Flying on a plane can be quite stressful forpetsand their owners alike. What helps in these situations is having the support of an empathetic and kind cabin crew. Unfortunately, mistakes happen, and sometimes employees aren’t able to make their passengers and pet parents feel at ease during theirtravels.

Travel influencer Janelle Rupkalvis (@janelleonajet) went viral on TikTok and in the media after opening up about a recent stressful trip with Delta Air Lines. In a viral video, shesharedhow a flight attendant asked her to keep her cat—Asparagus, aka Gus—quiet or else she’d have to get off the plane. Scroll down for the full story.

Bored Pandagot in touch with Rupkalvis, and she was kind enough to tell us more about what happened and how the company handled the situation with grace. She also shared some practical advice about traveling with a pet and told us all about her cat, Gus! You’ll find our full interview with her below.

“No airline is perfect. Delta’s response to this situation was thoughtful and reassuring. Mistakes happen, but it’s how companies handle them that makes all the difference, and Delta’s follow-up was a great example of that,” she said.

More info:TikTok|Instagram|YouTube|Website


Traveling anywhere with your pet can be stressful for the animal, so it’s natural that it makes a bit of noise

Cat in front of carrier and luggage at airport amid travel, highlighting pet parent concerns on flights.

Image credits:EyeEm / freepik (not the actual photo)

Travel influencer Janelle Rupkalvis went viral after sharing how a flight attendant told her to keep her cat quiet or else they’d have to leave the plane

Person holding a cat indoors with text about a flight attendant speaking.

Image credits:janelleonajet

Flight attendant said the craziest thing to us yesterday. We’re flying from Seattle to Jacksonville with a layover in Salt Lake City, and our first flight was at like, 5 a.m. We get on the plane, we’re in first class. We board with zone one because we want to get him settled.

We got to get our stuff put away, all that stuff, and I’m not kidding you, we sit down, and within like 30 seconds, a minute, maybe two minutes, flight attendant comes up to us, and I think that they’re going to remind us that, “Oh, you have a cat, they have to stay in the carrier the whole time.” Like, that’s a pretty common reminder that we get when we’re traveling with pets. But no, instead, she goes, “If your cat doesn’t stop meowing, we’re gonna have to ask you to get off the plane.”

A woman holding a cat with a caption about keeping the cat quiet on a plane.

And I was like, what? One, he’s a cat. Two, he’s not screaming, he’s meowing, because there’s a lot of commotion. Bags being put in the bin. There’s bags being put underneath the plane. There’s just a lot going on, scary things for a little guy who’s sitting in a little carrier underneath the seat.

I was like, “Are you serious?” I’ve never heard this before. We fly with him a lot, and she’s like, “If you can’t get him to stop, we’ll have to ask you to deplane.” The first thought, I didn’t say this, but I was like, so if parents have kids that are crying, do we make them deplane? Like, how is this any different? But I did not say that. I did not go there. I was just like, um, okay.

Woman discussing pet travel rules on planes, holding a phone, with text on the image.

So now we’re panicked. No one said anything to this flight attendant, we’ve been on the plane for that little amount of time. This flight attendant just, I don’t know if they don’t like cats or what, but I could not believe how quickly this all happened, and I’m shocked again. It’s five in the morning. We barely got any sleep, so now we’re panicked, trying to get Gus to be quiet while everyone’s boarding and making noise around us so we don’t get kicked off this flight. But I also, I’m like, there’s no way that this is a rule. I’ve never heard this before.

So I text Delta, and I asked them to clarify what the actual policy is so I’m prepared in case the situation escalates. They said, “I don’t believe that you can be removed only because your cat is meowing. However, let me check the pet policies to be 100% certain.” They come back and they say the requirements are that the customer is responsible for keeping the pet passive and in the kennel for the duration of the flight. And two, the pet must be in a clean kennel that does not create discomfort forothercustomers. Well, we have a clean kennel. There’s no discomfort there, and the requirement is for the pet to be passive, not silent. Like, that is a huge distinction.

Person holding a cat indoors, discussing pet requirements on a flight.

I was happy to have this information in case the situation escalated. It didn’t. But before I let the agent go, I asked if there was any compensation that we could get because of the incorrect information that we were told on the plane, and how that caused a really anxiety- and stress-induced situation, because now we’re worried about our cat meowing. He’s a cat. Thecustomer serviceagent came back and offered us either a $150 voucher per person, or 15,000 miles each for my partner and I.

You can watch the influencer’s full viral video right over here

“Delta reached out to let me know that the policy had been miscommunicated to me and that additional training would be implemented to prevent a similar situation from happening”

Pet parent holds a cat at the airport, smiling warmly.

We asked Rupkalvis about her initial reaction when she was told to silence Gus’ meows. She told Bored Panda that she was in complete shock. “When the flight attendant initially approached us about our cat, Gus (short for Asparagus), I assumed they were going to remind us to keep him in his carrier, which would have been entirely reasonable,” she said.

