We asked the artist himself what inspired him to start creating the ‘Angel Steaks,' and here’s what David shared with us: “I’ve always been a big fan of the old newspaper comics from my childhood. And just always remember trying to replicate them as a kid.”
Without further ado, scroll down to discover the cartoons we’ve handpicked for you today and dive into our interview with Kramer to learn more about his work.
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We talked more with the cartoonist and learned about the recurring themes in the series: “‘Angel Steaks’ is mostly bad dad jokes and puns. Twists on common sayings or phrases and daily life. I was a huge Far Side fan so my style follows that.”RELATED:Kramer discussed his work further and shared with us how he typically comes up with ideas for new strips: “Honestly, I have no idea. Most of the time I hear someone say something and I misinterpret it, and it turns into a joke.”Moreover, the cartoonist shared with us which of his creations turned out to be his personal favorite: “My other webcomic is ‘Raising Hell’. That means the most to me. It’s based off my son.”Lastly, David mentioned a few other comic and comedy artists whose work he admires, including names like: “Gary Larson, Bill Watterson, Charles Schulz, Steve Purcell, Chuck Jones, and Jhonen Vasquez.“See Also on Bored PandaContinue reading with Bored Panda PremiumUnlimited contentAd-free browsingDark modeSubscribe nowAlready a subscriber?Sign InSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored Panda
We talked more with the cartoonist and learned about the recurring themes in the series: “‘Angel Steaks’ is mostly bad dad jokes and puns. Twists on common sayings or phrases and daily life. I was a huge Far Side fan so my style follows that.”
Kramer discussed his work further and shared with us how he typically comes up with ideas for new strips: “Honestly, I have no idea. Most of the time I hear someone say something and I misinterpret it, and it turns into a joke.”
Moreover, the cartoonist shared with us which of his creations turned out to be his personal favorite: “My other webcomic is ‘Raising Hell’. That means the most to me. It’s based off my son.”
Lastly, David mentioned a few other comic and comedy artists whose work he admires, including names like: “Gary Larson, Bill Watterson, Charles Schulz, Steve Purcell, Chuck Jones, and Jhonen Vasquez.”
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