Back in the old days, many, many years ago, people came up with a wise proverb: “He who digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.” And the centuries that have passed since then have only confirmed the truth of these words. Very often, a person who tries to frame another later faces similar problems.

An additional confirmation of this wisdom is actually this storyoriginally toldin the AITA community on Reddit. Its author, having seriously quarreled with her sister-in-law, one day faced a clear ‘frame-up’ on her part – and the author’s response led that woman to even more serious consequences. So, let’s figure it all out together.

More info:Reddit


Woman playing with children indoors amid child abandonment claims.

Image credits:freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)

This actually helped both women devote more time to their jobs

Image credits:anonymous

Children sitting on a sofa, symbolizing themes of child abandonment and familial drama.

Image credits:Ivan Samkov/ Pexels (not the actual photo)

Recently, the author dropped her kids off at her SIL’s porch after they had a big argument, expecting that she would take care of them as usual

Two police officers in uniform inspecting a car, related to a child abandonment report.

Image credits:nomadsoul1 / Freepik (not the actual photo)

Text describing family drama following a police report for alleged child abandonment.

But recently, the system crashed. The day before, the OP had an argument with the SIL, but the next day, she brought her kids to her. The author always keeps her phone on silent while driving, so when she got to work, she was surprised to see a lot of missed calls from the SIL. In one of the texts, she even claimed that she was going to call the police overchild abandonment.

Even after she called and apologized. The thing is that now that woman can’t dedicate enough time to her job and, in fact, her family is faced with the issue of serious financial losses. Moreover, the alternative for them would even be returning to their parents’ house. Which no one actually wants. So now everyone is calling the OP heartless and is trying to persuade her to make peace with the SIL, and she’s not sure that she wants this.

Woman on phone looks upset, discussing child abandonment concerns.

Image credits:user21825501 / Freepik (not the actual photo)

Technically, the author’s sister-in-law did have a reason to call the police for child abandonment – after all, as FindLawnotes, “leaving an infant on a doorstep, at a trash dumpster, or in other public or private places” is one of the formal signs ofchild abandonment. And well,technicallyit was leaving them on a doorstep… In other words, our heroine could have really faced a serious problem.

Depending on where she lived, this “revenge” on the part of her SIL could’ve brought the original poster a lawsuit. For example, Lawinfopoints outthat in California, child abandonment or neglect is in some cases considered a misdemeanor, and convictions result in up to a year of jail time, a $2K fine, or both. In other states, the penalty can be even more severe. In other words, this was not an “overreaction” in the classic sense.

Most commenters gave the author their sincere support, claiming that her SIL just ran into the same issue that she’d prepared for her

Reddit comment discussing drama over SIL and child abandonment police report.

Reddit comment discussing consequences after reporting sister-in-law for child abandonment.

Text conversation about reporting child abandonment to police, involving family drama.

Comment on child abandonment drama, discussing escalation.

Comment discussing consequences of reporting sister-in-law for child abandonment, highlighting lack of impulse control.

User comment discussing consequences and trust issues related to child abandonment report.

Text discussing child abandonment and disagreement over kids' safety, mentions risks to job and parental rights.

User comments on social media discussing a woman reporting SIL for child abandonment, advising to stay away for safety.

Text exchange about child abandonment report with police involvement discussed.

Text discussing child abandonment and family drama, describing a situation involving miscommunication and strained relationships.

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