If you’ve been craving some retro-style comics, you’re in for a treat as Ahmed, the artist of Canetoonist, delivers fresh content.

With Ahmed, you never quite know what he’ll illustrate next, keeping his audience on their toes!

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Retro-style comic by Canetoonist showing a humorous love story with a bat and a rock.

In a further interview withBored Panda, Ahmed shared a bit more about his background.

“I have a Master’s in Microbiology/Immunology, so my comics sometimes do have a scientific side to them.”


Comic by Canetoonist showing a person preparing for “dating in your thirties” battlefield-style with armor and goggles.

Retro-style comic with a person and an insect discussing time loops and relativity in a lighthearted way.

We were wondering about Ahmed’s creative process, to which he replied: “Sorry, trade secret. Kidding! For gag comics, I usually write what’s on my mind at the time, or make a note on my phone when an idea strikes. For story comics, I have a notebook with sketches, thumbnails and concepts for planning. I currently mostly work digitally.”

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist showing a character catching a spider with a net and returning it to a props store.

Retro-style comic featuring white blood cells with lighthearted dialogue and colorful illustrations by Canetoonist.

As for the audience’s takeaway, Ahmed wrote: “If I’ve made you laugh, or cheered you up on a bad day, then I’ve succeeded as a cartoonist.”Lastly, Ahmed added: “Be nice to people posting their art online. Artists put a lot more than just time and effort into each piece, it’s one of the most personal things you can do.”

As for the audience’s takeaway, Ahmed wrote: “If I’ve made you laugh, or cheered you up on a bad day, then I’ve succeeded as a cartoonist.”

Lastly, Ahmed added: “Be nice to people posting their art online. Artists put a lot more than just time and effort into each piece, it’s one of the most personal things you can do.”

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist shows a character posting online, then fearing angry reactions from internet users.

Retro-style lighthearted comic about wisdom teeth getting pulled, illustrated by Canetoonist.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist about male-pattern baldness with humorous commentary on stereotypes and exceptions.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist featuring a character discussing an original Garfield comic purchase with humorous skepticism.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist humorously discussing newspaper comic formatting issues with rearrangeable panels.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist featuring Inktober prompts and a humorous mishap.

Retro-style lighthearted comic by Canetoonist showing a character’s reaction to expired milk.

Retro-style comic strip by Canetoonist exploring Marvel universe cities, featuring Vienna and Dracula in a lighthearted tone.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist about New Year’s resolutions with a character humorously preparing for a challenge.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist showing a history lesson with humorous panels on Ukraine’s timeline.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist depicting lighthearted dating and adventure scenarios.

See Also on Bored Panda

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist humorously portrays the difficulty of pronouncing “ophthalmologist."

Comic strip by Canetoonist showing a person ordering chicken wings, answered by a chicken delivering a bag of cartoonist fingers.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist showing a funny typo mix-up with “deergent” instead of detergent.

Retro-style comic strip by Canetoonist about a character struggling with a beard and character design challenges.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist depicting a humorous exploration of V-Tubers with quirky, imaginative characters.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist depicting a soldier writing a letter with funny misinterpretations.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist showing a character making a phone call and using “reply all” for emails.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist with characters discussing amendments sarcastically.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist depicting a character interacting with a GIF-bot, exchanging humorous GIFs.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist humorously depicting stock market confusion with cartoon characters.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist featuring a humorous take on Willy Wonka’s clothing factory.

Retro-style comic by Canetoonist showing lab humor, with a character realizing a machine’s malfunction after three months.

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