Bored Pandareached out to Kev, and in the interview, the artist shared what initially sparked his interest in perfecting his skills in such an old-school style: “I’ve been drawing since a very young age and always had a taste for older cartoons of the 1930s and ’40s. Growing up, I could recognize that there was something more appealing to me about the cartoons of that era, and I wanted to learn to replicate it.”
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We were curious to know what initially drew Kev to the “rubber hose” animation style, and how he first discovered this passion.
Kev continued: “I realized that if I wanted to become a good cartoonist, I had to follow the evolution of the animation industry. So the early rubber hose cartoons were the starting point because it’s the foundation of the whole art form and you can follow the evolution from Felix the Cat in the 1920s through to the Looney Tunes of the 1940s. Looney Tunes took the principles and built on them as many of the artists started out working on rubber hose cartoons. I wanted to follow in their footsteps but got sucked into the rubber hose world more than I first thought I would and ended up making a name for myself, which is wonderful and I’m very grateful for!”
We asked Kev to walk us through his creative process when reimagining contemporary rock stars in the aesthetics of 1930s animation.
“My process is first to find personalities that have quite distinctive looks and attitudes. There are many in the rock star category! I then use the standard building blocks of rubber hose characters, such as the use of circles and pear shapes and, of course, the bendy rubber hose pipes to connect them all together. It’s then a case of choosing how to dress the character and simplify the details as much as possible without losing their essence.
Kev shared the challenges that he encountered in adapting modern pop culture icons into the “rubber hose” style: “The challenge is the trade-off between detail and simplicity. My question is always what is the least I can get away with drawing and still represent the person effectively.”
And lastly, Kev wrote: “I’d just add here that I don’t consider myself an expert in this field, and I have not been classically trained so there are gaps in my knowledge. I’m just passionate and have dedicated a lot of my time to studying the art form and I still have so much to learn. I don’t believe I will ever stop learning and look forward to where it takes me next!”
See Also on Bored Panda
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