Going to work for many is becoming like going to school when we were kids: fewer and fewer people are excited to do it. In a 2024 poll, 12% of all Americanssaidthey were not satisfied with their jobs. And while going to work may not make them cry per se, they’re still hardly happy.There’s a page on Instagram calledEmployee Tearsthat collectsrelatable memesabout what it’s like to not like your job very much. “My dream job is not having one,” they proclaim in their bio. If you feel the same, check out thefunniest picsfrom their account that might make you cry – but, hopefully, not out of sadness.To know more about how we can deal with excessive stress at work,Bored Pandareached out to atrauma and relationship therapist, Ioana Rotaru. She told us how people can differentiate between normal work-related stress and burnout, how to create better boundaries between work and personal life, and she gave our Pandas some self-care tips. Read her expert insights below!This post may includeaffiliate links.RELATED:Although every job is different, most workers experiencestressin some form. In fact, in Headspace’s yearly Workforce State of Mindreportof 2024, 86% of working Americans said that they feel either moderate, high, or extreme stress. What’s more concerning is that out of those who feel extremely stressed, 83% claimed that their stress comes primarily fromwork.Prolonged stress can inevitably lead to more serious long-term problems like burnout. Research from SHRMshowsthat a whopping 44% of American employees feel burned out, 44% say they’re “emotionally drained,” and 51% feel “used up” when the workday ends. All these numbers raise serious alarm bells, so, what can we do to start feeling better?First of all, it’s important to differentiate between normal work-related stress andburnout. Trauma and relationship therapist Ioana Rotaru tells Bored Panda that the latter is much more extreme. “While we all have experienced some degree of work-related stress, perhaps when we were working towards a deadline, burnout features a state of exhaustion both physical and mental.““Burnout is chronic stress that has been left unchecked and manifests as a lack of fulfillment, fatigue, emotional numbness, detachment, and cynicism,” the therapist explains. “Burnout doesn’t quickly improve with rest orself-care, it really needs deeper, more intense recovery that would involve work and lifestyle changes.” She notes how research has shown that recovering from burnout can take anywhere from weeks to even several years.It can be hard to differentiate between work and personal life. Say, Pandas, how many of you have had to answer a work email well past your work hours? Balancing work and personal life can be even harder when you’re working from home, and the popularity of remote work hasn’t yet subsided since the pandemic.In 2023, 35% of employed Americans did some or all of their work from home.Creating boundaries between work and personal life can be a challenge, but, when there’s will, there’s a way. Trauma and relationship therapist Ioana Rotaru distinguishes two types of boundaries we should be setting if we want a better work-life balance. The first are practical and behavioral boundaries, and the other ones are emotional and psychological.Practical and behavioral boundaries, as Rotaru explains, include solutions like creating a designated workspace at home and avoiding working in the bedroom, as it interferes with sleep.Some other behavioral boundaries might be turning off notifications after work hours are over, answering emails, and even deciding to end work at a certain time. To have a better work-life balance, we can also learn time-management skills, how to delegate tasks, engage in hobbies or other fun activities.I deliver for amazon, this came up halfway thru my route. A little drastic I’d say lol.Emotional and psychological boundaries, Rotaru says, demand us to reflect deeper. One might ask themselves questions such as: “Why am I even allowing work to spill into the personal?” or “Am I over-identifying with work achievements or failures?” Some people might also wonder whether they’re taking on too much responsibility for what’s happening at work.Ioana Rotaru also recommends asking yourself: “Why do I struggle to advocate for my needs?”, “Why do I so easily sacrifice my needs for work?”, and “What part does perfectionism play in how I work?” “The answers to these questions would tell us the boundaries we need to set,” the therapist explains.The trauma and relationship therapist points out that we often ignore the signs of one emotional regulation system when we’re stressed. “When we are going through work stress, two emotional regulation systems are activated: the threat system (our fight or flight response) and the drive system (our achievement and reward response),” she explains. “But a third one, the soothing system is often ignored, and we need to increase the level of activation of this system.“The easier way to activate our soothing system is to regulate our nervous system. We can do that through such tactics as soothing rhythm breathing or safe place imagery. “It can also be activated through sensory comfort and grounding, such as walking in nature or warm baths, weighted blankets, or massages, connection with others or animals as well as engaging in creative in playful activities” Rotaru adds.“The more we increase the activation of the [soothing] system, the more we decrease the threat system, thus managing stress,” the therapist explains. She also emphasizes how practicing self-care can prevent burnout. “If we are too much in the drive system without soothing, we can end up with burnout, so, implementing self-care is crucial.“See Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaModal closeAdd New ImageModal closeAdd Your Photo To This ListPlease use high-res photos without watermarksOoops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.Not your original work?Add sourcePublish

