she’s already seeing the funny side of her intrepid mission and doesn’t seem too fazed.
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