According to Rupkalvis, Delta Air Lines “handled the situation well” after what happened. “As I mentioned in my video, both my partner and I were compensated with 15,000 miles each. I also submitted a formal complaint, hoping to prompt a review of the policy and possibly some retraining,” she said.

“A few days later, Delta reached out to let me know that the policy had been miscommunicated to me and that additional training would be implemented to prevent a similar situation from happening in the future. I really appreciated their follow-through on this.”

“One thing I’ve learned from traveling with Gus is that when he starts meowing, it’s not usually because he’s hungry or thirsty—it’s often because he’s too warm. During the boarding process, the air conditioning isn’t always running, and that can be uncomfortable for pets. We now bring a small portable fan with us to keep him cool, which has made a huge difference,” she shared with us.

“I also recommend bringing familiar items like a blanket or a toy to help your pet feel more at ease in an unfamiliarenvironment.”

The influencer told us that her cat, Gus, is now nearly 5 years old and is part Siamese, a “naturally vocal and social breed.”

“He’s been on multiple adventures with us, and it’s always fun having him along for the ride.”

Rupkalvis was also kind enough to share a bit about her journey to becoming a travel influencer. Initially, she started out as a budget traveler, “using points and miles to make travel more accessible.”

“Over time, I transitioned to sharing my experiences traveling in business class and staying at luxury hotels,” she said.

Flight attendant interacting with passengers in an airplane aisle, smiling and engaging in conversation.

Image credits:Delta News Hub / flickr (not the actual photo)

The incident happened on February 19, when Rupkalvis, her partner, and their 4-year-old cat Asparagus were flying from Seattle on a Delta Air Lines flight, in first class.

The influencer shared that she was shocked when the cabin crew demanded that she keep Gus quiet or they’d have to deplane. The cat was meowing a lot because of all the commotion.

Meanwhile, the influencer got in touch with an agent at Delta, double-checking their pet policy, about how pets have to be kept passive, but not necessarily silent.

DeltatoldPeople magazine that they were aware of the incident and were investigating the details of the event. “Per Delta’s pet policy, pets must remain inside the kennel with the door secured while in a Delta boarding area, during boarding and deplaning, while in a Delta Sky Club and while on board the aircraft.”

Rupkalvis ended up getting compensated for the anxiety-inducing situation. She and her partner were offered either a $150 voucher or 15,000 miles each. They took the latter.

“While the initial experience was frustrating, I really appreciated that level of customer service and the effort to acknowledge and address the situation,” the influencertoldTheNew YorkPost.

Fluffy dog sitting on airplane seat, looking toward the camera, in a relaxed cabin setting.

According to Delta Air Lines’ website, smalldogs, cats, and household birds that “meet the age,health, size, and kennel requirements” can travel in the cabin for a one-way fee that’s collected at check-in.

“Dog or cat travel outside the contiguous U.S. is permitted only if the customer possesses all required documentation for the pet to enter the destination and return to their country of origin (if applicable), and also complies with age, health, size, and kennel requirements.”

Here are the company’s safety and healthrequirementsfor small pet travel via plane as carry-on:

Meanwhile, one pet is permitted per kennel, with these exceptions:

As per Delta, the pet should be able to fit into a soft-sided ventilated pet kennel that then goes underneath the seat right in front of the passenger. Pets in kennels count as one item of carry-on baggage. You’re allowed to bring one personal item on board the aircraft alongside the kennel.

“Delta charges $95 for pets traveling as carry-on companions, and the passenger can bring only one personal item along with the pet. Certain seats cannot be booked for travel with an animal, such as those in an emergency exit row.”

Many internet users were very supportive of Rupkalvis. Here’s what they said about her experience

Flight attendant comments on challenges with pet passengers, mentioning cats and dog owners.

Comment on a social media platform about cats meowing on a plane, expressing love for the sound.

Comment discussing cat noise on a plane with a reaction count of 105.

“Are You Serious?": Woman Is Told She Might Need To Get Off Plane Over Meowing Cat

Comment discussing flight attendant’s conduct from a former attendant’s perspective.

Comment from user about flight attendant cat incident.

Comment saying “That FA was in the wrong 100%” in response to a pet cat incident on a plane.

Oliver and Skylar’s comment about a flight attendant’s issue with a pet cat.

Comment from Jenn Bell regarding airline experience with pet parents.

Text comment about a cat meowing for 14 hours on a Delta flight.

Comment from a user about a cat on a flight, praising flight attendants' handling of the situation.

Comment from flight attendant about cats staying in carriers on planes.

Social media comment discussing flight attendant and pet policy on planes.

A few people had a slightly different take on things. Here’s their perspective

Comment discussing cat meowing early in the morning, related to flight attendant and pet parent situation.

Comment discussing compensation, related to flight attendant and cat incident, with 12 likes.

Comment on entitlement and compensation related to a flight attendant’s request to a pet parent about their cat.

Comment discussing flight attendant’s bad experience with noisy cats on flights.

Comment on pet allergies and animals boarding flights.

A social media comment discussing a flight attendant’s interaction with a pet parent.

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