Going to work for many is becoming like going to school when we were kids: fewer and fewer people are excited to do it. In a 2024 poll, 12% of all Americanssaidthey were not satisfied with their jobs. And while going to work may not make them cry per se, they’re still hardly happy.There’s a page on Instagram calledEmployee Tearsthat collectsrelatable memesabout what it’s like to not like your job very much. “My dream job is not having one,” they proclaim in their bio. If you feel the same, check out thefunniest picsfrom their account that might make you cry – but, hopefully, not out of sadness.To know more about how we can deal with excessive stress at work,Bored Pandareached out to atrauma and relationship therapist, Ioana Rotaru. She told us how people can differentiate between normal work-related stress and burnout, how to create better boundaries between work and personal life, and she gave our Pandas some self-care tips. Read her expert insights below!This post may includeaffiliate links.

Going to work for many is becoming like going to school when we were kids: fewer and fewer people are excited to do it. In a 2024 poll, 12% of all Americanssaidthey were not satisfied with their jobs. And while going to work may not make them cry per se, they’re still hardly happy.

There’s a page on Instagram calledEmployee Tearsthat collectsrelatable memesabout what it’s like to not like your job very much. “My dream job is not having one,” they proclaim in their bio. If you feel the same, check out thefunniest picsfrom their account that might make you cry – but, hopefully, not out of sadness.

To know more about how we can deal with excessive stress at work,Bored Pandareached out to atrauma and relationship therapist, Ioana Rotaru. She told us how people can differentiate between normal work-related stress and burnout, how to create better boundaries between work and personal life, and she gave our Pandas some self-care tips. Read her expert insights below!

This post may includeaffiliate links.

RELATED:Although every job is different, most workers experiencestressin some form. In fact, in Headspace’s yearly Workforce State of Mindreportof 2024, 86% of working Americans said that they feel either moderate, high, or extreme stress. What’s more concerning is that out of those who feel extremely stressed, 83% claimed that their stress comes primarily fromwork.Prolonged stress can inevitably lead to more serious long-term problems like burnout. Research from SHRMshowsthat a whopping 44% of American employees feel burned out, 44% say they’re “emotionally drained,” and 51% feel “used up” when the workday ends. All these numbers raise serious alarm bells, so, what can we do to start feeling better?First of all, it’s important to differentiate between normal work-related stress andburnout. Trauma and relationship therapist Ioana Rotaru tells Bored Panda that the latter is much more extreme. “While we all have experienced some degree of work-related stress, perhaps when we were working towards a deadline, burnout features a state of exhaustion both physical and mental.““Burnout is chronic stress that has been left unchecked and manifests as a lack of fulfillment, fatigue, emotional numbness, detachment, and cynicism,” the therapist explains. “Burnout doesn’t quickly improve with rest orself-care, it really needs deeper, more intense recovery that would involve work and lifestyle changes.” She notes how research has shown that recovering from burnout can take anywhere from weeks to even several years.It can be hard to differentiate between work and personal life. Say, Pandas, how many of you have had to answer a work email well past your work hours? Balancing work and personal life can be even harder when you’re working from home, and the popularity of remote work hasn’t yet subsided since the pandemic.In 2023, 35% of employed Americans did some or all of their work from home.Creating boundaries between work and personal life can be a challenge, but, when there’s will, there’s a way. Trauma and relationship therapist Ioana Rotaru distinguishes two types of boundaries we should be setting if we want a better work-life balance. The first are practical and behavioral boundaries, and the other ones are emotional and psychological.Practical and behavioral boundaries, as Rotaru explains, include solutions like creating a designated workspace at home and avoiding working in the bedroom, as it interferes with sleep.Some other behavioral boundaries might be turning off notifications after work hours are over, answering emails, and even deciding to end work at a certain time. To have a better work-life balance, we can also learn time-management skills, how to delegate tasks, engage in hobbies or other fun activities.I deliver for amazon, this came up halfway thru my route. A little drastic I’d say lol.Emotional and psychological boundaries, Rotaru says, demand us to reflect deeper. One might ask themselves questions such as: “Why am I even allowing work to spill into the personal?” or “Am I over-identifying with work achievements or failures?” Some people might also wonder whether they’re taking on too much responsibility for what’s happening at work.Ioana Rotaru also recommends asking yourself: “Why do I struggle to advocate for my needs?”, “Why do I so easily sacrifice my needs for work?”, and “What part does perfectionism play in how I work?” “The answers to these questions would tell us the boundaries we need to set,” the therapist explains.The trauma and relationship therapist points out that we often ignore the signs of one emotional regulation system when we’re stressed. “When we are going through work stress, two emotional regulation systems are activated: the threat system (our fight or flight response) and the drive system (our achievement and reward response),” she explains. “But a third one, the soothing system is often ignored, and we need to increase the level of activation of this system.“The easier way to activate our soothing system is to regulate our nervous system. We can do that through such tactics as soothing rhythm breathing or safe place imagery. “It can also be activated through sensory comfort and grounding, such as walking in nature or warm baths, weighted blankets, or massages, connection with others or animals as well as engaging in creative in playful activities” Rotaru adds.“The more we increase the activation of the [soothing] system, the more we decrease the threat system, thus managing stress,” the therapist explains. She also emphasizes how practicing self-care can prevent burnout. “If we are too much in the drive system without soothing, we can end up with burnout, so, implementing self-care is crucial.“See Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored Panda

Tweet meme about work, highlighting how efficient workers often get more tasks as punishment.


Work-related meme: a humorous tweet about asking a store employee to try a grape, featuring a sarcastic reply.

Work-related meme with a humorous tweet about avoiding a 5-day workweek and relaxing like a lizard instead.

Although every job is different, most workers experiencestressin some form. In fact, in Headspace’s yearly Workforce State of Mindreportof 2024, 86% of working Americans said that they feel either moderate, high, or extreme stress. What’s more concerning is that out of those who feel extremely stressed, 83% claimed that their stress comes primarily fromwork.Prolonged stress can inevitably lead to more serious long-term problems like burnout. Research from SHRMshowsthat a whopping 44% of American employees feel burned out, 44% say they’re “emotionally drained,” and 51% feel “used up” when the workday ends. All these numbers raise serious alarm bells, so, what can we do to start feeling better?

Although every job is different, most workers experiencestressin some form. In fact, in Headspace’s yearly Workforce State of Mindreportof 2024, 86% of working Americans said that they feel either moderate, high, or extreme stress. What’s more concerning is that out of those who feel extremely stressed, 83% claimed that their stress comes primarily fromwork.

Prolonged stress can inevitably lead to more serious long-term problems like burnout. Research from SHRMshowsthat a whopping 44% of American employees feel burned out, 44% say they’re “emotionally drained,” and 51% feel “used up” when the workday ends. All these numbers raise serious alarm bells, so, what can we do to start feeling better?

Retail work meme showing funny text exchange about dealing with demanding customers in the appliance section.

Boss lamenting at funeral, joking about being understaffed. Work-related meme humor.

Social media meme about work stresses with Microsoft Word layouts shifting unexpectedly.

First of all, it’s important to differentiate between normal work-related stress andburnout. Trauma and relationship therapist Ioana Rotaru tells Bored Panda that the latter is much more extreme. “While we all have experienced some degree of work-related stress, perhaps when we were working towards a deadline, burnout features a state of exhaustion both physical and mental.““Burnout is chronic stress that has been left unchecked and manifests as a lack of fulfillment, fatigue, emotional numbness, detachment, and cynicism,” the therapist explains. “Burnout doesn’t quickly improve with rest orself-care, it really needs deeper, more intense recovery that would involve work and lifestyle changes.” She notes how research has shown that recovering from burnout can take anywhere from weeks to even several years.

First of all, it’s important to differentiate between normal work-related stress andburnout. Trauma and relationship therapist Ioana Rotaru tells Bored Panda that the latter is much more extreme. “While we all have experienced some degree of work-related stress, perhaps when we were working towards a deadline, burnout features a state of exhaustion both physical and mental.”

“Burnout is chronic stress that has been left unchecked and manifests as a lack of fulfillment, fatigue, emotional numbness, detachment, and cynicism,” the therapist explains. “Burnout doesn’t quickly improve with rest orself-care, it really needs deeper, more intense recovery that would involve work and lifestyle changes.” She notes how research has shown that recovering from burnout can take anywhere from weeks to even several years.

Work-related meme about sitting in the toilet at work for 47 minutes without being noticed.

Work-related meme about overhearing a phone conversation at an airport bar.

Relatable work meme about losing control of the day in an email exchange.

It can be hard to differentiate between work and personal life. Say, Pandas, how many of you have had to answer a work email well past your work hours? Balancing work and personal life can be even harder when you’re working from home, and the popularity of remote work hasn’t yet subsided since the pandemic.In 2023, 35% of employed Americans did some or all of their work from home.

Tweet humorously suggesting Rage Against The Machine was frustrated with a printer. Work-related meme with likes and comments.

Work-related meme about dreaming of arguing with a boss and adding it to a timesheet, shared by Employee Tears.

Work-related meme about meetings vs. emails with humorous text by Bob Kostic, posted on July 20, 2023.

Creating boundaries between work and personal life can be a challenge, but, when there’s will, there’s a way. Trauma and relationship therapist Ioana Rotaru distinguishes two types of boundaries we should be setting if we want a better work-life balance. The first are practical and behavioral boundaries, and the other ones are emotional and psychological.

Work-related meme about starting a new job, comparing it to prison, referencing mortgages and life choices.

Text meme about work hours, suggesting a shift from 9-5 to 7-3.

Work-related meme comparing tattoos to enduring corporate meetings.

Practical and behavioral boundaries, as Rotaru explains, include solutions like creating a designated workspace at home and avoiding working in the bedroom, as it interferes with sleep.Some other behavioral boundaries might be turning off notifications after work hours are over, answering emails, and even deciding to end work at a certain time. To have a better work-life balance, we can also learn time-management skills, how to delegate tasks, engage in hobbies or other fun activities.

Practical and behavioral boundaries, as Rotaru explains, include solutions like creating a designated workspace at home and avoiding working in the bedroom, as it interferes with sleep.

Some other behavioral boundaries might be turning off notifications after work hours are over, answering emails, and even deciding to end work at a certain time. To have a better work-life balance, we can also learn time-management skills, how to delegate tasks, engage in hobbies or other fun activities.

Work-related meme expressing frustration, sarcastically claiming not to care while still working hard and arriving on time.

Work-related meme comparing vacation time in Europe and America with humorous text exchange.

I deliver for amazon, this came up halfway thru my route. A little drastic I’d say lol.

Delivery driver reads a humorous work-related meme about package instructions on a phone screen.

Emotional and psychological boundaries, Rotaru says, demand us to reflect deeper. One might ask themselves questions such as: “Why am I even allowing work to spill into the personal?” or “Am I over-identifying with work achievements or failures?” Some people might also wonder whether they’re taking on too much responsibility for what’s happening at work.

Work-related meme about avoiding emails and feeling dread, by Olivia Nuzzi.

Work-related meme about food service workers' struggles with a text post mentioning a walk-in cooler.

Work-related meme featuring a humorous HR story about a sibling advocating for a raise on Instagram.

Ioana Rotaru also recommends asking yourself: “Why do I struggle to advocate for my needs?”, “Why do I so easily sacrifice my needs for work?”, and “What part does perfectionism play in how I work?” “The answers to these questions would tell us the boundaries we need to set,” the therapist explains.

Work-related meme showing a dull office cubicle with the caption about “exciting environment."

Woman at work sleeping at her desk, illustrating a humorous work-related meme.

Text conversation meme about work, featuring a humorous exchange about creating a happy hour flyer.

The trauma and relationship therapist points out that we often ignore the signs of one emotional regulation system when we’re stressed. “When we are going through work stress, two emotional regulation systems are activated: the threat system (our fight or flight response) and the drive system (our achievement and reward response),” she explains. “But a third one, the soothing system is often ignored, and we need to increase the level of activation of this system.”

A work-related meme about setting job goals and seeking fulfillment outside employment.

Funny work-related meme about bosses offering more responsibility instead of a raise, shared on social media.

Work meme about customer service voice being compared to baby talk for boomers, shared on Twitter.

The easier way to activate our soothing system is to regulate our nervous system. We can do that through such tactics as soothing rhythm breathing or safe place imagery. “It can also be activated through sensory comfort and grounding, such as walking in nature or warm baths, weighted blankets, or massages, connection with others or animals as well as engaging in creative in playful activities” Rotaru adds.

Coworker responds humorously to “How are you?” with darkly funny work-related meme about needing help.

Customer service meme highlighting frustration with rude, entitled people.

Tweet meme about work rage in customer service by Employee Tears.

“The more we increase the activation of the [soothing] system, the more we decrease the threat system, thus managing stress,” the therapist explains. She also emphasizes how practicing self-care can prevent burnout. “If we are too much in the drive system without soothing, we can end up with burnout, so, implementing self-care is crucial.”

Work-related meme about a customer praising the same employee they spoke to yesterday, unaware it’s the same person.

Work-related meme with text: “When I get to work, I first hide. Because a good worker is hard to find.” Tweet by Employee Tears.

Work-related meme: “My job has this cool thing, where if you do your job very well you get to do other people’s jobs too."

Work-related meme showing email draft versus sent email humor.

Work-related meme about choosing a new email signature.

Work-related meme about having a “work jester” for office laughs and enrichment during lunch breaks.

Text meme about work culture humorously warns about employers saying “We’re like a family here."

Sticky note with a work-related meme: “How to professionally say ‘mess around and find out’ with a formal alternative."

Tweet by Employee Tears about work humor, highlighting sudden job offers and human rights concerns.

Tweet about work-related memes, joking that fake laughing with customers should be a resume skill.

Work-related meme contrasting personal feelings with job applications.

Work-related meme featuring a humorous conversation about asking a boss for a raise due to bills.

Work-related meme comparing work to an escape room with humorous twist.

Work-related meme about mental health at work, discussing the acceptance of taking a break for mental well-being.

Tweet by Employee Tears joking about work vibes not being an excuse to leave early.

Work-related meme about co-workers communicating with expressions, poking fun at office dynamics and shared jokes.

See Also on Bored Panda

Work-related meme about jobs calling employees “rockstar” to disguise underpayment.

Twitter exchange humorously compares writing a cover letter to begging; a relatable work-related meme.

Work-related meme with a humorous email response expressing confusion, featuring a tweet by Katherine.

Cat meme showing HR and a cat reviewing job-related posts.

Text meme about work-related humor, suggesting a Yelp review for a coworker in accounting with a rating and funny comment.

Tweet about the triumph of forwarding a work email, evoking a sense of victory.

Hiring sign meme: “Now hiring people that show up,” humor in work-related memes.

Work-related meme tweet about a resignation letter, with a humorous play on words.

Hand-drawn cat doodle as a humorous work-related 2-week notice meme.

Woman holding a drink, looking frustrated at a computer screen, depicting work-related meme humor.

Work-related meme about daily productivity struggles, featuring coffee jitters, caffeine crash, and post-lunch sleepiness.

Funny work-related meme about open feedback, with a humorous twist on expecting compliments instead.

Work-related meme of an employee jokingly asking for the day off because they hate being at work.

Tweet about work-related stress humorously comparing social media and Excel’s impact on mental health.

Work-related meme about email sign-offs being passive-aggressive with humorous alternative.

Elderly man with cup at laptop, captioned work-related meme about Zoom meetings and silent participation.

Funny work-related meme about coworkers and hiring standards.

Work-related meme with text: “Uh oh… made my boss mad by using the vacation days my boss gave me."

Work-related meme about coworkers' intelligence versus common sense.

Work-related meme with a tweet stating, “If your job is to tell me how to do my job, you should at least know how to do my job."

Office sign humor with googly eyes prank asking people to stop.

Employee Tears meme about forgiving coworkers, humorous work-related text post on Twitter.

A hand holds a sticky note reading “Should we just quit?” in a work-related meme context.

Tweet by Employee Tears about work-related struggles and professions.

Work-related meme about an email signature humorously critiquing time management in modern work culture.

Tweet meme about work-related struggles, humorously highlighting the irony of working long hours and still being broke.

Work-related meme about signing emails with “Best,” humorously implying “I am the best."

Man at desk looking exasperated, with a work-related meme caption about returning to a hated job after vacation.

Tweet humorously imagining life as a stress-free cow, with no work or rent.

A tweet by Employee Tears about a work-related frustration with unnecessary emails.

Tweet about work-related corporate communication humor.

Funny work-related meme about job hopping and generational differences in workplace loyalty.

Social media post humorously questioning the phrase “finding you well” in work-related emails.

Meme about disbelief at own professionalism in emails, featuring text by Savage Dan.

Man humorously admits lying in emails, typical work-related meme.

Funny work-related meme about rescheduling a call to avoid dread.

Tweet by Employee Tears humorously counting down hours and years left of work.

Person shares a humorous work-related meme about financial stress.

Tweet meme about work: A coworker asks to swap shifts. Response highlights reluctance to cover even their own shift.

Work-related meme highlighting coworker effort versus social media distraction.

Tweet by Employee Tears about job efficiency leading to more tasks, illustrating a humorous work-related meme.

Text meme about work shows a customer confusingly praising the same employee on different days.

Text meme about work humor involving caffeine crashes and productivity.

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